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Ohio State University Extension


Farm Management

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Los Granjeros y el Virus del Nilo Occidental WNV-1001S west nile virus, spanish
Preventing and Controlling Coyote Problems W-4 wildlife
Disinfection in On-Farm Biosecurity Procedures VME-8 biosecurity, veterinary medicine, disinfection, sanitation, farm, farm biosecurity, farm disinfectants, quaternary ammonium, phenol-based compounds, hypochlorites, iodophors
On-Farm Biosecurity: Traffic Control and Sanitation VME-6 biosecurity, veterinary medicine, sanitation, farm, traffic control, disease introduction, infectious disease
Biosecurity Fundamentals for Extension Personnel VME-5 biosecurity, veterinary medicine, extension personnel, livestock, production, fmd, mastitis, brucellosis, tuberculosis, pseudorabies, bovine, viral. diarrhea, bovine progressive pneumonia, swine dysentery
Use of Forage Chicory in a Small Ruminant Parasite Control Program VME-31 veterinary preventive medicine, dewormer, chicory for lambs, parasite control, grazing strategy for reducing parasites, barber pole worms, forage chicory
Using the Depletion Deduction to Minimize Oil and Gas Tax Liability SOGD-TAX3 shale oil and gas development, using the depletion deduction to minimize oil and gas tax liability
Shale Oil and Gas Payments Are Subject to Ohio Commercial Activity Tax SOGD-TAX2 shale oil and gas development
Income Tax Management of Oil and Gas Lease Payments SOGD-TAX1 shale oil and gas development
Testing Private Water Sources and Resolving Contamination Issues near Shale Oil and Gas Development SOGD-ENV1 shale oil and gas development, safe drinking water, well water, water testing, certified water testing laboratory, contaminants, chloride, sodium, spring, cistern, private, water, supply, testing, groundwater
Sustainable Crop Rotations with Cover Crops SAG-9 sustainable agriculture, typical cover crop, rotations, crop rotations, cover crops, after corn silage, after early soybeans, after late soybeans, after late corn, after wheat, sustainable crop rotations with cover crops
Oilseed Radish Cover Crop SAG-5 sustainable agriculture, oilseed radish, cover crop, weeds, plant growth, harvest, herbicide, decomposition, nutrient cycling, seed source
Soil Quality Test Kit SAG-4 sustainable agriculture, soil quality, soil testing, soil quality test kit
The Biology of Soil Compaction SAG-10 sustainable agriculture, subsoil tillage, fungus hyphae, active carbon, soil compaction, microaggregate, macroaggregate, decomposition, soil structure, polysaccharides, glomalin, clod
Ohio Soil Health Card SAG-1 sustainable agriculture, soil health, ohio soil health card, growing season, ph, nutrient levels, soil quality
The Organic Certification Process for Farms SAG-0003 organic, certification, farm, farms, value-added, transition, sustainable, producers, growers
Melampsora Rust PLPATH-TREE-08 melampsora rust, poplar, tree diseases
Soybean Rust PLPATH-SOY-2 soybeans, rust, plant disease, kudzu, symptoms, management, disease, fungicide
Fusarium Head Blight Forecasting System PLPATH-CER-03 wheat, fusarium head blight, scab, fungicide, wheat scab, vomitoxin, head scab, corn, soybean, disease
Ohio Agricultural Sales Tax Exemption Rules OAM-2 ohio ag manager, ohio agricultural sales tax exemption rules, purchases that are ohio sales tax, purchases that are not ohio sales tax exempt, determine exempted vs tax deductible
Depreciation of Farm Drainage Tile OAM-1 ohio ag manager, form 8594, irc 1060, section 1245 property, alternative depreciation system, irs section 179, modified accelerated cost recovery system, general depreciation system, depreciation of farm drainage tile, property depreciation issues
Reducing 2,4-D and Dicamba Drift Risk to Fruits, Vegetables and Landscape Plants HYG-6105 herbicides, 2, 4-d, dicamba, weed control, synthetic auxins, plant hormones, killing weeds
Anaerobic Soil Disinfestation for Management of Soilborne Diseases in Midwestern Vegetable Production HYG-3315 tomato, soilborne disease, anaerobic soil disinfestation, wilt, root rot
Identification and Management of Soilborne Diseases of Tomato HYG-3314 tomato, soilborne disease, wilt, root rot, stunted tomato plants, corky root rot, black dot root rot, root knot nematodes, tomato plants dying
Growing Hardy Figs in Ohio HYG-1439 fig, hardy fig, fruit, farm, high tunnel, farm diversification, cultivars, varieties, hardy chicago, brown turkey, growing figs in ohio, ohio figs
Direct Marketing of Fruit Crops to Ohio Wineries HYG-1433 fruits, fruit, berries, blackberries, blueberries, cherries, elderberries, peaches, raspberries, strawberries
Kiwifruit and Hardy Kiwi (Kiwiberries) HYG-1426 kiwi, hardy kiwi, kiwiberry, fruit, home, farm, kiwifruit, kiwi cultivars, trellising kiwi, fertilizing kiwi, growing kiwi in ohio, growing hardy kiwi, kiwi frost hardiness, dormant pruning
Keeping Sun Safe HSC-7 sunscreen, sun safety, ultraviolet light, uv, sun protection factor, spf, skin cancer
Using Pasture Measurement to Improve Your Management HCS-868 farm management, measuring forage, pasture stick, falling plate, meter, rising plate meter, electric capacitance pasture probe, pasture growth, grazing wedge, feed budget, feed consumption
Establishing a Fair Pasture Rental Rate FR-8 farm management, pasture, rental, grazing cost, stock, pasture rental, livestock facilities, landowner, sheep, meat goats, horses, cattle
Fundamentals of Energy Analysis for Crop Production Agriculture FABE-662.1 energy analysis, agriculture, food production, agricultural energy consumption, production agriculture inputs, energy analysis in production agriculture
Corn Stover Feedstock for Biofuels Production: Costs of Feedstock Supply FABE-660 biofuels, corn, corn stover, cellulosic, biorefinery, ethanol, conversion of biomass
Using Soil Electrical Conductivity (EC) to Delineate Field Variation FABE-565 precision agriculture, agronomy, corn, soybeans, wheat, using soil electrical conductivity (ec) to delineate field variation, collecting soil electrical conductivity data in the field, soil electrical conductivity mapping
Opportunities for Subsurface Nutrient Placement in Ohio FABE-564.01 precision agriculture, agronomy, corn, soybeans, wheat, nutrient management
Developing a Farm Digital Strategy 1 - Introduction FABE-555 precision agriculture, corn, soybeans, farm management, digital agriculture
Remote Sensing in Precision Agriculture FABE-554.1 precision agriculture, agronomy, corn, soybeans, wheat, improved farming techniques, nutrient management
Optimizing Field Traffic Patterns to Improve Machinery Efficiency: Path Planning Using Guidance Lines FABE-553.1 gps, precision agriculture, guidance technology, farm management information software, precision agricultural technology, path planning, field efficiency
Free, Online Data and Tools for the Agricultural Community FABE-552.04 agriculture, free data, decision tools, digital elevation model, soil survey geographic database, climate, vegetation indices, cropland data layer
The Data Ownership Confusion FABE-552.01 data, precision agriculture, data ownership, atp, farm data, digital agriculture, technology, privacy, security
Physical Properties of Granular Fertilizers and Impact on Spreading FABE-550.1 precision agriculture, fertilizer, physical properties, granular fertilizers, spreading
Best Management Practices for Boom Spraying FABE-527 boom spraying, pesticide spraying, reduce spray drift, calibrate the sprayer, spray application rates, hydraulic agitation flow rates, pump flow rate, boom height range, spray pressure range, nozzle flow rate, adjuvants, droplet sizes, product agitation, spray drift
Effectiveness of Turbodrop® and Turbo Teejet® Nozzles in Drift Reduction FABE-524 spray nozzles, spray drift, turbodrop, turbo teejet, nozzles, flow rate, psi pressure, droplet size, crop spraying
On-Farm Agrichemical Mixing/Loading Pad FABE-522 agrichemicals, pesticides, contamination, worker safety, chemical storage. concrete joint cracks, concrete specification, site selection, soil, water, containment, mixing area, loading area
Basic Estate Planning: Sale of Residence EP-9 basic estate planning, principal residence, annuitized payments, outright sale, gain on principal residence, life estate, insurance, reverse mortgage, sell your home, irrevocable living trust
Basic Estate Planning: Why Have a Will? EP-4 living wills, basic estate planning, legal aspects of a will, ohio will law, property ownership, distribution, attorney for health care
Basic Estate Planning: Tax Basis if Property Is Transferred EP-3 basic estate planning, tax basis, property transfer, co-ownership of personal property, tenancy by the entirety, joint tenancy with right of survivorship, fee simple, life estate, lifetime exclusion, unified credit, annual giving exclusion, marginal noncorporate tax rates, capital gains, transfer of assets and liquidity, tax rate for collectibles
Basic Estate Planning: Costs Involved in Transferring Property EP-2 basic estate planning, settlement, costs of dying, nursing home planning, federal, attorney cost, appraisal, probate court, gift tax, calculating cost for couples
