Anaerobic Soil Disinfestation for Management of Soilborne Diseases in Midwestern Vegetable Production |
HYG-3315 |
tomato, soilborne disease, anaerobic soil disinfestation, wilt, root rot |
Analysis of Safety Issues for Fresh Produce |
AEX-260 |
foodborne illness, pathogenic bacteria, foodborne illnesses, outbreaks |
Angular Leaf Spot of Strawberry (Bacterial Blight) |
HYG-3212 |
plant disease, strawberry, angular leaf spot, symptoms, disease, control, copper fungicide, bactericide, allstar, annapolis, cavendish, honeoye, kent |
Anthracnose of Grape |
anthracnose, grape, grape vineyard fungicide, grape cane lesions, vidal disease, reliance disease, vineyard fungus |
Anthracnose of Raspberry and Blackberry |
anthracnose, raspberries, blackberries, brambles, fungus, cane fruits, cane spot, gray bark, blackberry plant disease, raspberry plant disease |
Anthracnose of Strawberry |
anthracnose, strawberry, strawberry fungus, strawberry plant fungicide, strawberry disease management, rotten strawberries, strawberry disease |
Ants In and Around the Home |
HYG-2064 |
home, yard and garden, ants in and around the home, ant control, ant pesticides, ohio ant control, ant insecticides |
Aphids on Trees and Shrubs |
HYG-2031 |
aphids, trees, shrubs, plant lice, control, treatment, insecticide, pesticide, ant cows, wooly aphids, life cycle, black sooty mold, distorted leaves, single host plant, aphid reproduction. |
Apple Powdery Mildew |
apple, powdery mildew |
Arc Welding Safety for Trainers and Supervisors |
AEX-892.2.01 |
safety, landscaping, horticulture, arc welding safety |
Asian Longhorned Beetle |
ENT-75 |
trees, forests, asian longhorned beetle, how to kill longhorned beetles, holes in tree trunk, wood borer, invasive beetle, trees killed by longhorned beetles |
Attracting Pollinators to the Garden |
ENT-47 |
bees, pollinators, gardening, attracting pollinators to the garden |
Avoiding Skin Irritations and Injuries Caused by Plants |
AEX-790.19 |
small farm, gardening, safety, health, skin irritation, skin injuries, plants, stinging plants, thorny plants, small farm and garden safety series, allergenic plants, skin-irritant plants, poisonous plants |
Bacillus cereus: A Foodborne Illness Confused with the 24-hour Flu |
HYG-5576 |
home, yard and garden, food safety, bacillus cereus, a foodborne illness confused with the 24-hour flu |
Backyard Grilling: Food Safety Practices to Keep on the Front Burner |
HYG-5590 |
food safety, grill, cooking, family gatherings |
Bacterial Crown Gall of Fruit Crops |
bacterial crown gall, fruit, fruit crop disease in ohio, crown gall bacterium |
Bacterial Diseases of Plants |
home, yard and garden, plant disease, bacterial diseases of plants, plant bacteria, bacterial plant diseases |
Bacterial Spot of Stone Fruits |
bacterial spot, bacterial, black spots, peaches, nectarines, apricots, plums, prunes, cherries, defoliation, holes in leaves |
Bagworm and Its Control |
HYG-2149 |
home, yard and garden, trees, shrubs and groundcovers, thyridopteryx ephemeraeformis (haworth), bagworm, extra silk on plants, life cycle of bagworms, pesticides on the plant foliage, timed sprays, mechanical hand picking |
Basic Principles of Pruning Backyard Grapevines |
HYG-1428 |
home, yard and garden, horticulture, fruit crops, fruit, basic principles of pruning backyard grapevines, grapevine pruning |
Battery Safety for Trainers and Supervisors |
AEX-892.2.02 |
safety, landscaping, horticulture, jump start a car, battery safety, storing batteries, lithium-ion battery, gel-cell battery, lead acid battery, car, deep cycle battery |
Be Alert for Spotted Lanternfly |
ANR-83 |
slf, invasive insect, spotted lanternfly, planthopper, invasive insect pest, egg mass, tree of heaven, tree sap, tree injury, honeydew, grapevine, mold, grapes, lycorma delicatula |
Be Aware of Heat Stress |
AEX-790.11 |
small farm, gardening, safety, health, heat, stress, small farm and garden safety series |
Bed Bugs |
HYG-2105 |
bed bug, bedbug, pests, bites |
Bee, Wasp, Hornet, and Yellow Jacket Stings for Trainers and Supervisors |
AEX-892.2.03 |
safety, landscaping, horticulture, bee, wasp, epinephrine auto injector, epipen, medical identification necklace or bracelet, hornet, treatment, stings, yellow jacket, reactions, anaphylaxis, allergic |
Beech Bark Disease |
beech tree, beech bark disease, diseased beech tree, beech scale, beech tree fungus, beech tree cankers |
Billbugs in Turfgrass |
HYG-2502 |
lawn and turf, weevils, chemical control of larvae, snout beetles, turf pests, turf damage, turf fungal diseases, parasitic nematodes, resistant turf varieties, billibugs, insecticide |
Bitter Rot of Grape |
grape, bitter rot |
Black Knot of Plums and Cherries |
black knot, plums, cherries, black knot fungus, ohio plum and cherry tree disease, apiosporina morbosa |
Black Root Rot of Strawberry |
black root rot, strawberry |
Black Rot and Frogeye Leaf Spot of Apple |
black rot, frogeye leaf spot, apple, crabapple, disease, shriveled black apples, botryosphaeria obtusa, jonathan apples, winesap apples |
Black Vine Weevil (and Other Root Weevils) |
ENT-49 |
Blackberry Production Systems in Ohio |
ANR-0104 |
blackberries, blackberry, rubus, hedge row, rotatable cross arm trellis, high tunnel, primocane, floricane, nutrition |
Blueberry Leaf Rust |
blueberry, blueberry rust, disease symptoms, treatment, blueberry leaf rust, yellow spots on blueberry leaves, fungus, pucciniastrum vaccinia, aeciospores |
Botrytis Bunch Rot or Gray Mold of Grape |
botrytis bunch rot, gray mold, grape, infected grapes, shriveled grapes, brown grapes, diseased grapes, controlling grape fungus |
Botrytis Fruit Rot “Gray Mold” of Strawberry, Raspberry, and Blackberry |
botrytis fruit rot, gray mold, fungicides, controlling gray mold, strawberry, raspberry, blackberry, fruit infection, fruit disease |
Botrytis Gray Mold in Greenhouse Floral Crops |
HYG-3070 |
home, yard and garden, plant disease, flowers |
Botulism: What You Don't See or Smell Can Still Hurt You |
HYG-5567 |
home, yard and garden, food safety, botulism, food poisoning, clostridium botulinum, food contamination, anaerobic plant, constipation, muscle weakness, home-canned foods |
Boxelder Bugs and Leaf-footed Bugs |
HYG-2106 |
bug prevention, nymphs, pesticides, boxelder bugs, leaffooted bugs, life cycle of boxelder bugs and leaffootedbugs, controlling boxelder bugs and leaffooted bugs, boxelder and leaffooted bug insecticides |
Brown Patch on Turfgrass |
HYG-3084 |
brown patch, white mycelia, rhizoctonia solani, grass lesions, chemical control, cultural practices, genetic host resistance, plant disease, lawn and turf, lesions on turfgrass, turf disease, round patches on turf, brown patch on turf, brown path fungus on lawn, fungicide, infected turfgrass |
Brown Rot of Stone Fruits |
brown, rot, stone fruits, peach disease, cherry disease, fruit fungus |
Bucket Truck and Aerial Lifts for Trainers and Supervisors |
AEX-892.2.04 |
safety, horticulture, landscaping, bucket trucks, aerial lifts |
Bumble Bees and Solitary Bees & Wasps in Urban Landscapes |
HYG-2143 |
bees, pollinators, bumble bees, controlling ground-nesting bees and wasps, carpenter bees, sweat bees, leafcutting bees, digger wasps, grass carrying wasps |
Calibrating Boom Sprayers for Forestry Herbicide Application |
FABE-529 |
calibration, sprayers, forestry, flow rate, nozzle, nozzle type, nozzle size, boom height, spray pressure, application, rate, travel speed, gallons per minute, herbicide application, spray volume, boom sprayers, hand can sprayer, backpack sprayer, calibrating sprayers |
Cane Blight of Raspberries |
raspberry, cane blight, fungus, disease cycle, brown cankered bark, black, red, purple, dewberries |
Canning Basics |
HYG-5338 |
canning basics, proper canning techniques, resources for canning, spoiled canned food, storing canned foods, canning lids, filling and processing, food acidity, pressure canners, boiling water canners |
Canning Tomato Products |
HYG-5337 |
tomato, canning, products, processing, recipes, ketchup, tomatoes with okra or zucchini, spaghetti sauce without meat, preparation, juice, vegetable, tomato sauce |
Canning Tomatoes |
HYG-5336 |
processing tomatoes, canning tomatoes, home canned tomatoes, tomato processing, pressure cooking tomatoes, boiling tomatoes |
Carpenter Ants |
HYG-2063 |
yard and garden, ant, wood damage, structural pest, biting insect, carpenter ants, black ants, ant nests, ant pesticides |
Carpenter Bees |
HYG-2074 |
bees, stinging insects, wood damage, pollinators, carpenter bees, carpenter bee insecticide, preventing carpenter bees |
Carpet Beetles |
HYG-2103 |
