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Ohio State University Extension


Ag Crops and Livestock

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Fertilizer and Manure Regulations in the Lake Erie Western Basin Watershed ANR-0156 fertilizer application, manure application, laws and regulations, lake erie western basin watershed
Production of Specialty Small Grains in Ohio ANR-0154 wheat, rye, barley, oats, triticale, ancient grains
Response of Soils and Crops to Gypsum Application in Ohio ANR-0153 gypsum, soil health, crop yield
Pigweed Identification Guide ANR-0077 weeds, pigweed, redroot pigweed, waterhemp, palmer amaranth, spiny amaranth, powell amaranth
The Organic Certification Process for Farms SAG-0003 organic, certification, farm, farms, value-added, transition, sustainable, producers, growers
Narrow Row Spacing in Corn: Management Considerations for Ohio ANR-0152 corn, environmental stress, strong storms, weather damage, management, cold temperatures, hybrids, forage, yield, narrow row, production, seeding, rates, drought tolerance, growing degree days, grain
Managing Corn in Response to Severe Storms and Short-Term Weather Stressors ANR-0151 corn, environmental stress, strong storms, weather damage, management, cold temperatures, lodging, hail, flood, waterlogging
Hobby Maple Syrup Production F-36 maple syrup, hobbies, maple trees, maple syrup production, drawing off maple syrup, finishing maple syrup, boiling down sap, how to tap trees for maple syrup, how to make maple syrup, maple syrup trees
Ohio Farm Custom Rates 2016 AEDE-11-16 custom rates, machinery rates, machinery value, machinery rental rate, agricultural economics, farm machinery, ohio custom farm rates
Giant Hogweed (Heracleum mantegazzianum) ANR-35 weed, noxious, giant hogweed, controlling giant hogweed, managing giant hogweed, ohio weeds, federal noxious weed list, dangerous weeds, giant ohio weeds, weeds with white flowers, poisonous weed sap
Predators of Poultry VME-22 veterinary, poultry, predators, birds, chickens, turkeys, ducks, flocks, duck, chicken, turkey, fox, coyote, raccoon, bobcat, snake
Tips for Calibrating Grain Yield Monitors—Maximizing Value of Your Yield Data ANR-8 precision agriculture, calibrating grain yield monitors, agronomy, corn, soybeans, wheat, mass flow sensor calibration, ground speed calibration, motion sensor calibration, temperature calibration, mass flow sensor vibration calibration, nutrient management, yield monitoring file formats
Corn Response to Long-Term Weather Stressors ANR-0150 corn, growth, development, yield, production, stress, weather
A Guide to Corn Growth and Development ANR-0148 corn, growth, development, yield, production, stress, stages
Opportunities for Subsurface Nutrient Placement in Ohio FABE-564.01 precision agriculture, agronomy, corn, soybeans, wheat, nutrient management
Forage Testing for Beef Cattle ANR-0149 forage testing, cattle, beef, sample, bales, silage, alfalfa, orchard, grass
Potassium Uptake and Ohio Crop Response ANR-0147 potassium, yield, fertilizer, ohio, crop response, crops, production
Soil Phosphorus and Crop Response to Phosphorus Fertilizer in Ohio ANR-0146 phosphorus, yields, fertilizer, mehlich-3 p, crop, yield response
Drones for Spraying Pesticides—Opportunities and Challenges FABE-540 drones, spraying, pesticide application, uav, uas
Ripe Rot of Grape PLPATH-FRU-0052 grape, disease, fungi, ripe rot
Ohio Phosphorus (P) Use by Crop Reporting District ANR-0144 phosphorus, soil fertility, nutrient management, water quality
Phosphorus (P) Nutrient Use in Ohio ANR-0143 phosphorus, soil fertility, nutrient management, water quality
Ohio Agricultural Fertilizer Applicator Certification Requirements: Who Needs to Get Certified and What Steps to Take ANR-0142 ohio fertilizer certification exam, agricultural fertilizer applicator, fertilizer record, recordkeeping, recertification, fertilizer regulations
ANR-841-2E: Tobacco Sucker Control ANR-0841-2E tobacco, burley tobacco, sucker growth, tobacco sucker control
Abnormal Ears in Corn—When and Why Do They Develop? ANR-0139 corn, abnormal ears, productivity, growth and development, timing, causal factors