Basic Estate Planning: Miscellaneous Issues EP-12 basic estate planning, forest easements, grassland easements, historic easements, open-space easements, estate tax savings, conservation easements, agricultural easements, annual exclusion gifts, generation-skipping trusts, limited liability companies
Basic Estate Planning: Introduction EP-1 investing liquid assets, basic estate planning, will, estate settlement, costs, estate taxes, federal estate taxes, distribution of assets
How to Identify and Enhance Ohio’s Wild Bees in Your Landscape ENT-85 bee, bees, apoidea, polyester bees, shiny green bees, squash bees, dull green sweat bees, bee nests, leafcutter bees, mason bees, orchard bees, bumble bees, carpenter bees, mining bees, identifying wild bees, ground nesting bees
On-Farm Solar Electric System Safety CDFS-4105 farm energy, solar panels, alternative energy, photovoltaic, on-site
Financial Considerations of On-Farm Renewable Energy CDFS-4104 farm energy, solar, power, systems, alternative energy, wind, turbines, investment tax credit, itc, renewable, energy, hot water systems
On-Farm Solar Site Assessment CDFS-4103 farm energy, solar, photovoltaic, easements, power generation, rooftop, ground mount, renewable, energy, zoning, ordinances, on-site solar electric systems
Renewable Energy Policy Series: Rules for Siting a Utility Scale Wind Farm in Ohio CDFS-4004 alternative energy, utility scale wind farm, requirements, rural economic development, technology, wind energy, renewable energy development, ohio, wind developer, permit, certification requirements, permitting process
Renewable Energy Policy Series: The Effect of Renewable Energy Projects on Current Agricultural Use Value CDFS-4003 alternative energy, wind energy project, solar project, renewable, energy, wind turbines, solar, self-generated, major electric utility renewable energy project, current agricultural use value, cauv
Ultraviolet Light Exposure: Health Concerns CDFS-199 sunscreen, sun safety, ultraviolet light, uv, skin cancer, uva, uvc, uvb, premature aging, cancer
Sole Proprietorship CDFS-1384 business, sole proprietorship
Natural Gas Drilling: Questions Residents and Local Leaders Should Be Asking CDFS-1282 community development, lease payments, seismic testing, stakeholders, site reclamation, water quality, noise pollution, wildlife habitat, air pollution, hydrofracturing, fracking, royalties, natural gas, drilling, questions, shale gas, ohio, natural gas extraction
Preparing Newsprint for Bedding CDFS-126 farm management, animal bedding, newsprint, newspaper, cutting, shredding, recycling, bedding material
Recognizing Concussion or TBI in Horseback Riders AS-18 horse, helmet, injury prevention, traumatic brain injury, tbi, concussion, equestrian, riding, sports
Meat Goat Production and Budgeting AS-14 livestock, meat goats, fencing, meat, goat, production, budgeting, breeding, goat milk, pasture, goat cheese
Understanding Value in Lime ANR-9 soil, lime, dolometic limestone pellets, pulverized dolomitic limestone, pulverized industrial by-product, calacitic lime, dolometic lime, n hydrated lime dolomitic, pulverized dolometic lime, correcting soil ph, lime recommendations, lime comparisons, determining application rate of lime, cost of lime, effective neutralizing power
Management Considerations for the Cribbing Horse ANR-89 horse, equine, cribbing, crib-biting, stereotype stable vice, cribbing collar, managing, cribs, cribbing due to stress, preventing cribbing
Post Soybean, Going to Corn: Use Oats/Radish   ANR-85 soil health, soil, cover crop, agronomy, corn after soybean, oats, radish, soybean-corn rotation
Post Corn, Going to Soybean: Use Cereal Rye ANR-84 soil health, soil, cover crop, agronomy, corn-soybean rotation, cereal rye
Equipment Needed for Planting and Maintaining Food Plots ANR-82 food plots, white-tail deer, wildlife, atv, seeders, planting, maintenance, frost seeding, lime, corn planter, fertilizer, fertilizer spreader, mower, tools, equipment safety
Calculating Cation Exchange Capacity, Base Saturation, and Calcium Saturation ANR-81 cation exchange capacity, soil fertility, calculating cation exchange capacity, base saturation, calcium saturation
Palmer Amaranth and Waterhemp Management: It’s All About the Seed ANR-76 palmer, amaranth, waterhemp, seeds, weed management, weeds, dioecious species, weed
Palmer Amaranth: What It Is and What to Do Now ANR-73 palmer amaranth, weeds, herbicides, herbicide resistance, pigweed
Managing Marestail in No-till Soybeans ANR-72 marestail, managing marestail, no-till soybeans, fall herbicides, spring burndown, postemergence options, residual herbicides
Should I Continue Farming? ANR-71 farm management, profitability, farm stress, agricultural economics, finances
Creating Signage for Direct Food and Agricultural Sales ANR-70 direct marketing, marketing, agritourism, signs, food sales, produce sales, farmers markets
Purchasing Nutrients for Hay and Forage Crops ANR-7 forages, fertilizer, hay, purchasing nutrients for hay or forage crops, cost of fertilizer for hay and forage crops
The Basics of a Farm Balance Sheet ANR-64 balance sheet, finances, farm management, farm balance sheet basics, farm cash flow, farm income statement, farm debt, farm assets
Grants and Low-Interest Loans for Ohio Small Farms ANR-63 grants, loans, farm management, small farm, procuring farm grants and low interest loans, farm business plan, farm loan programs
Guide to Creating Food Plots for White-Tailed Deer ANR-61 food, plots, white-tailed deer, whitetail, wildlife, attracting white-tailed deer, food plots for deer
Selling Eggs in Ohio: Marketing and Regulations ANR-59 direct marketing, eggs, chickens, regulations, food safety, selling eggs in ohio, choosing chicken breeds, poultry breeds
Scoring Cows Can Improve Profits ANR-54 beef, cattle, reproduction, body condition, scoring, cows, evaluate, thin, moderate, fat
Whole Farm Planning Model ANR-52 farm management, agribusiness planning, farmer assessment, farming transition plan, farming business plan, farming retirement plan, farming estate plan, farming investment plan, farm planning, business skills for farmers
Is a Prenuptial Agreement Right for Your Farm Business? ANR-51 farm transition, estate planning, farm management, sample prenuptial agreement, dissolution, divorce, prenuptial agreement
Planning for the Successful Transition of Your Agricultural Business ANR-47 farm management, farm estate planning, family farm, farm business, retirement, transfer assets, swot analysis, transition planning, heirs, transferring ownership, business management, legacy, asset transfer
Developing Goals for the Agricultural Business ANR-45 agricultural business, goals, agriculture business management, agriculture operational goals, agriculture business goals, agriculture production goals
Conducting Successful Family Business Transition Meetings ANR-43 farm transition, family meetings
Conducting a SWOT Analysis of Your Agricultural Business ANR-42 farm management, business analysis, conducting a swot analysis of your agricultural business, conducting a swot analysis of your farm
Statistics and Agricultural Research ANR-40 research, crop, pest, plots, yield
Understanding and Negotiating Pipeline Easements ANR-33 shale, oil, gas, easement, pipeline, understanding pipeline easements, negotiating pipeline easements, pipeline right of way
Seeding Recommendations Following Pipeline Construction ANR-32 shale, oil, gas, easement, pipeline, soil erosion, reducing erosion, seeding, recommendations, rates, grasses, pure live seed, pls, forages
Oil and Gas Pipeline Easement Checklist ANR-31 shale, oil, gas, easement, pipeline, maintenance, termination, abandonment, landowner liability, construction, granting clause, granting property rights
Facing the Possibility of Leasing for Shale Gas Development on Your Land ANR-30 shale, oil, gas, easement, lease, mandatory pooling, mineral rights, environmental risks
A Landowner’s Guide to Understanding Recommended Pipeline Standards and Construction Specifications ANR-29 shale, oil, gas, easement, pipeline, backfill, trench crowning, right-of-way, gas wells, public utilities commission of ohio, federal energy regulatory commission
Checklist for Business Success: Organic Vegetable Production ANR-28 agricultural economics, organic, vegetable, production, farm, farming, profitability, marketing
Know The Rules When Employing Minors on Your Farm ANR-26-10 farm employees, employing minors on a farm, tractor and machinery certification, federal hazardous occupation regulations, employing children younger than 16, fair labor standards act, ohio revised code, employing minors on farms
Guidelines for Applying Liquid Animal Manure to Cropland with Subsurface and Surface Drains ANR-21 farm management, liquid animal manure, effluent, surface water contamination, cropland, subsurface, drained, crusted soil, clay soil, manure application
Water Effects on Livestock Performance ANR-13 livestock, water, water effects on livestock performance, health, sick