carpet beetles, carpet beetle insecticide, carpet beetle prevention, controlling carpet beetles, black carpet beetle, varied carpet beetle, furniture carpet beetle, common carpet beetle |
Caught In or Between Objects for Trainers and Supervisors |
AEX-892.2.05 |
safety, horticulture, landscaping, caught between objects, caught in objects |
Cedar-Apple Rust |
cedar, apple, gymnosporangium juniperi-virginianae, rust disease |
Centipedes |
ENT-50 |
predatory arthropods, centipedes, house centipedes, centipede prevention and control, centipede pesticides and insecticides |
Chain Saw Safety |
AEX-591.7.2 |
agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, chain saw, safety, chainsaw, injury-prevention, proper use |
Chain Saw Safety for Trainers and Supervisors |
AEX-892.2.06 |
safety, horticulture, landscaping, chain saw |
Chain Saws |
AEX-790.33 |
small farm, gardening, safety, health, chain saw, small farm and garden safety series |
Chemical Skin Irritants for Trainers and Supervisors |
AEX-892.2.07 |
safety, horticulture. landscaping, chemical skin irritants |
Cherry Leaf Spot |
cherry, leaf spot, cherry leaf infection, cherry tree leaves turning yellow, cherry tree fungus |
Chestnut Anthracnose |
chestnut, disease, anthracnose, ohio, tree, pathology, fruit |
Chicken Breed Selection |
ANR-60 |
chickens, eggs, poultry, backyard flock, chicken breed selection, chicken breeds |
Choosing a Pest Management Company |
HYG-2178 |
pest, management, insect, rodent, bed bugs, control, pesticide, insecticide, pest problem, pest management professional |
Choosing a Pesticide Product |
ANR-67 |
pesticide safety, labels, control pests, fungicides, rodenticides, molluscidides, repellents, miticides, acaricides, pest management, insecticides, herbicides |
Choosing Spray Nozzles for Trainers and Supervisors |
AEX-892.2.09 |
safety, landscape, horticulture, choosing spray nozzles, nozzle spray patterns, droplet size, flow regulation, reduce spray drift |
Cicada Killer Wasp |
ENT-63 |
cicada killers, cicada killer wasp, giant, ohio, wasps, large, yellowjackets, largest ohio wasp, largest wasps, north america |
Clover Mites |
HYG-2095 |
home, yard and garden, lawn and turf, life cycle, habits, identification, clover mites |
Collecting and Submitting a Turfgrass Sample to the Plant and Pest Diagnostic Clinic |
HYG-3087-10 |
home, yard and garden, plant disease, lawn, turf, turf grass sample, golf course turf, athletic turf, sod farms |
Collecting and Submitting a Turfgrass Sample to the Plant and Pest Diagnostic Clinic |
HYG-3087 |
plant disease, lawn, turf, disease, turfgrass, plant pathology, c wayne ellett plant and pest diagnostic clinic, grass testing, plant, pest, diagnostic clinic |
Color Coding for Trainers and Supervisors |
AEX-892.2.10 |
safety, landscape, horticulture, color coding, workplace, standard color coding system |
Common Insects and Associated Pests Attacking Bedding Plants and Perennials |
ENT-65 |
integrated pest management, insects and pests, bedding plants and perennials |
Compact Utility Tractor Safety |
AEX-790.32 |
small farm, gardening, safety, health, compact utility tractor, small farm and garden safety series, small tractor |
Composting at Home |
HYG-1189-99 |
composting, environment, soil, mulching, lawns |
Controlled-Release Fertilizers in the Production of Container-Grown Floriculture Crops |
HYG-1260 |
controlled release, fertilizers, prill cracking, substrate ph, substrate ec, horticulture, floriculture, fertigation, encapsulated, controlled-release, water-soluble, slow-release |
Controlling Non-Native Invasive Plants: Common and Japanese Barberry |
ANR-0106 |
barberry, japanese barberry, common barberry, berberis, berberis spp, invasive, invasive species, forest, ticks, lyme, lyme disease |
Cool-Season Turfgrasses for Sports Fields and Recreational Areas |
STR-1 |
sports turf, turf, cool-season grass, sports fields, seeding program, kbg cultivars, recreational areas, supine bluegrass, tall fescue, perennial ryegrass, kentucky bluegrass |
Cork Spot and Bitter Pit of Apples |
apples, cork, spot, bitter pit, jonathan, symptoms, jonathan spot treatment, treating bitter pit, treating cork spot, bitter pit symptoms, york imperial cork spot, delicious cork spot, golden delicious cork spot |
Cottony Maple Scale and Its Management |
ENT-62 |
trees, cottony maple scale, silver and red maple disease, cottony maple scale pesticides, cottony maple scale insecticides |
Cover Crops in the Garden |
HYG-5814 |
cover crops, garden, types, grass cover crops, legumes, brassicas, weed control, crimping cereal rye |
Crop Estimation of Grapes |
HYG-1434 |
home, yard and garden, pinot gris grapes, cabernet grapes, estimating vines per acre, cluster weight, horticulture, ohio grape production, estimating grape yields, vineyard crop harvesting, grape growth |
Determining Grape Maturity and Fruit Sampling |
HYG-1436 |
home, yard and garden, horticulture, fruit crops, fruit, determining grape maturity, grape ripening, grape harvest, wine industry, fruit ripening |
Diplodia Tip Blight of Two-Needled Pines |
pine trees, diplodia tip blight, pine tree disease, infected pine tree, pine tree fungus, dead pine needles, pine branches dying |
Direct Marketing of Fruit Crops to Ohio Wineries |
HYG-1433 |
fruits, fruit, berries, blackberries, blueberries, cherries, elderberries, peaches, raspberries, strawberries |
Distinguishing Emerald Ash Borer from Native Borers |
ENT-77 |
emerald ash borer, native clearwing borer, clearwing larva, common native ash borers, native roundheaded borer, eab |
Dollar Spot on Turfgrass |
HYG-3075 |
kentucky bluegrass, infected grass, prolonged wet foliage, plant disease, lawn and turf, dollar spot, bluegrass, turfgrass, symptoms, chemical control, yellow spots on grass blades |
Downy Mildew of Blackberry |
blackberry, downy mildew, disease, symptoms, infection, fungicides |
Downy Mildew of Grape |
downy mildew, grape |
Drain Flies (Moth Flies) |
ENT-41 |
home, yard and garden, drain, fly, flies in the bathroom, restroom flies, sewer flies, insecticides, pesticides |
Drying Fruits and Vegetables |
HYG-5347 |
drying fruits and vegetables, food preservation, food dehydration, pretreatments, dipping, blanching, cooking, candying |
Dust and Mold for Trainers and Supervisors |
AEX-892.2.11 |
safety, landscape, horticulture, dust and mold |
Dutch Elm Disease |
elm, dutch elm disease, insecticides for dutch elm disease, american elm tree fungal pathogen, treating dutch elm disease, managing dutch elm disease, elm bark beetles, bark beetle larvae |
Earwigs |
HYG-2068 |
flowers, european earwig, forficula auricularia l., euborellia annulipes (lucas), insects, nests, ringlegged earwig, lifecycle, nymphs, insecticides, trapping, prevention |
Efficient Lawn Care Practices to Help Protect Ohio’s Waterways |
HYG-5812 |
lawn, grass, turfgrass, algae, fertilizer, lawncare, seeding, establish lawn, new lawn |
Elderberry Production in Ohio |
ANR-0110 |
elderberry, elderberries, fruits, super, foods, farm, garden, alternative, cash crops, farm diversification |
Electrical Shock for Trainers and Supervisors |
AEX-892.2.12 |
safety, landscape, horticulture, electrical shock, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services |
Equipment and Plant Transport for Trainers and Supervisors |
AEX-892.2.13 |
safety, landscape, horticulture, towing, hitching equipment, hitches, tow-balls, pins, tongues, trailers, equipment and plant transport, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services |
Equipment with Cutter Bars and Blades for Trainers and Supervisors |
AEX-892.2.14 |
safety, landscape, horticulture, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services, cutterbars and blades, safety training |
European Elm Flea Weevil |
ANR-38 |
insects, trees, yard, forest, elm, flea weevil, reddish-brown beetle, european flea weevil, leafminers, chinese elm, homestead elm, smoothleaf elm, siberian elm |
Eutypa Dieback of Grape |
eutypa dieback, grape, dead arm, fungus, dead-arm disease, symptoms, control, phomopsis, cane, leaf spot |
Federal DOT Placarding for Trainers and Supervisors |
AEX-892.2.15 |
safety, horticulture, landscape, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services, federal dot placarding |
Fire Blight of Apples and Pears |
apple, pear, fire blight, erwinia, apple bacteria, pear bacteria |
First on the Scene for Trainers and Supervisors |
AEX-892.2.17 |
safety, landscape, horticulture, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services, first on the scene |
First-Aid Kit for Trainers and Supervisors |
AEX-892.2.16 |