Livestock Water Development ANR-12 livestock, water, water sources for livestock, pressurized water systems for livestock, algae control in water troughs or tanks, water pipeline, water trough, catch basin, calculating water tank capacity, livestock water requirements, livestock watering, winter
Using Corn for Livestock Grazing ANR-11 livestock, grazing, corn, corn for livestock grazing, cost, dry matter yield, nitrate levels, animals
Growing Currants, Gooseberries, and Jostaberries in Ohio ANR-0162 ribes, currants, gooseberries, jostaberries, fruits, super fruits, farm diversification, new crops
Assessing Farm Financial Health Using Your Balance Sheet ANR-0135 balance sheet, farm management, financial statements, farm, assets, liabilities, net worth, financial health
Sweetclover as a Cover Crop in Ohio ANR-0134 cover crops, types, weed control, sweetclover, ohio, midwest, council
Sunn Hemp as a Cover Crop in Ohio ANR-0133 cover crops, types, weed control, sunn hemp, ohio, midwest, council
Red Clover as a Cover Crop in Ohio ANR-0132 cover crops, types, weed control, red clover, ohio, midwest, council
Hairy Vetch as a Cover Crop in Ohio ANR-0131 cover crops, types, weed control, hairy vetch, ohio, midwest, council
Field Pea/Winter Pea as a Cover Crop in Ohio ANR-0130 cover crops, types, weed control, field pea, winter pea, ohio, midwest, council
Crimson Clover as a Cover Crop in Ohio ANR-0129 cover crops, types, weed control, crimson clover, ohio, midwest, council
Cowpea as a Cover Crop in Ohio ANR-0128 cover crops, types, weed control, cowpea, ohio, midwest, council
Berseem Clover as a Cover Crop in Ohio ANR-0127 cover crops, types, weed control, berseem clover, ohio, midwest, council
Rapeseed as a Cover Crop in Ohio ANR-0126 cover crops, types, weed control, rapeseed, ohio, midwest, council
Radish as a Cover Crop in Ohio ANR-0125 cover crops, types, weed control, radish, ohio, midwest, council
Forage Turnip as a Cover Crop in Ohio ANR-0124 cover crops, types, weed control, forage turnip, ohio, midwest, council
Sunflower as a Cover Crop in Ohio ANR-0123 cover crops, types, weed control, sunflower, ohio, midwest, council
Buckwheat as a Cover Crop in Ohio ANR-0122 cover crops, types, weed control, buckwheat, ohio, midwest, council
Wheat as a Cover Crop in Ohio ANR-0121 cover crops, types, weed control, wheat, ohio, midwest, council
Triticale as a Cover Crop in Ohio ANR-0120 cover crops, types, weed control, triticale, ohio, midwest, council
Sudangrass as a Cover Crop in Ohio ANR-0119 cover crops, types, weed control, sudangrass, ohio, midwest, council
Sorghum-Sudangrass as a Cover Crop in Ohio ANR-0118 cover crops, types, weed control, sorghum, sudangrass, ohio, midwest, council
Pearl Millet as a Cover Crop in Ohio ANR-0117 cover crops, types, weed control, pearl millet, ohio, midwest, council
Oats as a Cover Crop in Ohio ANR-0116 cover crops, types, weed control, oats, ohio, midwest, council
Japanese Millet as a Cover Crop in Ohio ANR-0115 cover crops, types, weed control, japanese millet, ohio, midwest, council
Cereal Rye as a Cover Crop in Ohio ANR-0114 cover crops, types, weed control, cereal rye, ohio, midwest, council
Barley as a Cover Crop in Ohio ANR-0113 cover crops, types, weed control, barley, ohio, midwest, council
Annual Ryegrass as a Cover Crop in Ohio ANR-0112 cover crops, types, grass cover crops, weed control, annual ryegrass, ohio, midwest cover crops, council
Elderberry Production in Ohio ANR-0110 elderberry, elderberries, fruits, super, foods, farm, garden, alternative, cash crops, farm diversification
Overview and Cost of a Small-Scale Aquaponic Build at The Ohio State University ANR-0105 aquaculture, aquaponics, hydroponics, recirculating aquaculture system, greenhouse, fish, plants, water, cost, agricultural economics, system design, small farm, hobbyist, sustainable agriculture, controlled environmental agriculture, garden
Blackberry Production Systems in Ohio ANR-0104 blackberries, blackberry, rubus, hedge row, rotatable cross arm trellis, high tunnel, primocane, floricane, nutrition
Corn, Soybean, and Alfalfa Yield Responses to Micronutrient Fertilization in Ohio AGF-519 soil fertility, corn, soybean, alfalfa, wheat, fertilizer trials, fertilizer recommendations, soil, nutrient management, micronutrients, soil conditions
Phosphorus Nutrient Management for Yield and Reduced P Loss at Edge of Field AGF-509 p loss, phosphorus, bmps, nutrient management, row crop production, water quality, water management practices, ohio p risk index
Soil Acidity and Liming for Agronomic Production AGF-505 lime, lime recommendations, lime selection, water content, fineness of grind, total neutralizing power, effective neutralizing power, soil acidity, soil sampling, lime ph, causes, soil acidity and liming for agronomic production
Bushels, Test Weights, and Calculations AGF-503 agronomy, grain, test weights, bushel, bushels, calculations, grain test weight
Useful Tables: Adjustments and Conversions on Corn and Soybean Parameters AGF-502 agronomy, corn, soybean, planting date, micronutrient sources, seed spacing, atomic weight of nutrients, soybean moisture conversions, usda grade requirements for shelled corn, moisture, corn moisture corrections, expected corn yields based on planting dates
Horse Manure Management AGF-212 manure, horse manure fertilizer, disposing of horse manure, calculating manure application rates, storing horse manure
Effects of Flooding and Ponding on Corn AGF-118 corn, agronomy, flooding, ponding, saturated soil, denitrification, flood damaged corn, corn smut, crazy top, leaching, water drainage
Low-Cost Crop-Management Considerations AGF-110 farm management, ag crops, agronomy
Double-Cropping Soybean Following Small Grains AGF-103 soybean, double crop, grain yield, wheat, vomitoxin, row spacing, seeding rate, winter barley, relative maturity
Corn Growing Degree Days: A Method of Maturity Rating for Hybrids AGF-0101 corn, agronomy, corn hybrids, growing degree days, heat units, length of growing season, maturity rating
Simple Gray Water Systems: Type 1 AEX-GW2 wastewater, gray water, recycle, reuse, sewer system
Gray Water Recycling in Ohio AEX-GW1 wastewater, wastewater reuse systems, type 1 gray water system, type 2 gray water system, type 3 gray water system, type 4 gray water system, gray water, recycle, reuse, sewer system, composting toilet, ohio administrative code 3701-29-17
Primary Caregiver for a Farm Family Member AEX-984.2 family, safety, ohio agrability series, primary caregiver, illness, disability, taking care of farm family members, caregiving on the farm, coping with feelings, health on the farm
Initial Farm Injury Emergency Response AEX-984.1 farm, safety, ohio agrability series, emergency medical services on the farm, farm injuries, severe employment injury, scene assessment, caring for injured employee
Impairment Related Work Expenses (IRWEs) for Farmers and Farm Workers AEX-983.4 farm management, safety, ohio agrability series, impairment related work expenses, disability, attendant care, spatial adaptations, adaptive technologies, assistive devices, equipment adaptations
Assistive Technology for the Farm AEX-983.2 farm, safety, ohio agrability series, prosthetics, orthotics, assistive farm technology, mobility aids, vision aids, hearing aids, job accommodations, augmented communication, environmental controls, assistive, tools, disabled people, technology
Extending Universal Design Principles onto the Farmstead AEX-983.1 farm, safety, ohio agrability series, universal design, increased productivity, mobility limitations, assistive technologies, farmstead designs
Farming with Alzheimer’s Disease AEX-982.9 farm, safety, ohio agrability series, wandering, disability, long-term health condition, alzheimer's disease, alzheimer's, dementia
Secondary Injury Prevention: Using Braces to Reduce Joint Injuries AEX-982.8 farm, safety, ohio agrability series, ankle, sprain, strain, joint brace, muscle pain, loss of function
Farming with Chronic Back Pain AEX-982.7 farm, safety, ohio agrability series, ergonomics, managing chronic back pain, preventing back pain, injuries, spinal, muscle, tendon
Farming with Diabetes AEX-982.6 farm, safety, ohio agrability series, farming with diabetes, working with diabetes, managing energy levels, assistive technology, meal planning sheets, mobility aids, audible motion detectors
Farming with Parkinson’s Disease AEX-982.5 farm, safety, ohio agrability series, parkinson's disease, neurodegenerative disease, tremors, rigidity, dopamine deficiency, muscle stiffness/rigidity., working with parkinson's
Managing Stress for a Healthy Heart AEX-982.4 farm, safety, ohio agrability series, hypertension, farming with heart disease, working with artery disease, farming stress, preventing coronary attack while farming, managing stress while working on the farm
Farming After a Stroke AEX-982.2 farm, safety, ohio agrability series, stroke survivor, effects of stroke, working after a stroke, occupational therapy advice for strokes, staying safe after a stroke
Managing Arthritis When Farming AEX-982.1 health, safety, ohio agrability series, arthritis, exercise, farming, farming with arthritis, range of motion exercises for arthritis, tips to relieve arthritis symptoms at work, arthritis accessible farming equipment
Farming with Lower Extremity Amputation AEX-981.9 farm, safety, ohio agrability series, amputation, agriculture-related injury, recovery, lower extremity, toe, foot, leg, above the knee, working with lower extremity amputation
Secondary Injury Prevention: Farming with a Pacemaker AEX-981.8 farm, safety, ohio agrability series, farming with a pacemaker, farming safety precautions, farming tools and equipment that are compatible with pacemakers
Secondary Injury Prevention: Safety for Senior Farmers AEX-981.7 farm, safety, ohio agrability series, breathing problems, hearing loss, older farmers, balance issues, muscle strains and sprains, reduced vision, poor vision
Secondary Injury Prevention: Ergonomics for the Farm AEX-981.6 farm, safety, ohio agrability series, ergonomics, preventing injury, injury prevention, repetitive injury, correct posture
Overexertion Causing Secondary Injury AEX-981.5 farm, safety, ohio agrability series, workplace injuries, overexertion, spraining muscles at work, pushing and pulling hazards
Secondary Injury Prevention: Heat Stress AEX-981.4 farm, safety, ohio agrability series, heat, stress, stroke, collapse, exhaustion, cramps, dehydration
Secondary Injury Prevention: Walking and Working Surfaces AEX-981.3 farm, safety, ohio agrability series, walking surfaces, working surfaces, preventing injuries, slips, trips, falls
Secondary Injury Prevention: Caught-in, Caught-between, or Struck by Objects AEX-981.2 farm, safety, ohio agrability series, injury, workplace incidents, injury prevention, secondary injuries, equipment hazards
Respiratory Impairment in Agriculture AEX-981.17 farm management, farm, safety, ohio agrability series
Farming with a Visual Impairment AEX-981.16 farm, safety, glaucoma, cataracts, macular degeneration, retinopathy, retinitis pigmentosa, legal blindness, ohio agrability series, visual impairment, blind farming, vision loss
Recovery from Hip or Knee Replacement for Farmers AEX-981.15 farm, safety, ohio agrability series
Injury Prevention: Working in Cold Weather AEX-981.14 farm, safety, ohio agrability series, injury prevention, working in cold weather, cold weather gear, cold weather clothing, outdoor work clothes, outdoor safety precautions, cold insulation
Injury Prevention: Types of Cold Stress AEX-981.13 farm, safety, ohio agrability series, symptoms, first aid, cold stress, wind chill, frostbite, hypothermia, trench foot, chilblains, freezing prevention, cold weather precautions, high wind, cold water effects
Secondary Injury Prevention: Repetitive Motion AEX-981.12 farm, safety, ohio agrability series, ergonomic, rapid movement, injuries, forceful movement, static loading injuries, repetitive motion injuries, secondary injury
Secondary Injury Prevention: Understanding Concussions AEX-981.11 farm, safety, ohio agrability series, concussion, unconscious, traumatic brain injury, head injury, managing a concussion, concussion symptoms, traumatic brain injury from farming, preventing concussions
Farming with Upper Extremity Limitation/Amputation AEX-981.10 agricultural related injury, farm, safety, ohio agrability series, upper, extremity, amputation, finger and hand injuries, entanglement and entrapment injuries
Secondary Injury Caused by Lifting AEX-981.1 farm, safety, ohio agrability series, secondary injuries, lifting incidents, workplace hazards, employee back injury, proper lifting techniques
Workplace Violence for Trainers and Supervisors AEX-892.2.86 safety, horticulture, landscape, workplace violence, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services
Wood Chippers and Shredders Safety for Trainers and Landscapers AEX-892.2.85 safety, horticulture, landscape, trenching and shredding safety, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services
Trenching and Excavation Safety for Trainers and Supervisors AEX-892.2.84 safety, horticulture, landscape, trenching and excavation safety, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services
Tree Pruning, Trimming, and Felling Safety for Trainers and Supervisors AEX-892.2.83 safety, horticulture, landscape, tree pruning, tree felling, tree trimming, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services
Tree Pruning and Ladder Safety for Trainers and Supervisors AEX-892.2.82 safety, horticulture, landscape, tree pruning and ladder safety for trainers and supervisors, tree pruning and ladder safety, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services, how to use a tripod ladder, closed top ladder, extension ladder, straight ladder
Tractors, Towed Equipment, and Highway Safety for Trainers and Supervisors AEX-892.2.81 safety, horticulture, landscape, tractors, towed equipment, highway safety, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services
Tractor Loader Safety for Trainers and Supervisors AEX-892.2.80 safety, horticulture, landscape, tractor, loader, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services
Tick Bites for Trainers and Supervisors AEX-892.2.79 safety, horticulture, landscape, tick bites, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services
Thorn Bushes for Trainers and Supervisors AEX-892.2.78 safety, horticulture, landscape, thorn bushes, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services
Task Lighting for Trainers and Supervisors AEX-892.2.77 safety, horticulture, landscape, task lighting, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services
Sun Exposure for Trainers and Supervisors AEX-892.2.76 safety, landscape, horticulture, sun exposure, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services
Substance Abuse and Incidents for Trainers and Supervisors AEX-892.2.75 safety, landscape, horticulture, substance abuse and accidents, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services
Struck-by Incidents for Trainers and Supervisors AEX-892.2.74 safety, horticulture, landscape, struck-by accidents, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services
Stress Management for Trainers and Supervisors AEX-892.2.73 safety, horticulture, landscape, stress management, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services
Spider Bites for Trainers and Supervisors AEX-892.2.71 landscape, safety, horticulture, spider bites, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services
Small-Engine Machine Safety for Trainers and Supervisors AEX-892.2.70 safety, horticulture, landscape, small-engine machine safety, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services
Skin Irritations Caused by Plants for Trainers and Supervisors AEX-892.2.69 safety, landscape, horticulture, skin irritations caused by plants, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services
Selecting a Respirator for Trainers and Supervisors AEX-892.2.68 safety, landscape, horticulture, selecting a respirator, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services
Safety Means SMV (Slow-Moving Vehicle) for Trainers and Supervisors AEX-892.2.67 safety, horticulture, landscape, safety means smv (slow-moving vehicle), tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services
Safely Starting and Stopping a Tractor for Trainers and Supervisors AEX-892.2.66 tractor safety, safety, landscape, tailgate, safely starting and stopping a tractor, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services
Safe Use of Tractors and Self-Propelled Equipment for Trainers and Supervisors AEX-892.2.65 safety, horticulture, landscape, safe use of tractors and self-propelled equipment, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services
Safe Use of the Power-Take-Off (PTO) for Trainers and Supervisors AEX-892.2.64 safety, horticulture, landscape, safe use of pto, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services
Safe Use of Jacks for Trainers and Supervisors AEX-892.2.63 safety, horticulture, landscape, safe use of jacks, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services
Safe Use of Hydraulic Systems for Trainers and Supervisors AEX-892.2.62 safety, horticulture, landscape, safe use of hydraulic systems, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services
Safe Use of Hand-Held Tools for Trainers and Supervisors AEX-892.2.61 safety, horticulture, landscape, safe use of hand-held tools, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services
Safe Use of Flammable Liquids for Trainers and Supervisors AEX-892.2.60 safety, horticulture, landscape, safe, use, flammable liquids, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services
Safe Use of Hand Pallet Trucks and Electric Carts AEX-892.2.59 safety, horticulture, landscape, safe use of hand pallet trucks and electric cars, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services
Safe Operation of Portable Circular Power Saws for Trainers and Supervisors AEX-892.2.58 safety, horticulture, landscape, safe operation of portable circular power saws, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services