safety, landscape, horticulture, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services, first aid |
Fleas |
HYG-2081 |
fleas, controlling fleas, infestation, shampoo, dip, bombs, spray, dust, powder, collar, medicine, pesticides, insecticide, repellent |
Food Preservation: Basics for Canning Fruit |
HYG-5343 |
food preservation, canning, fruit, basics for canning fruit, canning fruit juice, pressure canner, water bath canner |
Food Preservation: Canning Meat, Poultry, and Game |
HYG-5330 |
canning meat, poultry, game meat, canned meat, canned game, canned poultry, preserving meat |
Food Preservation: Canning Soup |
HYG-5340 |
food preservation, food, canning soup, making stock, making broth, preparing soup for canning, usda soup guidelines, home canning, pressure canning, forbidden soup ingredients |
Food Preservation: Freezing Fruits |
HYG-5349 |
food preservation, freezing, fruit, storing fruit, thawing frozen fruit, defrosting frozen fruit, how to freeze fruit, selecting fruit, washing fruit, preserving fruit |
Food Preservation: Freezing Meat, Poultry, and Game |
HYG-5334 |
freezing meat, poultry, and game, freezing poultry, freezing game, storing meat |
Food Preservation: Freezing Vegetables |
HYG-5333 |
food preservation, freezing, vegetables, vegetables to not freeze, blanching with boiling water, preparing frozen vegetables, packaging vegetables, microwave blanching, blanching vegetables, selecting and washing vegetables |
Food Preservation: Making and Preserving Sauerkraut |
HYG-5364 |
cabbage varieties, danish ballhead, stone head, early flat dutch, head start, hinova, red acre, sauerkraut ingredients, premium late dutch, fermentation, sauerkraut, pickled vegetables, cabbage, preserving food, canning, making and preserving sauerkraut |
Food Preservation: Preserving Food With Less Sugar |
HYG-5359 |
home food preservation, canning, sweetener, sugar, preserving with less sugar, reduced sugar, low carbohydrate |
Food Preservation: Preserving Herbs: Freezing and Drying |
HYG-5360 |
food preservation, freezing, drying, herbs, dehydrator drying, oven drying, air drying, microwave drying, preventing food spoilage, preserve |
Food Preservation: Preserving Water for Emergency Use |
HYG-5354 |
food preservation, food safety, drinking water, emergency preparedness |
Food Preservation: Salsa—From Garden to Table |
HYG-5339 |
food preservation, salsa, ingredients, recipes, home canning, processing, peach apple salsa, chile salsa, tomatillo green salsa |
Food Safety for Fruits and Vegetables |
ANR-25 |
food safety, protecting fruits and vegetables, bacterial pathogens, foodborne and waterborne illness, microbial pathogens in water, manure management, harvest lanes for horses, protocols for preventing foodborne illness, farming hygiene, farm sanitation practices, good agricultural practices, microbial contamination of fruits and vegetables |
Forklift Safety for Trainers and Supervisors |
AEX-892.2.18 |
safety, landscape, horticulture, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services, forklift safety |
Freezer Storage |
HYG-5402 |
freezer, home, food, storage, safety, packaging, thawing, refreezing, defrost |
Freezing and Canning Venison |
HYG-5367 |
venison, wild, game, freezing venison, processing venison, deer meat, canning |
Front-End Loader Safety |
AEX-790.35 |
small farm, gardening, safety, health, front-end loader, small farm and garden safety series |
Fruit Rots of Blueberry: Alternaria, Anthracnose, and Botrytis |
plant disease, fruit, rot symptoms, anthracnose, botrytis, botrytis mycelium, alternaria rot, alternaria tenuissima, botrytis cinerea, overripe, preharvest, postharvest, disease |
Fruits and Vegetables Are a Convenience for Busy People! |
HYG-5302 |
healthy diet, dietary guidelines, fruits, vegetables, low calorie diet, low fat diet, high fiber diet, reduce blood pressure |
Fungal and Fungal-like Diseases of Plants |
home, yard and garden, plant disease, fungal and fungal-like diseases of plants, plant pathology |
Fungus Beetles |
HYG-2084 |
fungus beetles, foreign grain beetle, beetle infestation, beetle prevention, hairy fungus beetle, plaster beetle, sigmoid fungus beetle, acute-angled fungus beetle |
Fungus Gnats |
ENT-59 |
Galls of Maple Trees in Ohio |
ENT-60 |
trees, ohio maple tree galls, sugar maple leaf galls, maple velvet erineum gall, gouty vein gall, gall insecticides and miticides |
Gardening with a Physical Limitation |
AEX-983.3 |
farm, safety, ohio agrability series, alternative gardening, assisted gardening, assistive technology |
Gas Welding Safety for Trainers and Supervisors |
AEX-892.2.19 |
safety, landscape, horticulture, safety glasses, infrared radiation, single stage regulator, two stage regulator, oxygen, cylinders, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services, gas welding safety, gas welding, storage, handling, personal protection equipment |
Giant Caterpillars |
HYG-2015 |
yard and garden, giant caterpillars, caterpillars, ohio caterpillars, caterpillar life cycle, hatched eggs, identifying caterpillars, larvae, moths, butterfly identification |
Giant Hogweed (Heracleum mantegazzianum) |
ANR-35 |
weed, noxious, giant hogweed, controlling giant hogweed, managing giant hogweed, ohio weeds, federal noxious weed list, dangerous weeds, giant ohio weeds, weeds with white flowers, poisonous weed sap |
Grape Black Rot |
black rot, grape, grape disease, grape plant fungus, black rot chemical control |
Gray Leaf Spot on Turfgrass |
HYG-3083 |
genetic host resistance, p. grisea, chemical control, gray spot, st. augustine grass, plant disease, lawn and turf, gray, leaf, spot, turf grass, grass fungus, symptoms, turf fungus |
Gray Water Recycling in Ohio |
wastewater, wastewater reuse systems, type 1 gray water system, type 2 gray water system, type 3 gray water system, type 4 gray water system, gray water, recycle, reuse, sewer system, composting toilet, ohio administrative code 3701-29-17 |
Ground Beetles |
HYG-2102 |
home, yard and garden, murky ground beetle, longnecked ground beetle, eastern snail eater, bigheaded ground beetle, seedcorn beetle, caterpillar hunter, pennsylvania ground beetle, common black ground beetle, ground beetles, identifying beetles, beetle life cycle, beetle insecticides, controlling beetles |
Grounding and GFCI Protection |
AEX-790.21 |
small farm, gardening, safety, health, electrical grounding, small farm and garden safety series |
Grounding Electricity for Trainers and Supervisors |
AEX-892.2.20 |
safety, landscape, horticulture, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services, grounding electricity, electrical hazards, 120 volt, 240 volt, ground fault circuit interrupter, gfci |
Growing Apples in the Home Orchard |
HYG-1401 |
apple, fruit, garden, health, home, yard and garden, growing apples in the home orchard, apple cultivars |
Growing Blueberries in the Home Garden |
HYG-1422 |
home, yard and garden, horticulture, fruit |
Growing Broccoli in the Home Garden |
HYG-1605 |
broccoli, vegetables, gardening, cultivar, pest management, broccoli cultivars, growing broccoli in the home garden, cole crop, disease management |
Growing Cabbage in the Home Garden |
HYG-1611 |
cabbage, vegetable, gardening, cultivar, pest management, harvesting, storing, growing cabbage, home garden, planting, fertilizing |
Growing Cauliflower in the Garden |
HYG-1613 |
cauliflower, vegetable, gardening, cultivar, pest management |
Growing Currants, Gooseberries, and Jostaberries in Ohio |
ANR-0162 |
ribes, currants, gooseberries, jostaberries, fruits, super fruits, farm diversification, new crops |
Growing Garlic in the Garden |
HYG-1627 |
garlic, vegetables, gardening, cultivar, pest management, growing garlic in the garden, allium sativum, hardneck garlic, softneck garlic, elephant garlic |
Growing Giant Pumpkins in the Home Garden |
HYG-1646 |
giant pumpkins, growing giant pumpkins in the home garden, huge pumpkins, atlantic giant pumpkins |
Growing Grapes in the Home Fruit Planting |
HYG-1423 |
home, yard and garden, fruit crops, grapes, growing grapes in the home fruit planting, grape cultivars, ohio grape growers |
Growing Hardy Figs in Ohio |
HYG-1439 |
fig, hardy fig, fruit, farm, high tunnel, farm diversification, cultivars, varieties, hardy chicago, brown turkey, growing figs in ohio, ohio figs |
Growing Muskmelons in the Garden |
HYG-1615 |
melon, muskmelon, fruit, gardening, cultivar, pest management, netted, cantaloupe, casaba, snake melons, mango lemons, lemon melons |
Growing Onions in the Garden |
HYG-1616 |
vegetables, onions, home garden, cultivar, gardening, growing onions in the garden |
Growing Peaches and Nectarines in the Home Landscape |
HYG-1406 |
home, yard and garden, fruit crops, growing peaches and nectarines, peach cultivars, peach fertilizer, peach tree insecticides |
Growing Peppers in the Home Garden |
HYG-1618 |
peppers, habanero peppers, ghost peppers, ohio peppers, pepper diseases, pepper pests, starting pepper seeds, transplanting peppers, fertilizing peppers, gardening, cultivar, pest management, scoville score |
Growing Rhubarb in the Home Garden |
HYG-1631 |
rhubarb, gardening, home, yard and garden, backyard food, cultivation, vegetable |
Growing Strawberries in the Home Garden |
HYG-1424 |
home, yard and garden, health, home, strawberry, growing strawberries in the home garden, types of strawberries |
Growing Tomatoes in the Home Garden |
HYG-1624 |
home, yard and garden, horticulture, vegetable crops, vegetables |
Guidelines for Choosing a Soil Analytical Laboratory |
HYG-1133 |
soil analysis, laboratory, soil types, sample collection kit, analysis, fertilizer recommendations, nutrient concentrations, regional soil testing, cation exchange capacity, north american proficiency testing, north central regional research committee, ncr-13, soil test |
Hand Protection |
AEX-790.3 |
small farm, gardening, safety, health, hand protection, small farm and garden safety series |
Hand Signals for Vehicle Safety for Trainers and Supervisors |
AEX-892.2.21 |
safety, horticulture, landscape, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services, hand signals for vehicle safety |
Handheld Trimmers and Brush Cutters |
AEX-790.37 |
small farm, gardening, safety, health, hand-held trimmer, brush cutter, small farm and garden safety series |
Head Protection |
AEX-790.5 |
small farm, gardening, safety, health, head protection, small farm and garden safety series |
Hearing Protection |
AEX-790.2 |
small farm, gardening, safety, health, hearing protection, small farm and garden safety series |
Heat Stress for Trainers and Supervisors |
AEX-892.2.22 |
safety, landscape, horticulture, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services, heat, stress, stroke, exhaustion |
Home Preservation of Fish |
HYG-5351 |
home food preservation, freezing, canning, curing, fish, brine, smoking fish, thawing frozen fish, canning fish, smoking, quick freezing fish, freezing fish in water, fish brining, preserving fish, freezing fish |
Honey Bees in House Walls |
HYG-2079 |
bees and pollination, beekeeping, bees, bee, bees in buildings, honeybees in house walls, honeybee colony, trapping bees, bee colony prevention, queen bee trap, bees in homes |
Hops Downy Mildew |
hops, downy mildew, disease |
Hops in Ohio: Beneficial Arthropods |
ENT-42 |
hops pests, predatory mites, minute pirate bugs, lacewings, lady beetles, wolf spider, aphid predators, jumping spider, crab spider, mite predators |
Hops in Ohio: Pests |
ENT-43 |
hops pests, hop aphid, japanese beetle, two-spotted spider mite, potato leafhopper |
Hot Water and Chlorine Treatments to Eradicate Bacterial Plant Pathogens from Vegetable Seeds |
HYG-5818 |
vegetables, vegetable, seed, seeds, treatment, treatments, bacterial diseases, diseases |
Household Well Water Testing |
AEX-314 |
well water, water treatment, water test, drinking water, water contamination, lead, copper, iron, manganese, nitrate |
How Much Chemical Product Do I Need to Add to My Sprayer Tank? |
FABE-530 |
calibration, sprayers, tank mixing pesticides, applying herbicides, weed control, measuring and mixing herbicides |
How to Hire an Arborist |
HYG-1032 |
trees, arborist, pruning, tree care, urban forestry |
How to Identify and Enhance Ohio’s Wild Bees in Your Landscape |
ENT-85 |
bee, bees, apoidea, polyester bees, shiny green bees, squash bees, dull green sweat bees, bee nests, leafcutter bees, mason bees, orchard bees, bumble bees, carpenter bees, mining bees, identifying wild bees, ground nesting bees |
Hypothermia and Frostbite |
AEX-790.12 |
small farm, gardening, safety, health, hypothermia, frostbite, small farm and garden safety series |
Hypothermia, Frostbite, and Trench Foot for Trainers and Supervisors |
AEX-892.2.23 |
safety, landscape, horticulture, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services, trench foot, hypothermia, frostbite, treatment |
Identification and Management of Soilborne Diseases of Tomato |
HYG-3314 |
tomato, soilborne disease, wilt, root rot, stunted tomato plants, corky root rot, black dot root rot, root knot nematodes, tomato plants dying |
Identification of White Grubs in Turfgrass |
HYG-2510 |
lawn and turf, white grubs in turf grass, ohio white grubs, ohio white grub adults, grub species in lawn, grubs in turf, identification of ohio white grub rasters |
Infused Water with Ohio Local Foods |
HYG-5363 |
local foods, drinking water |
Introduction to Safety in Landscaping and Horticulture Services for Trainers and Supervisors |
AEX-892.2.24 |
safety, landscape, horticulture, safety training for landscaping and horticultural services |
Iron in Drinking Water |
AEX-323 |
well water, water treatment, water testing |
Is It Pine, Spruce, or Fir? |
ANR-80 |
tree identification, tree id, conifer, pine, spruce, fir, needles, pine cones, identifying pine trees, identifying spruce trees, identifying fir trees, ohio conifers |
Jams, Jellies, and Other Fruit Spreads |
HYG-5350 |
jelly recipes, jams, jellies, preserves, conserves, marmalades, fruit butters, making jams and jellies |
Japanese Beetle |
ENT-46 |
japanese beetles, white grubs, controlling japanese beetles, parasitic wasps, bacterial milky disease, japanese beetle insecticide |
Keeping Plants Healthy |
home, yard and garden, plant disease |
Keeping Sun Safe |
HSC-7 |
sunscreen, sun safety, ultraviolet light, uv, sun protection factor, spf, skin cancer |
Kiwifruit and Hardy Kiwi (Kiwiberries) |
HYG-1426 |
kiwi, hardy kiwi, kiwiberry, fruit, home, farm, kiwifruit, kiwi cultivars, trellising kiwi, fertilizing kiwi, growing kiwi in ohio, growing hardy kiwi, kiwi frost hardiness, dormant pruning |
Lace Bugs |
HYG-2150 |
lace bug, walnut lace bugs, sycamore, lace, bug, pesticides, insecticides, life cycles, habits, leaf damage, rhododendron, andromeda, azalea, basswood, hawthorn, hackberry, oak |
Lady Beetles |
ENT-45 |
aphid predator, lady bugs, lady beetles, lady birds, ohio lady bugs, native lady beetles, exotic lady beetles, lady bug diet |
Late Leaf Rust of Red Raspberries |
late leaf rust, red raspberries |
Laundering Pesticide-Contaminated Clothing for Trainers and Supervisors |
AEX-892.2.25 |
safety, landscape, horticulture, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services, laundering pesticide-contaminated clothing |
Lawn Grass Cultivar Selection |
HYG-4027 |
lawn, lawns, turfgrass, kentucky bluegrass, perennial ryegrass, tall fescue, fine fescue, cultivars |
Lawn Mowing |
HYG-5816 |
lawn, lawns, turf, turfgrass, grass, mowing |
Leather Rot of Strawberry |
strawberries, leather rot, controlling leather rot, leather rot fungicides, infected strawberries, brown strawberries, leathery strawberries, strawberry fungus, white mold on strawberries |
Lichens |
lichens, foliose lichens, fruticose lichens, crustose lichens, squamulose lichens |
Lime and the Home Lawn |
HYG-4026 |
lawn, lawns, liming, lime |
Loading Docks and Warehouses for Trainers and Supervisors |
AEX-892.2.26 |
safety, horticulture, landscape, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services, loading docks and warehouses |
Lockout and Tagout for Trainers and Supervisors |
AEX-892.2.27 |
safety, horticulture, landscape, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services, lockout and tagout |
Los Granjeros y el Virus del Nilo Occidental |
WNV-1001S |
west nile virus, spanish |
Magnolia Scale |
ENT-61 |
magnolia, magnolia scale insects, magnolia scale infestation, magnolia pesticides, magnolia insecticides, magnolia pest control |
Making Fermented Dill Pickles |
HYG-5342 |
cucumbers, pickles, fermentation, home food preservation, fermented dill pickles, brined cucumbers |
Masked Chafers |
ENT-51 |
masked chafers, turfgrass grubs, turfgrass grub infestation, grub insecticides, controlling turf grubs |
Material Handling Devices for Trainers and Supervisors |
AEX-892.2.28 |
safety, landscape, horticulture, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services, material handling devices |
Material Safety Data Sheet for Trainers and Supervisors |
AEX-892.2.29 |
safety, landscape, horticulture, msds, material safety data sheets, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services |
Melampsora Rust |
melampsora rust, poplar, tree diseases |
Millipedes |
HYG-2067A |