Rotary Lawn and Brush Mower Safety for Trainers and Supervisors AEX-892.2.57 safety, horticulture, landscape, rotary lawn and brush mowers, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services
Rollovers and Rollover Protective Structures (ROPS) for Trainers and Supervisors AEX-892.2.56 safety, horticulture, landscape, rollovers and rollover protective structures, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services
Respirator Fit for Trainers and Supervisors AEX-892.2.55 safety, horticulture, landscaping, respirator fit, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services
Repetitive Motion for Trainers and Supervisors AEX-892.2.54 safety, horticulture, landscape, repetitive motion, prevention, treatment, ergonomic tools, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services, injuries
Reading Pesticide Labels for Trainers and Supervisors AEX-892.2.53 safety, horticulture, landscape, hazardous chemicals, reading pesticide labels, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services, safety data sheets
Protective Gloves for Trainers and Supervisors AEX-892.2.52 safety, horticulture, landscape, protective gloves, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services
Protecting the Head for Trainers and Supervisors AEX-892.2.51 safety, horticulture, landscape, protective gloves, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services
Protecting Hands and Fingers for Trainers and Supervisors AEX-892.2.50 safety, horticulture, landscape, protecting hands and fingers, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services
Protecting Against Noise for Trainers and Supervisors AEX-892.2.49 safety, horticulture, landscape, protecting against noise, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services
Protecting Against Cold for Trainers and Supervisors AEX-892.2.48 safety, horticulture, landscape, protecting against the cold, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services
Properly Cleaning and Storing Respirators for Trainers and Supervisors AEX-892.2.47 safety, horticulture, landscape, properly cleaning and storing respirators, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services
Proper Use of Ladders for Trainers and Supervisors AEX-892.2.46 safety, horticulture, landscape, proper use of ladders, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services
Preventing Machine Hazards for Trainers and Supervisors AEX-892.2.45 safety, horticulture, landscape, preventing machine hazards, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services
Preventing Lifting and Overexertion Injuries for Trainers and Supervisors AEX-892.2.44 safety, landscape, horticulture, preventing lifting and overexertion injuries, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services
Preventing Falls for Trainers and Supervisors AEX-892.2.43 safety, horticulture, landscape, preventing falls, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services
Preventing Falls from Trees for Trainers and Supervisors AEX-892.2.42 safety, landscape, horticulture, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services
Personal Protective Equipment for Pesticides for Trainers and Supervisors AEX-892.2.41 safety, horticulture, landscape, ppe, personal protective equipment, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services
Power Take-Off (PTO) Shielding for Trainers and Supervisors AEX-892.2.40 safety, horticulture, landscape, power-take-off shielding, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services
Power Lawn Mowers for Trainers and Supervisors AEX-892.2.39 safety, landscape, horticulture, power lawn mowers, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services
Portable Fire Extinguishers for Trainers and Supervisors AEX-892.2.38 safety, landscape, horticulture, portable fire extinguishers, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services
Poison Ivy, Poison Oak, and Poison Sumac for Trainers and Supervisors AEX-892.2.37 safety, landscape, horticulture, poison ivy, poison oak, poison sumac, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services
Pesticide Exposure for Trainers and Supervisors AEX-892.2.36 safety, horticulture, landscape, pesticide exposure, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services
Personal Eye Protection for Trainers and Supervisors AEX-892.2.35 safety, landscape, horticulture, personal eye protection, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services
Overhead Electrical Hazards for Trainers and Supervisors AEX-892.2.34 safety, horticulture, landscape, overhead electrical hazards, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services
Non-Vented Heaters for Trainers and Supervisors AEX-892.2.33 safety, horticulture, landscape, non-vented heaters, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services
No Riders on Lawn Equipment for Trainers and Supervisors AEX-892.2.32 safety, horticulture, landscape, lawn equipment, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services, lawn mowing safety
Mosquito Bites for Trainers and Supervisors AEX-892.2.31 safety, horticulture, landscape, mosquito bites, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services
Mixing and Spraying Pesticides for Trainers and Supervisors AEX-892.2.30 safety, landscape, horticulture, mixing and spraying pesticides, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services
Material Safety Data Sheet for Trainers and Supervisors AEX-892.2.29 safety, landscape, horticulture, msds, material safety data sheets, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services
Material Handling Devices for Trainers and Supervisors AEX-892.2.28 safety, landscape, horticulture, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services, material handling devices
Lockout and Tagout for Trainers and Supervisors AEX-892.2.27 safety, horticulture, landscape, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services, lockout and tagout
Loading Docks and Warehouses for Trainers and Supervisors AEX-892.2.26 safety, horticulture, landscape, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services, loading docks and warehouses
Laundering Pesticide-Contaminated Clothing for Trainers and Supervisors AEX-892.2.25 safety, landscape, horticulture, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services, laundering pesticide-contaminated clothing
Introduction to Safety in Landscaping and Horticulture Services for Trainers and Supervisors AEX-892.2.24 safety, landscape, horticulture, safety training for landscaping and horticultural services
Hypothermia, Frostbite, and Trench Foot for Trainers and Supervisors AEX-892.2.23 safety, landscape, horticulture, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services, trench foot, hypothermia, frostbite, treatment
Heat Stress for Trainers and Supervisors AEX-892.2.22 safety, landscape, horticulture, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services, heat, stress, stroke, exhaustion
Hand Signals for Vehicle Safety for Trainers and Supervisors AEX-892.2.21 safety, horticulture, landscape, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services, hand signals for vehicle safety
Grounding Electricity for Trainers and Supervisors AEX-892.2.20 safety, landscape, horticulture, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services, grounding electricity, electrical hazards, 120 volt, 240 volt, ground fault circuit interrupter, gfci
Gas Welding Safety for Trainers and Supervisors AEX-892.2.19 safety, landscape, horticulture, safety glasses, infrared radiation, single stage regulator, two stage regulator, oxygen, cylinders, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services, gas welding safety, gas welding, storage, handling, personal protection equipment
Forklift Safety for Trainers and Supervisors AEX-892.2.18 safety, landscape, horticulture, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services, forklift safety
First on the Scene for Trainers and Supervisors AEX-892.2.17 safety, landscape, horticulture, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services, first on the scene
First-Aid Kit for Trainers and Supervisors AEX-892.2.16 safety, landscape, horticulture, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services, first aid
Federal DOT Placarding for Trainers and Supervisors AEX-892.2.15 safety, horticulture, landscape, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services, federal dot placarding
Equipment with Cutter Bars and Blades for Trainers and Supervisors AEX-892.2.14 safety, landscape, horticulture, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services, cutterbars and blades, safety training
Equipment and Plant Transport for Trainers and Supervisors AEX-892.2.13 safety, landscape, horticulture, towing, hitching equipment, hitches, tow-balls, pins, tongues, trailers, equipment and plant transport, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services
Electrical Shock for Trainers and Supervisors AEX-892.2.12 safety, landscape, horticulture, electrical shock, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services
Dust and Mold for Trainers and Supervisors AEX-892.2.11 safety, landscape, horticulture, dust and mold
Color Coding for Trainers and Supervisors AEX-892.2.10 safety, landscape, horticulture, color coding, workplace, standard color coding system
Choosing Spray Nozzles for Trainers and Supervisors AEX-892.2.09 safety, landscape, horticulture, choosing spray nozzles, nozzle spray patterns, droplet size, flow regulation, reduce spray drift
Chemical Skin Irritants for Trainers and Supervisors AEX-892.2.07 safety, horticulture. landscaping, chemical skin irritants
Chain Saw Safety for Trainers and Supervisors AEX-892.2.06 safety, horticulture, landscaping, chain saw
Caught In or Between Objects for Trainers and Supervisors AEX-892.2.05 safety, horticulture, landscaping, caught between objects, caught in objects
Bucket Truck and Aerial Lifts for Trainers and Supervisors AEX-892.2.04 safety, horticulture, landscaping, bucket trucks, aerial lifts
Bee, Wasp, Hornet, and Yellow Jacket Stings for Trainers and Supervisors AEX-892.2.03 safety, landscaping, horticulture, bee, wasp, epinephrine auto injector, epipen, medical identification necklace or bracelet, hornet, treatment, stings, yellow jacket, reactions, anaphylaxis, allergic
Battery Safety for Trainers and Supervisors AEX-892.2.02 safety, landscaping, horticulture, jump start a car, battery safety, storing batteries, lithium-ion battery, gel-cell battery, lead acid battery, car, deep cycle battery
Arc Welding Safety for Trainers and Supervisors AEX-892.2.01 safety, landscaping, horticulture, arc welding safety
Repetitive Motion AEX-790.9 small farm, gardening, safety, health, repetitive motion, treating repetitive motion injury, small farm and garden safety series, repetitive motion injury
Preventing Lifting Injuries AEX-790.8 small farm, gardening, safety, health, lifting injuries, small farm and garden safety series, lower back injury, avoiding back injury, back pain
Respiratory Protection AEX-790.7 small farm, gardening, safety, health, respiratory health, small farm and garden safety series
Eye and Face Protection AEX-790.6 small farm, gardening, safety, health, eye protection, face protection, small farm and garden safety series
Foot and Leg Protection AEX-790.4 small farm, gardening, safety, health, foot protection, leg protection, small farm and garden safety series
Proper Use of Ladders AEX-790.39 small farm, gardening, safety, health, ladder, small farm and garden safety series
Nonpower Hand Tools AEX-790.38 small farm, gardening, safety, health, non-power hand tool, small farm and garden safety series
Front-End Loader Safety AEX-790.35 small farm, gardening, safety, health, front-end loader, small farm and garden safety series
Wood Chippers and Shredders AEX-790.34 small farm, gardening, safety, health, wood chipper, wood shredder, small farm and garden safety series
Compact Utility Tractor Safety AEX-790.32 small farm, gardening, safety, health, compact utility tractor, small farm and garden safety series, small tractor
Three-Point Rotary Lawn and Brush Mower Safety AEX-790.31 small farm, gardening, safety, health, three-point rotary lawn mower, brush mower, small farm and garden safety series
Power Lawn Mowers AEX-790.30 small farm, gardening, safety, health, power lawn mower, small farm and garden safety series
Hand Protection AEX-790.3 small farm, gardening, safety, health, hand protection, small farm and garden safety series
Nonvented Portable Heaters AEX-790.29 small farm, gardening, safety, health, portable heater, small farm and garden safety series
Safety Data Sheets AEX-790.28 small farm, gardening, safety, health, safety data sheet, sds, small farm and garden safety series
Reading Pesticide Labels AEX-790.26 small farm, gardening, safety, health, pesticide label, small farm and garden safety series, pesticide disposal, pesticide, exposure, register, environmental risks
Fire Extinguishers AEX-790.25 small farm, gardening, safety, health, fire extinguisher, small farm and garden safety series
Emergency Preparedness AEX-790.24 small farm, gardening, safety, health, emergency preparedness, small farm and garden safety series
First-Aid Kits AEX-790.23 small farm, gardening, safety, health, first aid, small farm and garden safety series
Lockout/Tagout AEX-790.22 small farm, gardening, safety, health, lockout, tagout, small farm and garden safety series
Grounding and GFCI Protection AEX-790.21 small farm, gardening, safety, health, electrical grounding, small farm and garden safety series
Electrical Shock AEX-790.20 small farm, gardening, safety, health, electrical shock, small farm and garden safety series
Sun Exposure (Protect Your Skin) AEX-790.18 small farm, gardening, safety, health, sun exposure, sunblock, skin, small farm and garden safety series, uv rays, skin cancer
Task Lighting AEX-790.17 small farm, gardening, safety, health, task lighting, outdoor lights, small farm and garden safety series
Tree Work Safety AEX-790.16 small farm, gardening, safety, health, tree work, tree pruning, small farm and garden safety series, tree trimming
Slips, Trips, and Falls AEX-790.15 small farm, gardening, safety, health, slip, trip, fall, small farm and garden safety series
Protecting Hands and Fingers AEX-790.14 small farm, gardening, safety, health, hand protection, finger protection, small farm and garden safety series, identifying hazards, pinch, crush, cut
Dangers of Substance Abuse AEX-790.13 small farm, gardening, safety, health, substance, abuse, small farm and garden safety series
Hypothermia and Frostbite AEX-790.12 small farm, gardening, safety, health, hypothermia, frostbite, small farm and garden safety series
Be Aware of Heat Stress AEX-790.11 small farm, gardening, safety, health, heat, stress, small farm and garden safety series
Dust and Mold AEX-790.10 small farm, gardening, safety, health, dust, mold, small farm and garden safety series
Selecting and Using Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) AEX-790.1 small farm, gardening, safety, health, personal protective equipment, small farm and garden safety series
Wastewater Treatment Principles and Regulations AEX-768 sewage, wastewater, suspended film system, lagoon systems, wastewater treatment regulations, sludge treatment, fixed film system, wastewater treatment plant operators, national pollutant discharge elimination system, treatment system, effluent, wastewater treatment principles and regulations
Spray Irrigation of Reclaimed Wastewater for Rural Homes AEX-758 water quality, wastewater, on-site irrigation using wastewater, water reuse, winter irrigation, wastewater treatment, septic system, septic tanks, spray irrigation of treated wastewater, spray irrigation
Wastewater Management in Rural Communities AEX-750 wastewater, water pollution, pollutants, irrigation, treatment system, soil
Using Soil to Remove Pollutants From Wastewater AEX-745 wastewater, sewage, effluent, soil, pollutants, removing wastewater pollution with soil, wastewater treatment, sewage treatment, treating wastewater with soil
Estimate Ammonia (NH3) Emissions from Manure-Belt Layer Houses: An Effective Modeling Tool AEX-723.5 farm management, farm safety
Ammonia Emission from Animal Feeding Operations and Its Impacts AEX-723.1 farm management, ammonia emissions, animal feeding operations, health impacts, environmental impacts
Turning Crude Glycerin into Polyurethane Foam and Biopolyols AEX-654 farm management, biodiesel, energy, crude glycerin, biodiesel production process, polyols, isocyanates, biological conversion process, polyurethane (pu) foam
Converting Biogas to Transportation Fuels AEX-653.2 biogas, compressed natural gas, bio-cng, liquified biogas, methanol and liquid transportation fuels, biogas purification unit, multi-stage compressor, high-pressure storage system, buffer storage system, cascade storage system
Biogas Cleaning and Upgrading Technologies AEX-653.1-14 anaerobic digestion, biogas cleaning and upgrading technologies, methane and carbon dioxide, biogas composition, biogas applications, biogas cleaning methods
Manure to Energy Through Anaerobic Digestion AEX-653.1 alternative energy, manure, anaerobic, biogas, methane, complete mix digesters, covered lagoons, digester, plug flow digesters
Converting Spent Wheat Straw from Horse Stalls into Methane AEX-653-14 alternative energy
Solid-State Anaerobic Digestion for Energy Production from Organic Waste AEX-653-11 alternative energy, anaerobic digestion technology, biowaste, the valorga process, vertical plug-flow vessel, landfill, waste disposal, biogas, electricity, solid-state anaerobic digestion, liquid anaerobic digestion, compost, commercial solid-state anaerobic digester, hydrolysis, acidogenesis, acetogenesis, methanogenesis, methane
Photovoltaic Systems for Solar Electricity Production AEX-652 alternative energy, solar, photovoltaic, conversion, net metering, grid-connected, renewable, energy, flat plate system, inverter, concentrator system
Fungal Pretreatment of Corn Stover Fractions for Ethanol Production AEX-651.1-13 renewable fuel
Storing Lignocellulosic Biomass for Bio-Refining Industry AEX-651.1 farm management, biomass, biorefining, storing, lignocellulosic, ensilage fermentation, enzymatic hydrolysis, dry storage, wet storage, corn stover, harvesting, processing