millipedes, millipede insecticides, thousand-legged worms, controlling millipedes, preventing millipedes, millipede fall migrations, millipedes in mulched plants, millipedes from compost piles, perimeter treatments |
Mixing and Spraying Pesticides for Trainers and Supervisors |
AEX-892.2.30 |
safety, landscape, horticulture, mixing and spraying pesticides, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services |
Mosquito Bites for Trainers and Supervisors |
AEX-892.2.31 |
safety, horticulture, landscape, mosquito bites, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services |
Multicolored Asian Lady Beetle |
ENT-44 |
asian ladybugs, asian lady beetles, multicolored asian lady beetles, controlling asian ladybugs, insecticides for asian lady beetles |
Mummy Berry of Blueberry |
home, yard and garden, plant disease, fruit, infected blueberries, mummy berry disease, berry fungus, monilinia vaccinii-corymbosi, spongy white fungal growth |
Mycorrhizae in Urban Landscapes |
trees, mycorrhizae |
Mystery Bugs and Bites |
ENT-66 |
bugs, bites, delusory parasitosis, entomophobia, mystery bugs and bites, parasites, itching, scratching |
Native Shrubs: Creating Living Landscapes for Birds, Butterflies, Bees, and Other Beneficials |
HYG-5813 |
wildlife, shrubs, pollinators, bees, birds, butterflies, moths |
Native Trees: Creating Living Landscapes for Birds, Butterflies, Bees, and Other Beneficials |
HYG-5815 |
wildlife, trees, pollinators, bees, birds, butterflies, moths, caterpillars, landscapes |
Natural Organic Lawn Care |
HYG-4031 |
turfgrass, organic, lawn care, natural lawn care, turf care and maintenance |
Necrotic Leaf Blotch of Golden Delicious Apples |
necrotic leaf blotch, apples, golden delicious necrotic leaf blotch, golden delicious fungicides, golden delicious leaf blotching, golden delicious leaf disease, golden delicious leaf loss |
Nematode Diseases of Plants |
home, yard and garden, plant disease, nematode diseases of plants, nematodes, nematode plant diseases |
No Riders on Lawn Equipment for Trainers and Supervisors |
AEX-892.2.32 |
safety, horticulture, landscape, lawn equipment, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services, lawn mowing safety |
Non-Vented Heaters for Trainers and Supervisors |
AEX-892.2.33 |
safety, horticulture, landscape, non-vented heaters, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services |
Nonpower Hand Tools |
AEX-790.38 |
small farm, gardening, safety, health, non-power hand tool, small farm and garden safety series |
Nonvented Portable Heaters |
AEX-790.29 |
small farm, gardening, safety, health, portable heater, small farm and garden safety series |
Oak Wilt |
oak, oak wilt, oak tree disease, oak tree fungus, oak infection, treating oak wilt disease, nitidulid beetles |
Ohio Trees for Bees |
ENT-71 |
bees, pollinators, trees, honey bees, native bees, ohio bees, carolina silverbell, seven-son flower, goldenrain tree, japanese pagoda tree, maple, boxelder, buckeye, horsechestnut, alder, serviceberry, catalpa, common hackberry |
Ohio’s Natural Enemies: Crab Spiders |
ENT-70 |
biological control, arachnid, crab, spiders, white banded, spider, northern crab spider, bark crab spider, goldenrod crab spider, ohio spiders, ohio crab spiders, ohio insect predator |
Ohio’s Natural Enemies: Harvestmen (also known as daddy longlegs) |
ENT-68 |
beneficial predator, arachnid, harvestmen, daddy long legs, shepherd's spiders, predatory arachnid |
Ohio’s Natural Enemies: Jumping Spiders |
ENT-74 |
arthropod, jumping spiders, ohio garden spiders, good garden bugs, salticid spiders |
Ohio’s Natural Enemies: Lacewings |
ENT-72 |
beneficial insect, pest control, pest management program, lacewings, green lacewings, brown lacewings, aphid control |
Ohio’s Natural Enemies: Long-Legged Flies |
ENT-69 |
beneficial insect, pest control, long-legged flies, predatory fly, metallic-colored fly, gold fly |
Ohio’s Natural Enemies: Mantids |
ENT-67 |
biological control, beneficial insect, mantids, praying mantis, insect predator, predator insect |
Orange Rust of Brambles |
orange rust, brambles, fungicides for raspberry plants, black raspberry disease, purple raspberry disease, orange powder on leaves |
Overhead Electrical Hazards for Trainers and Supervisors |
AEX-892.2.34 |
safety, horticulture, landscape, overhead electrical hazards, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services |
Overview and Cost of a Small-Scale Aquaponic Build at The Ohio State University |
ANR-0105 |
aquaculture, aquaponics, hydroponics, recirculating aquaculture system, greenhouse, fish, plants, water, cost, agricultural economics, system design, small farm, hobbyist, sustainable agriculture, controlled environmental agriculture, garden |
Parasitic Higher Plants |
parasitic plants, dwarf mistletoe, dodder, broomrape, alfalfa parasite plants, lespedeza parasite plants, clover parasite plants, flax parasite plants, sugar beets parasite plants, potato parasite plants, vegetable parasite plants |
Peach Canker |
peach, canker, controlling peach canker, apricot, prune, plum tree, canker symptoms, sweet cherry tree, fungus, disease, infection |
Peach Leaf Curl |
leaf curl, peach, peach leaf curl, diseased peach and nectarine trees, red warts on peaches, peach fungus, controlling peach leaf curl |
Periodical and "Dog-Day" Cicadas |
ENT-58 |
periodical cicadas, annual cicadas, dog-day cicadas, controlling cicadas |
Personal Eye Protection for Trainers and Supervisors |
AEX-892.2.35 |
safety, landscape, horticulture, personal eye protection, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services |
Personal Protective Equipment for Pesticides for Trainers and Supervisors |
AEX-892.2.41 |
safety, horticulture, landscape, ppe, personal protective equipment, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services |
Pesticide Exposure for Trainers and Supervisors |
AEX-892.2.36 |
safety, horticulture, landscape, pesticide exposure, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services |
Pharaoh Ant |
HYG-2136 |
pharaoh ant, life cycle, ant satelliting, ant fractionating, ant budding, ant colony habits, ant eggs, ant control, inspection, ant pesticides, pharaoh ant colony prevention, insecticide |
Phomopsis Cane and Leaf Spot of Grape |
home, yard and garden, plant disease, fruit, phomopsis cane and leaf spot of grape, ohio vineyard disease, vineyard grape vine infection, infected grape cluster stems, infected berries, fruit rot, grape rot |
Phomopsis Leaf Blight and Fruit Rot of Strawberry |
phomopsis leaf blight, fruit rot, strawberry, leaf lesions, leaf spot disease, strawberry fungus, strawberry disease management, soft rot |
Phomopsis Twig Blight of Blueberry |
home, yard and garden, plant disease, fruit, twig fungus, phomopsis twig blight, canker disease of blueberries, infected twigs, brown lesions on twig, fruit rot, fusicoccum canker, leaf spots, lime sulfur, overripe fruit |
Phytophthora Root and Crown Rot of Fruit Trees |
phytophthora root rot, crown rot, apple, cherry, peach, phytophthora root and crown rot of fruit trees, ohio apple, and peach tree disease, soil fungi |
Phytophthora Root Rot of Raspberry |
phytophthora root rot, raspberry, fungicide, red raspberry disease, black raspberry disease, purple raspberries |
Plants Get Sick Too! |
home, yard and garden, plant disease, plant pathology, plant health, plant injury |
Poison Ivy, Poison Oak, and Poison Sumac for Trainers and Supervisors |
AEX-892.2.37 |
safety, landscape, horticulture, poison ivy, poison oak, poison sumac, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services |
Pollinator Quick Guide: What You Can Do to Help Monarchs |
ENT-82 |
pollinators, monarch butterflies, native plants |
Portable Fire Extinguishers for Trainers and Supervisors |
AEX-892.2.38 |
safety, landscape, horticulture, portable fire extinguishers, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services |
Portable Sprayers |
AEX-790.27 |
small farm, gardening, safety, health, pesticide application, small farm and garden safety series, portable sprayer |
Powdery Mildew of Grape |
powdery mildew, grape, grape fungus, grape disease, grape infection |
Powdery Mildew on Turfgrass |
HYG-3081 |
home, yard and garden, kentucky bluegrass, erysiphe graminis, mildew fungi, plant disease, lawn and turf, powdery mildew on turf, turf fungus, chemical control of powdery mildew, fungal growth |
Power Lawn Mowers |
AEX-790.30 |
small farm, gardening, safety, health, power lawn mower, small farm and garden safety series |
Power Lawn Mowers for Trainers and Supervisors |
AEX-892.2.39 |
safety, landscape, horticulture, power lawn mowers, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services |