Algae for Biofuels AEX-651 alternative energy, algae, microalgae, growing, harvesting, conversion, fuel, biodiesel, ultrasonic-assistant extraction, osmotic shock, enzymatic extraction, processing, supercritical fluid extraction, oil extraction, press extraction, hexane solvent extraction, biomass recovery
Determining Location of Cellulosic Ethanol Plants in Ohio Based on Availability of Crop Residues AEX-650 agricultural economics, ethanol production, wheat straw residue, corn stover residue, sustainable crop residue, transporting residue
Your Old Barn: Hiring a Contractor AEX-643 barn contractor, barn preservation, barn rehabilitation, contractor references, historical landmark updating, barn budgeting
Your Old Barn: Economic Incentives and Preservation Tools AEX-642 barn, rehabilitation, economic incentives, preservation tools, updating old, depreciable building, national register of historic places, historical
Your Old Barn: Reasons for Rehabilitation AEX-641 barn rehabilitation, barn restore, old barns, conversion project, historic preservation, agricultural heritage, barn versatility, commercial use barn restore
Make Sure Your Load Is Secure AEX-598.2 farm, safety, ohio agrability series, trailer weight, hauling cargo, transporting heavy loads, smv emblem, securing trailer loads, tie downs, working load limits
Safe Operation of Utility Type Vehicles (UTVs) AEX-597.1 farm, safety, tow, utv driving directions, safe operation, utv tire pressure, ohio agrability series, recreational off-highway vehicle, rov, side-by-side, utv, utility type vehicles, hauling, work vehicles
Lighting and Marking Recommendations for Pony Carts and Other Low-Profile, Animal-Drawn Vehicles AEX-596.9 road safety, pony carts, flag, lighting, retroreflective tape, slow moving vehicle emblem, smv, marking, hazard flashers, headlights, tail lights
Snowplows in Amish Country: A Guide for Buggy Drivers, Pedestrians, and Snowplow Operators AEX-596.8 agricultural safety, snow plowing, snow plow operators, horse-drawn vehicles, amish, slow moving vehicles, buggies, wagons, safely driving around snowplows, safe winter driving in amish country
Safe Handling of Anhydrous Ammonia AEX-594 agricultural safety, farm, safety, legal requirements, anhydrous ammonia, roadway transport safety, safe field practices, care and maintenance of anhydrous ammonia equipment, personal protection, first aid, safe handling, incidental release hazard, safe handling of anhydrous ammonia
Safety Practices for a Tractor Mounted Post-Hole Digger AEX-593.1 agricultural safety, farm, safety, post-hole digger
Color Coding AEX-591.9.6 agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, caution, safety-signs, color-coding, preventing machine hazards
Hand Signals for Agricultural Safety AEX-591.9.5 agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, hand signals, safety, communication-tools, noisy-working-conditions
Loading Docks and Warehouses AEX-591.9.4 agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, loading docks, warehouses, safety, docks
Liquid Manure AEX-591.9.3 agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, liquid manure, safety, gasses, precaution, gas hazard, manure gases
Trenching and Excavation Safety AEX-591.9.1 ag tailgate safety training, safety, trenching, excavating, agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, trench
Arc Welding Safety AEX-591.8.6 agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, arc-welding, welding, safety
Overhead Electrical Hazards AEX-591.8.5 agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, overhead-hazards, electrical-hazards, power lines, safety, electrical equipment
Battery Safety AEX-591.8.4 agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, battery, batteries, training, battery-safety
Grounding Electricity AEX-591.8.3 agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, grounding-electricity, safety, electricity, grounding, gfci
Electrical Shock  AEX-591.8.2 agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, electricity, shock, hazard, safety, electrical-shock, resistance, volt, electrical-fire, fatal-shock, electrical grounding
Lockout and Tagout AEX-591.8.1 agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, lockout, tagout, safety, locking-device, maintenance, servicing-machinery, equipment-servicing
Proper Use of Ladders AEX-591.7.9 safety, ladders, three-point contact rule, climbing-ladder, health, agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors
Gas Welding Safety AEX-591.7.8 agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, gas-welding, welding, safety, safety-precautions, cutting-metals, oxygen, gas welding safety
Safe Use of Jacks AEX-591.7.7 agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, safety, safe use of jacks
Safe Use of Hand-Held Tools AEX-591.7.6 agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, shop tools, ag tailgate training, safety, health, hand-held tools, wrench, pliers, hammers
Safe Use Of Hand Pallet Trucks AEX-591.7.5 agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, health, safety, hand trucks, pallet movers, ag tailgate training
Material Handling Devices AEX-591.7.4 agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, material handling devices, two-wheeled trucks, dolly trucks, wheelbarrows, hand-trucks
Safe Operation of Portable Circular Power Saws AEX-591.7.3 safe operation of portable circular power saws, agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, safety, health, ag tailgate training
Chain Saw Safety AEX-591.7.2 agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, chain saw, safety, chainsaw, injury-prevention, proper use
Preventing Machine Hazards AEX-591.7.11 agricultural safety and health program, safety, health, preventing-machine-hazards, machines, repairing-machines-safety
Orchard Ladder Safety AEX-591.7.10 agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, safety, orchard, ladder-safety, orchard-ladders
Protecting Hands and Fingers AEX-591.7.1 agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, health, safety, protecting-hands-and-fingers, pinch-hazard, crush-points, cut-points, preventing machine hazards
Safe Handling of Livestock Medications AEX-591.6.3 agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, animal health care, medicines, livestock medicines, ag tailgate training, safety, livestock vaccines, livestock syringes, livestock needles, disposal, infectious waste disposal
Grain Bin Hazards AEX-591.5.5 agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, grain bins, safety, training, grain-bin-hazards, respiratory hazard, fire and explosion hazard, sop, standard operating procedure
Combine Fires AEX-591.5.3 agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, safety, health, combine, combine-fires, training, modules
Silo Safety AEX-591.5.1 agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, silo safety, silo, safety, health, lung disease, gas, ag tailgate training
Safe Handling of Anhydrous Ammonia AEX-591.4.9 agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, anhydrous ammonia, safety, ppe, flushing eyes
Spraying Paint AEX-591.4.7 agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, safety, training, ag training, spraying paint, paint, solvents, thinners, paint vapors
Safe Use Of Flammable Liquids AEX-591.4.6 agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, flammable liquids, flammables, safety, health, ag tailgate training
Skin Irritants and Allergens AEX-591.4.5 agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, safety, skin irritants, allergens, exposure, dermatitis
Pesticide-contaminated Clothing Laundering AEX-591.4.4 agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, pesticide-contaminated clothing, laundering pesticide-protection clothing, agricultural safety
Reading Pesticide Labels AEX-591.4.3 agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, reading-labels, pesticide-labels, safe-use-of-pesticides, safety, training
Restricted-Entry Intervals (REI) AEX-591.4.2 agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, pesticides, restricted-entry, worker-protection-standard, wps, agricultural pesticides
Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) AEX-591.4.11 agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, training, safety, sds, safety data sheets, references, hazardous materials
Towing Anhydrous Ammonia Tanks AEX-591.4.10 safety, ag tailgate training, towing anhydrous ammonia tanks, towing tanks, health, towing, agricultural safety, agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors
Pesticide Exposure AEX-591.4.1 agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, pesticides, exposure, pesticide-exposure, safety, toxic-materials, acute exposure, oral exposure, dermal exposure, ocular exposure, inhalation exposure, daily exposure, chronic exposure, allergic exposure
Protective Gloves AEX-591.3.7 agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, neoprene, kevlar, health, safety, gloves, protection