Power Take-Off (PTO) Shielding for Trainers and Supervisors |
AEX-892.2.40 |
safety, horticulture, landscape, power-take-off shielding, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services |
Preparing a Net Worth Statement |
HYG-5245 |
net worth, family finances, budgeting, money |
Preserving Food With Less Sodium |
HYG-5358 |
home food preservation, freezing, fermentation, home canning, canning, pickling, pickle, salt, reducing sodium, brining |
Preserving Pie Fillings |
HYG-5355 |
home food preservation, pie, canner, apple pie filling, mince meat pie filling, green tomato pie filling, peach pie filling, cherry pie filling, blueberry pie filling, corn starch, thickeners, modified |
Preserving Uncooked Jams and Jellies |
HYG-5348 |
preserves, jams, jellies, canning, fruit, home, preparing, recipe, conserves, marmalades |
Preventing Falls for Trainers and Supervisors |
AEX-892.2.43 |
safety, horticulture, landscape, preventing falls, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services |
Preventing Falls from Trees for Trainers and Supervisors |
AEX-892.2.42 |
safety, landscape, horticulture, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services |
Preventing Lifting and Overexertion Injuries for Trainers and Supervisors |
AEX-892.2.44 |
safety, landscape, horticulture, preventing lifting and overexertion injuries, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services |
Preventing Lifting Injuries |
AEX-790.8 |
small farm, gardening, safety, health, lifting injuries, small farm and garden safety series, lower back injury, avoiding back injury, back pain |
Preventing Machine Hazards for Trainers and Supervisors |
AEX-892.2.45 |
safety, horticulture, landscape, preventing machine hazards, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services |
Proper Calibration and Operation of Backpack and Hand Can Sprayers |
FABE-531 |
calibration, backpack sprayers, hand can sprayers, spraying, pesticides, fertilizers |
Proper Use of Ladders |
AEX-790.39 |
small farm, gardening, safety, health, ladder, small farm and garden safety series |
Proper Use of Ladders for Trainers and Supervisors |
AEX-892.2.46 |
safety, horticulture, landscape, proper use of ladders, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services |
Properly Cleaning and Storing Respirators for Trainers and Supervisors |
AEX-892.2.47 |
safety, horticulture, landscape, properly cleaning and storing respirators, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services |
Protecting Against Cold for Trainers and Supervisors |
AEX-892.2.48 |
safety, horticulture, landscape, protecting against the cold, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services |
Protecting Against Noise for Trainers and Supervisors |
AEX-892.2.49 |
safety, horticulture, landscape, protecting against noise, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services |
Protecting Hands and Fingers |
AEX-790.14 |
small farm, gardening, safety, health, hand protection, finger protection, small farm and garden safety series, identifying hazards, pinch, crush, cut |
Protecting Hands and Fingers for Trainers and Supervisors |
AEX-892.2.50 |
safety, horticulture, landscape, protecting hands and fingers, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services |
Protecting Pollinators While Using Pesticides |
ANR-68 |
pesticide safety, labels, pest management, pollinators, bees, protecting pollinators, protecting honeybees, integrated pest management, targeted pesticide application, insecticide effects to bees |
Protecting the Head for Trainers and Supervisors |
AEX-892.2.51 |
safety, horticulture, landscape, protective gloves, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services |
Protective Gloves for Trainers and Supervisors |
AEX-892.2.52 |
safety, horticulture, landscape, protective gloves, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services |
Pruning Backyard Grapevines in the First Three Years |
HYG-1429 |
home, yard and garden, grape, grapevine, vineyard, pruning, pruning backyard grapevines in the first three years |
Pruning Blueberry Bushes in the Home Garden |
HYG-1430 |
home, yard and garden, fruit crops, gardening, blueberries, pruning blueberry bushes in the home garden |
Pruning Erect Blackberries in the Home Garden |
HYG-1431 |
blackberry, pruning, thornless, fruit, garden, health, home, yard and garden, pruning blackberry plants in the home garden |
Quick-Process Pickles |
HYG-5345 |
home food preservation, canner, pickles, quick process pickles, acetic acid pickling, pickling ingredients, pickling equipment, pickling recipes, quick sweet pickles, quick dill pickles |
Raspberries for the Home Fruit Planting |
HYG-1421 |
home, yard and garden |
Reading Pesticide Labels |
AEX-790.26 |
small farm, gardening, safety, health, pesticide label, small farm and garden safety series, pesticide disposal, pesticide, exposure, register, environmental risks |
Reading Pesticide Labels for Trainers and Supervisors |
AEX-892.2.53 |
safety, horticulture, landscape, hazardous chemicals, reading pesticide labels, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services, safety data sheets |
Red Stele Root Rot of Strawberry |
red stele root rot, strawberry, treating infected strawberry plants, infected strawberry plants, infected strawberry roots, strawberry fungus |
Repetitive Motion |
AEX-790.9 |
small farm, gardening, safety, health, repetitive motion, treating repetitive motion injury, small farm and garden safety series, repetitive motion injury |
Repetitive Motion for Trainers and Supervisors |
AEX-892.2.54 |
safety, horticulture, landscape, repetitive motion, prevention, treatment, ergonomic tools, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services, injuries |
Respirator Fit for Trainers and Supervisors |
AEX-892.2.55 |
safety, horticulture, landscaping, respirator fit, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services |
Respiratory Protection |
AEX-790.7 |
small farm, gardening, safety, health, respiratory health, small farm and garden safety series |
Rollovers and Rollover Protective Structures (ROPS) for Trainers and Supervisors |
AEX-892.2.56 |
safety, horticulture, landscape, rollovers and rollover protective structures, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services |
Rotary Lawn and Brush Mower Safety for Trainers and Supervisors |
AEX-892.2.57 |
safety, horticulture, landscape, rotary lawn and brush mowers, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services |
Rototillers and Two-Wheeled Tractors |
AEX-790.36 |
small farm, gardening, safety, health, rototiller, two-wheel tractor, small farm and garden safety series |
Rusts of Apple |
apple, rust diseases, control, fungicide spray, cedar quince rust, cedar hawthorn rust, cedar apple rust, fungus, crabapple, defoliated |
Safe Operation of Portable Circular Power Saws for Trainers and Supervisors |
AEX-892.2.58 |
safety, horticulture, landscape, safe operation of portable circular power saws, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services |
Safe Use of Flammable Liquids for Trainers and Supervisors |
AEX-892.2.60 |
safety, horticulture, landscape, safe, use, flammable liquids, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services |
Safe Use of Hand Pallet Trucks and Electric Carts |
AEX-892.2.59 |
safety, horticulture, landscape, safe use of hand pallet trucks and electric cars, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services |
Safe Use of Hand-Held Tools for Trainers and Supervisors |
AEX-892.2.61 |
safety, horticulture, landscape, safe use of hand-held tools, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services |
Safe Use of Hydraulic Systems for Trainers and Supervisors |
AEX-892.2.62 |
safety, horticulture, landscape, safe use of hydraulic systems, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services |
Safe Use of Jacks for Trainers and Supervisors |
AEX-892.2.63 |
safety, horticulture, landscape, safe use of jacks, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services |
Safe Use of the Power-Take-Off (PTO) for Trainers and Supervisors |
AEX-892.2.64 |
safety, horticulture, landscape, safe use of pto, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services |
Safe Use of Tractors and Self-Propelled Equipment for Trainers and Supervisors |
AEX-892.2.65 |
safety, horticulture, landscape, safe use of tractors and self-propelled equipment, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services |
Safely Starting and Stopping a Tractor for Trainers and Supervisors |
AEX-892.2.66 |
tractor safety, safety, landscape, tailgate, safely starting and stopping a tractor, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services |
Safety Data Sheets |
AEX-790.28 |
small farm, gardening, safety, health, safety data sheet, sds, small farm and garden safety series |
Safety Means SMV (Slow-Moving Vehicle) for Trainers and Supervisors |
AEX-892.2.67 |
safety, horticulture, landscape, safety means smv (slow-moving vehicle), tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services |
Safety Practices for a Tractor Mounted Post-Hole Digger |
AEX-593.1 |
agricultural safety, farm, safety, post-hole digger |
Scab of Apple |
apple, scab, venturia inaequalis, disease |
Scab of Peach, Nectarine, Plum, and Apricot |
scab, fungus, peach, nectarine, plum, apricot, symptoms, blotches, infected fruit, fungicide |
Selecting a Respirator for Trainers and Supervisors |
AEX-892.2.68 |
safety, landscape, horticulture, selecting a respirator, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services |
Selecting and Using Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) |
AEX-790.1 |
small farm, gardening, safety, health, personal protective equipment, small farm and garden safety series |
Selecting Hydrangeas for the Home Landscape |
HYG-1263 |
hydrangeas, gardening, flowers, pollinators, cultivar, selecting hydrangeas, ohio hydrangea |
Selecting, Storing, and Serving Ohio Apples |
HYG-5507 |
apples, apple salad, cameo, cortland, crispin, empire, fuji, winesap, golden delicious, honey crisp, law rome, lodi, macintosh, red delicious, granny smith, ohio apples, apple recipes, fruit, recipes, storing apples, serving apples |
Selecting, Storing, and Serving Ohio Asparagus |
HYG-5508 |
asparagus, ohio asparagus, nutrition, storage, asparagus recipes, spears, tips, bundled spears |
Selecting, Storing, and Serving Ohio Beans |
HYG-5509 |
beans, ohio, recipes, lima, snap, nutrition, green bean and mushroom medley |
Selecting, Storing, and Serving Ohio Beets |
HYG-5510 |
beets, ohio beets, beet recipes, recipes, nutrition, beet and white bean salad, red beets, white beets, golden beets |
Selecting, Storing, and Serving Ohio Blueberries, Blackberries, and Raspberries |
HYG-5511 |
berries, ohio berries, blueberry, oat, scones, berry recipes, fruit, raspberries, blackberries, blueberries |
Selecting, Storing, and Serving Ohio Cherries |
HYG-5515 |
cherries, ohio cherry recipes, sweet, sour, tart, montmorency, pork chops with tart cherry sauce, nutrition, spicy cherry chutney |
Selecting, Storing, and Serving Ohio Eggplant |
HYG-5517 |
eggplant, ohio eggplant recipes, nutrition, baba ganoush, eggplant dip |
Selecting, Storing, and Serving Ohio Grapes |
HYG-5518 |
grapes, ohio grape recipes, grape, apple, and chicken salad, winemaking, storage, serving, nutrition, concord, niagara, himrod, reliance |
Selecting, Storing, and Serving Ohio Greens |
HYG-5519 |
greens, ohio greens recipes, phytonutrients, nutrition, spinach, leaf lettuce, kale, endive, escarole, mustard greens, turnip greens, beet greens, broccoli greens, dandelion greens, collard greens |
Selecting, Storing, and Serving Ohio Kohlrabi, Rutabagas, and Turnips |
HYG-5521 |
kohlrabi, rutabagas, turnips, ohio kohlrabi, ohio rutabagas, ohio turnips, kohlrabi recipes, rutabaga recipes, turnip recipes |
Selecting, Storing, and Serving Ohio Melons |
HYG-5523 |
melon, ohio melon recipes, yellow crimson watermelons, melon sorbet, honeydew, watermelon, muskmelon, cantaloupe |
Selecting, Storing, and Serving Ohio Onions |
HYG-5524 |
onions, ohio onions, onion recipes, red, white, yellow, green, nutrition, cooking, roasted |
Selecting, Storing, and Serving Ohio Peaches |
HYG-5525 |
peaches, ohio, peach recipes, nutrition, peach, crisp |
Selecting, Storing, and Serving Ohio Pears |
HYG-5526 |
pears, pear pancake, ohio pear recipes, bartlett, bosc, starkrimson, concorde, kieffer, seckel, harrow, green anjou, red anjou, red bartlett |
Selecting, Storing, and Serving Ohio Peas |
HYG-5527 |
peas, ohio pea recipes, nutrition, storage, cooking, sugar snap peas with toasted sesame seeds, canning, frozen, green garden peas, edible pod peas, snow peas, sugar snap peas |
Selecting, Storing, and Serving Ohio Peppers |
HYG-5528 |
peppers, ohio peppers, pepper recipes, stuffed pepper soup, pimiento, sweet banana, sweet cherry, hot pepper varieties, cayenne, chili, jalapeño, hungarian, serrano, cherry |
Selecting, Storing, and Serving Ohio Potatoes |
HYG-5529 |
potatoes, ohio potatoes, potato recipes, baking potatoes, broccoli potato soup, yield, white, yellow, russet, round reds |
Selecting, Storing, and Serving Ohio Squash and Pumpkin |
HYG-5530 |
squash and pumpkin, ohio squash and pumpkin, squash and pumpkin recipes |
Selecting, Storing, and Serving Ohio Strawberries |
HYG-5531 |
strawberries, ohio strawberry recipes, nutrition, storage, serving, low sugar strawberry freezer jam |
Selecting, Storing, and Serving Ohio Tomatoes |
HYG-5532 |
tomatoes, ohio tomatoes, tomato recipes, bruschetta salad, nutrition, storing, storage |
Selecting, Storing, and Using Fresh Herbs |
HYG-5520 |
herbs, ohio herb recipes, rosemary, anise, basil, chive, dill, fennel, marjoram, mint, oregano, parsley, sage, savory, tarragon, thyme |
Septic System Maintenance |
AEX-740 |
wastewater, septic tank, sewage treatment system, wastewater treatment system, water conservation |
Shiitake Mushroom Production: Fruiting, Harvesting, and Storage |
F-0042 |
mushroom cultivation, agroforestry, timber stand improvement, woodland, shitake, mushrooms, fruiting, harvesting, storage |
Shiitake Mushroom Production: Inoculating Logs with Spawn |
F-0040 |
mushroom cultivation, agroforestry, timber stand improvement, woodland, shitake, mushrooms, production, inoculating logs, spawn |
Shiitake Mushroom Production: Logs and Laying Yards |
F-0041 |
mushroom cultivation, agroforestry, timber stand improvement, woodland, shitake, mushrooms, production, spawn |
Shiitake Mushroom Production: Steps to Cultivation and Considerations for Production |
F-0039 |
mushroom cultivation, agroforestry, timber stand improvement, woodland, shitake, shiitake, mushrooms, spawn |
Shiitake Mushroom Production: Troubleshooting |
F-0105 |
mushroom cultivation, agroforestry, woodland, shitake, shiitake, logs, spawn |
Shock Chlorination of Wells |
AEX-318 |
safety, well, contamination, shock chlorination, sanitation, disinfection, chlorinated water, water purification |
Silverfish and Firebrats |
ENT-64 |
silverfish, firebrat, insects, pests, insecticides |
Simple Gray Water Systems: Type 1 |
wastewater, gray water, recycle, reuse, sewer system |
Skin Irritations Caused by Plants for Trainers and Supervisors |
AEX-892.2.69 |
safety, landscape, horticulture, skin irritations caused by plants, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services |
Slime Molds on Turfgrass |
HYG-3074 |
plant disease, lawn and turf, causal organism, primitive fungi, weedy grass, infestation, slime molds on turf grass |
Slips, Trips, and Falls |
AEX-790.15 |
small farm, gardening, safety, health, slip, trip, fall, small farm and garden safety series |
Slugs and Their Management in Landscapes |
HYG-2010 |
slug, slugs, pests, mollusks, controlling slugs, slug bait, slug pesticides |
Small-Engine Machine Safety for Trainers and Supervisors |
AEX-892.2.70 |
safety, horticulture, landscape, small-engine machine safety, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services |
Soil Acidification: How to Lower Soil pH |
AGF-507 |
lime, soil ph, acidification, soil sampling, soil acidification, how to lower soil ph |
Soil Testing for Ohio Lawns, Landscapes, Fruit Crops, and Vegetable Gardens |
HYG-1132 |
soil, soil testing, garden, lawn, vegetable, fruit, turfgrass, fertilizer, trees, soil testing for ohio lawns, landscapes, fruit crops, and vegetable gardens |
Some Options for Resourceful Living |
HYG-5248 |
money, saving money, tips to save money, spend wisely, food, housing, medical, technology, clothing, transportation |
Sooty Blotch and Fly Speck of Apple |
sooty blotch, fly speck, apple, apple fungus, golden delicious apple disease, grimes apple disease, sooty blotch fungus |
Sour Rot Disorder of Grape |
grape, sour rot, fruit flies |
Spider Bites for Trainers and Supervisors |
AEX-892.2.71 |
landscape, safety, horticulture, spider bites, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services |
Spider Mites and Their Control |
HYG-2012 |
shrubs and groundcovers, spider mites and their control, ohio spider mites, twospotted spider mite, tetranychus urticae, spruce spider mite, oligonychus ununguis, european red mite, panonychus ulmi, honeylocust spider mite, platytetranychus multidigituli, southern red mite, boxwood spider mite, eurytetranychus buxi, maple spider mite, oligonychus aceris, yellow and white speckles |