Personal Eye Protection AEX-591.3.6 agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, personal-eye-protection, eye damage, prevention
Protecting Against Noise AEX-591.3.4 agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, health, safety, training, protecting-noise, noise, hearing-protection, noise-levels, ear-plugs
Properly Cleaning and Storing Respirators AEX-591.3.3 agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, health, safety, respirators, cleaning-storing-respirators, dust mask, dust masks, cartridge respirator, dust filter mask
Respirator Protection and Fit AEX-591.3.2 agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, health, safety, respirators, fit test, dual cartridge, dust respirators
Pesticide Protective Equipment AEX-591.3.1 agricultural safety and health program, pesticides, protection, safety, health, ppe, pesticide-protective-equipment
Safe Use of Harvesting Equipment with Cutterbars AEX-591.2.9 agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, cutterbars and blades, safety, health, harvesting equipment
Working with Large Round Bale Equipment AEX-591.2.7 safety, health, round bale equipment, large round bales, tractors, pto, trailers, agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, ag tailgate safety training
Using Hay Harvesting Equipment Safely AEX-591.2.6 agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, safety, hay harvesting, harvesting equipment, hay crops, harvesting
Safe Use of Hydraulic Systems AEX-591.2.5 agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, safety, hydraulics system
Power Take-Off (PTO) Shielding AEX-591.2.3 agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, pto, power-take-off-shielding, pto hazards, tractor-pto, safety
Safe Use of the Power Take-off (PTO) AEX-591.2.2 agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, safety, ag tailgate training, pto, power take-off
Chock and Block AEX-591.2.12 chock, block, safety, health, equipment, pinning, pallets, farm shop, farm equipment
Rotary Agricultural Mower Safety AEX-591.2.11 agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, health, safety, rotary-mower, mower-safety, mower, pto
Power Lawn Mowers AEX-591.2.10 agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, power-take-off, walk-behind-mowers, riding-mowers, commercial-style-lawn-mowers, power-lawn-mowers
Caught-in or Caught-between Objects AEX-591.2.1 agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, caught-in, caught-between objects, safety, training, supervisors, injuries, prevention
First on the Scene AEX-591.11.3 agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, farm hazards, first aid, emergency preparedness, rescue
First-aid Kits AEX-591.11.2 safety,  health, first-aid, kits, emergency, emergencies, red cross
Portable Fire Extinguishers AEX-591.11.1 agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, fire extinguishers, fire safety, fire hazards, fire-extinguisher-classification, safety
Substance Abuse and Injuries AEX-591.10.9 agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, safety, substance, abuse, drugs, alcohol, job performance
Heat Stress AEX-591.10.8 agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, heat, heat stroke, heat-safety, heat-exhaustion, heat-stress first aid
Cold Weather Exposure AEX-591.10.7 agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, cold, hypothermia, frostnip, cold-weather-safety, safety, exposure, prevention
Stress Management AEX-591.10.6 agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, ag safety training, safety, stress, stress management, mental health, workplace stress, farming, farm stress
Respiratory Diseases AEX-591.10.5 agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, safety, health, respiratory, disease, lung, lung disease, mold, silo gas, airways irritation
Repetitive Motion AEX-591.10.4 repetitive motion, safety, health, treatment, ergonomic tools, agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, injuries, prevention, repetitive motion injury
Preventing Lifting and Overexertion Injuries AEX-591.10.3 agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, lifting, overexertion, preventing injuries, lifting-techniques
Preventing Falls AEX-591.10.2 agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, safety, ladders, preventing falls, falls, floor openings, training
Struck-By Hazards AEX-591.10.1 agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, ag tailgate safety training, safety, struck-by hazards, on-farm hazards
No Riders on Farm and Lawn Equipment AEX-591.1.7 agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, safety, farm equipment, riders on farm equipment, farm hazards
Safety Means Slow Moving Vehicle (SMV) AEX-591.1.6 agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, ag tailgate training, safety, health, smv, slow moving vehicle, safety signs, farm machinery
Tractors and Highway Safety AEX-591.1.5 ag safety tailgate, safety, tractors, highway safety, agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors
Safely Starting and Stopping a Tractor AEX-591.1.3 agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, tractors, starting and stopping, safety, health, ag tailgate training
Safe Use of Tractors and Self-Propelled Farm Equipment AEX-591.1.1 agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, farm equipment, training, safety, health, tractors, safe use of tractors and self-propelled equipment
Introduction To Agricultural Safety AEX-591.0 agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, safety, training, injuries, agricultural injury prevention
Biomass Availability in Northwest Ohio AEX-541 biofuels, biomass, feedstocks, corn stover, soil quality, soil erosion, cellulosic ethanol, corn cobs, flatbed trailers, storage, stover, wheat straw, miscanthus
Soil Carbon Sequestration—Fundamentals AEX-510 agronomy, soil carbon sequestration, fossil fuel emissions, global warming, erosion, carbon trading, carbon management
Drinking Water Regulations AEX-423 drinking water, regulations, license, contaminants, standards, safe drinking water act, public water systems
Wages and Benefits for Farm Employees 2009 AEDE-RP-0126 agricultural economics, wages for farm employees, benefits, full time employees, insurance, part time farm employees, housing, compensating farm employees, cash wages for farmers
Western Ohio Cropland Values and Cash Rents 2009-10 AEDE-RP-0125 agricultural economics, production capabilities, cropland values, cash rents, western ohio cropland values and cash rents survey, land productivity, potential return, field size, field crop return, variability of crop, drainage, population, ease of access, market access, local market price, competition for rented cropland
Western Ohio Cropland Values and Cash Rents 2017-18 AEDE-17-18 cash rent, cropland, value, land value, interest rates, pasture, rent, agricultural economics
Western Ohio Cropland Values and Cash Rents 2016-17 AEDE-16-17 cash rents, cropland value, land value, agricultural economics, land productivity, crop return
Western Ohio Cropland Values and Cash Rents 2015-16 AEDE-15-16 cash rent, cropland value, land value, agricultural economics
Western Ohio Cropland Values and Cash Rents 2014-15 AEDE-15-15 cash rent, cropland value, land value, agricultural economics
Western Ohio Cropland Values and Cash Rents 2013-14 AEDE-15-14 agricultural economics, land value, cash rent
Western Ohio Cropland Values and Cash Rents 2012-13 AEDE-15-13 agricultural economics, farm management, cash rent
Western Ohio Cropland Values and Cash Rents 2011-12 AEDE-15-12 agricultural economics, cropland values, cash rents, northwest, ohio, value, southwest, western, land class, corn revenue, soy, rent per bushel corn, land value, soybean yield, market value
Ohio Tobacco Farm Custom Rates 2010 AEDE-14-10 agricultural economics, tobacco farm, renting farm equipment, machinery cost estimates, custom rates for farmers
Ohio Farm Custom Rates 2016 AEDE-11-16 custom rates, machinery rates, machinery value, machinery rental rate, agricultural economics, farm machinery, ohio custom farm rates
Ohio Farm Custom Rates 2014 AEDE-11-14 agricultural economics
Ohio Farm Custom Rates 2012 AEDE-11-12 agricultural economics, grain haul, rental rate, chemical control of weeds or insects, ohio farmers, mechanical weed control, estimating agricultural cost, machinery operations rates, soil preparation, planting operations
Managing Talent for Success: Today and Tomorrow AEDE-0021 agribusiness management, farm management, developing teams, managing talent
Valuable Habits for Effective Managers and Employees AEDE-0020 farm management, agribusiness management, managing employees, good business habits
The Case for an Outside Board of Directors for Closely Held Farm and Agricultural Businesses AEDE-0019 farm management, closely held board of directors, agribusiness management
Western Ohio Cropland Values and Cash Rents 2010-11 11-AED-911 agricultural economics, crop production capabilities, cropland values, cash rents, soybean yield, corn yield, land productivity, potential crop return, long-term land value
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