Springtails |
ENT-52 |
Spur Blight of Red Raspberries |
spur blight, red raspberries, lesions, raspberries, disease cycle, fungus, symptoms, control, treatment, fungicides |
Storing, Using, and Marketing Currants, Gooseberries, and Jostaberries in Ohio |
ANR-0163 |
ribes, currant, currants, gooseberry, gooseberries, jostaberry, jostaberries, fruits, super fruits, farm diversification, jam, jelly, juice, pie, tea |
Strawberry Leaf Diseases |
strawberry, leaf diseases, leaf scorch, leaf spot, leaf blight, ohio strawberry leaf diseases |
Stress Management for Trainers and Supervisors |
AEX-892.2.73 |
safety, horticulture, landscape, stress management, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services |
Struck-by Incidents for Trainers and Supervisors |
AEX-892.2.74 |
safety, horticulture, landscape, struck-by accidents, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services |
Submitting Insect Specimens for Identification |
HYG-2121 |
insect samples, identifying insects, ppdc specimen form, insect sample, packaging insects for identification, insect specimens, plant and pest diagnostic clinic |
Substance Abuse and Incidents for Trainers and Supervisors |
AEX-892.2.75 |
safety, landscape, horticulture, substance abuse and accidents, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services |
Sudden Oak Death (aka Ramorum blight) |
oak, sudden oak death, ramorum blight, symptoms, pathogen, prevention, management, stem cankers, twig dieback, leaf blight |
Summer Patch on Turfgrass |
HYG-3082 |
plant disease, lawn and turf, turfgrass, prevention, fungicides, symptoms, patch disease, necrotic ring spot, take-all patch, bentgrass dead spot, bermudagrass decline, summer patch, take all patch, spring dead spot, fungi, eri |
Sun Exposure (Protect Your Skin) |
AEX-790.18 |
small farm, gardening, safety, health, sun exposure, sunblock, skin, small farm and garden safety series, uv rays, skin cancer |
Sun Exposure for Trainers and Supervisors |
AEX-892.2.76 |
safety, landscape, horticulture, sun exposure, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services |
Sustainable Fertilizers for Containerized Floriculture Crops |
HYG-1259 |
horticulture, fertilizers, sustainable fertilizers, liquid fertilizers, greenhouse growers, powder fertilizers, granule fertilizers, soil nutrient availability, water-soluble fertilizers |
Task Lighting |
AEX-790.17 |
small farm, gardening, safety, health, task lighting, outdoor lights, small farm and garden safety series |
Task Lighting for Trainers and Supervisors |
AEX-892.2.77 |
safety, horticulture, landscape, task lighting, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services |
Testing Private Water Sources and Resolving Contamination Issues near Shale Oil and Gas Development |
shale oil and gas development, safe drinking water, well water, water testing, certified water testing laboratory, contaminants, chloride, sodium, spring, cistern, private, water, supply, testing, groundwater |
Thorn Bushes for Trainers and Supervisors |
AEX-892.2.78 |
safety, horticulture, landscape, thorn bushes, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services |
Thousand Cankers Disease |
walnut trees, symptoms, causal agents, disease management, conidia, cankers, thousand cankers disease, invasives, mortality, walnut twig beetle, fungus |
Three-Point Rotary Lawn and Brush Mower Safety |
AEX-790.31 |
small farm, gardening, safety, health, three-point rotary lawn mower, brush mower, small farm and garden safety series |
Tick Bites for Trainers and Supervisors |
AEX-892.2.79 |
safety, horticulture, landscape, tick bites, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services |
Ticks and Tick-Borne Diseases |
HYG-2073 |
home, yard and garden, lyme disease, rocky mountain spotted fever, lone star tick, blacklegged tick, deer tick, dog tick, ticks, tick-borne diseases, tick life cycle, tick habits |
Tool-Based Analyses of Monthly Heating Costs for Protected Cultivation in Ohio |
ANR-98 |
high tunnel, heating, cost, controlled environment agriculture |
Tractor Loader Safety for Trainers and Supervisors |
AEX-892.2.80 |
safety, horticulture, landscape, tractor, loader, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services |
Tractors, Towed Equipment, and Highway Safety for Trainers and Supervisors |
AEX-892.2.81 |
safety, horticulture, landscape, tractors, towed equipment, highway safety, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services |
Tree Pruning and Ladder Safety for Trainers and Supervisors |
AEX-892.2.82 |
safety, horticulture, landscape, tree pruning and ladder safety for trainers and supervisors, tree pruning and ladder safety, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services, how to use a tripod ladder, closed top ladder, extension ladder, straight ladder |
Tree Pruning, Trimming, and Felling Safety for Trainers and Supervisors |
AEX-892.2.83 |
safety, horticulture, landscape, tree pruning, tree felling, tree trimming, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services |
Tree Work Safety |
AEX-790.16 |
small farm, gardening, safety, health, tree work, tree pruning, small farm and garden safety series, tree trimming |
Trenching and Excavation Safety for Trainers and Supervisors |
AEX-892.2.84 |
safety, horticulture, landscape, trenching and excavation safety, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services |
Ultraviolet Light Exposure: Health Concerns |
CDFS-199 |
sunscreen, sun safety, ultraviolet light, uv, skin cancer, uva, uvc, uvb, premature aging, cancer |
Understanding Genetically Modified Foods |
HYG-5058 |
genetically modified organism, gmos |
Understanding Pesticides in Organic and Conventional Crop Production Systems |
ANR-69 |
pesticide safety, labels, pest management, organic crop production, pesticide regulations, biopesticides, organic compounds, natural pesticides, conventional pesticides, synthetic pesticides, conventional crop production, crops, production systems, understanding pesticides in organic and conventional crop production |
Verticillium Wilt of Raspberry |
verticillium wilt, raspberry, black raspberry disease, red raspberry disease, raspberry fungus |
Verticillium Wilt of Strawberry |
verticillium wilt, strawberry, verticillium wilt fungus, infected strawberry plants, strawberry disease, treating strawberry plants |
Viburnum Leaf Beetle |
ANR-39 |
insects, shrubs, trees, yard, forest, viburnum |
Viral Diseases of Plants |
home, yard and garden, plant disease, viral diseases of plants, viral plant diseases |
What to Look for in a Lawn Care Service |
HYG-4025-88 |
lawn, lawncare, mowing, fertilizer, disease control, grub control, soil cultivation, re-seeding, re-sodding, irrigation services, lime application |
Where to Have Your Water Tested |
AEX-315 |
environment, water quality, where to have your water tested in ohio, certified ohio water testing laboratories |
White Pine Blister Rust on Currants and Gooseberries |
HYG-3205 |
home, yard and garden, plant disease, black currants, red currants, infected plants, ribes bushes, pinus strobus, currants, gooseberries, white pine blister rust |
White Rot and Botryosphaeria Canker of Apple |
white rot, botryosphaeria canker, infection, fungicides, apple tree fungus, apple tree blisters, apple, bot rot, fruit rot, symptoms, apple disease |
Wild Mushrooms |
home, yard and garden, plant disease, hyg-3303, wild mushrooms, ohio mushrooms, edible mushrooms, mushrooms |
Winter and Your Backyard Chickens |
ANR-66 |
backyard chickens, poultry, small farm, heating chicken coops, cold tolerant chicken breeds, treating frostbite on chickens, raising chickens during the winter, hardy chicken breeds |
Wood Chippers and Shredders |
AEX-790.34 |
small farm, gardening, safety, health, wood chipper, wood shredder, small farm and garden safety series |
Wood Chippers and Shredders Safety for Trainers and Landscapers |
AEX-892.2.85 |
safety, horticulture, landscape, trenching and shredding safety, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services |
Workplace Violence for Trainers and Supervisors |
AEX-892.2.86 |
safety, horticulture, landscape, workplace violence, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services |
X-Disease of Peach, Nectarine, and Cherry |
peach, cherry, x-disease, phytoplasma, leafhopper |
Yellowjackets |
HYG-2075 |
home, yard and garden, insects, yellow jackets, ohio wasps, german yellowjackets, eastern yellowjackets, common yellowjackets, controlling yellowjackets |