Soils and Soil Health ANR-0136 soil, soil health, soil management, minerals, microbes, liebig's law of the minimum, macronutrients
Bumble Bee Pollination in Tomato Greenhouses ENT-0092 bumble bees, tomatoes, greenhouse, pollination, commercial bees, buzz pollination
Berseem Clover as a Cover Crop in Ohio ANR-0127 cover crops, types, weed control, berseem clover, ohio, midwest, council
Rapeseed as a Cover Crop in Ohio ANR-0126 cover crops, types, weed control, rapeseed, ohio, midwest, council
Radish as a Cover Crop in Ohio ANR-0125 cover crops, types, weed control, radish, ohio, midwest, council
Forage Turnip as a Cover Crop in Ohio ANR-0124 cover crops, types, weed control, forage turnip, ohio, midwest, council
Sunflower as a Cover Crop in Ohio ANR-0123 cover crops, types, weed control, sunflower, ohio, midwest, council
Sweetclover as a Cover Crop in Ohio ANR-0134 cover crops, types, weed control, sweetclover, ohio, midwest, council
Sunn Hemp as a Cover Crop in Ohio ANR-0133 cover crops, types, weed control, sunn hemp, ohio, midwest, council
Red Clover as a Cover Crop in Ohio ANR-0132 cover crops, types, weed control, red clover, ohio, midwest, council
Hairy Vetch as a Cover Crop in Ohio ANR-0131 cover crops, types, weed control, hairy vetch, ohio, midwest, council
Field Pea/Winter Pea as a Cover Crop in Ohio ANR-0130 cover crops, types, weed control, field pea, winter pea, ohio, midwest, council
Crimson Clover as a Cover Crop in Ohio ANR-0129 cover crops, types, weed control, crimson clover, ohio, midwest, council
Cowpea as a Cover Crop in Ohio ANR-0128 cover crops, types, weed control, cowpea, ohio, midwest, council
Buckwheat as a Cover Crop in Ohio ANR-0122 cover crops, types, weed control, buckwheat, ohio, midwest, council
Wheat as a Cover Crop in Ohio ANR-0121 cover crops, types, weed control, wheat, ohio, midwest, council
Triticale as a Cover Crop in Ohio ANR-0120 cover crops, types, weed control, triticale, ohio, midwest, council
Sudangrass as a Cover Crop in Ohio ANR-0119 cover crops, types, weed control, sudangrass, ohio, midwest, council
Sorghum-Sudangrass as a Cover Crop in Ohio ANR-0118 cover crops, types, weed control, sorghum, sudangrass, ohio, midwest, council
Pearl Millet as a Cover Crop in Ohio ANR-0117 cover crops, types, weed control, pearl millet, ohio, midwest, council
Oats as a Cover Crop in Ohio ANR-0116 cover crops, types, weed control, oats, ohio, midwest, council
Japanese Millet as a Cover Crop in Ohio ANR-0115 cover crops, types, weed control, japanese millet, ohio, midwest, council
Cereal Rye as a Cover Crop in Ohio ANR-0114 cover crops, types, weed control, cereal rye, ohio, midwest, council
Barley as a Cover Crop in Ohio ANR-0113 cover crops, types, weed control, barley, ohio, midwest, council
Annual Ryegrass as a Cover Crop in Ohio ANR-0112 cover crops, types, grass cover crops, weed control, annual ryegrass, ohio, midwest cover crops, council
Understanding How Soil Test Phosphorus Impacts Water Quality ANR-0111 water quality, phosphorus, soil test, fertility
Elderberry Production in Ohio ANR-0110 elderberry, elderberries, fruits, super, foods, farm, garden, alternative, cash crops, farm diversification
Nutrient Management of Forage Crops Intended for Hay ANR-0109 hay, fertility, livestock, nutrient management, grass, legume, soil testing
Developing Phosphorus and Potassium Recommendations for Field Crops AGF-0515 phosphorus, potassium, soil test, recommendation, field crops, corn, soybean, wheat, alfalfa, healthy crops, nutrient dense soil, yield potentials, soil test value, forage crops, soil, acidity, liming
Interpreting a Soil Test Report AGF-0514 fertilizer, soil fertility, soil test, soil test report, soil nutrients, laboratory, nutrient management, ohio, cec, om, cation exchange capacity, organic matter
Choosing a Laboratory for Nutrient and Soil Health Testing ANR-0107 soil testing, soil health, nutrient, laboratory, nutrient management, ohio
Small Ruminant Production: Are CIDRs Reusable? AS-1025 small ruminants, sheep, goats, reproduction, synchronization
Evaluating Body Composition of Horses AS-1024 horse, equine, nutrition, weight, body condition score, bcs, cresty neck score, cns, fat storage, muscling, muscle evaluation, muscle atrophy scoring system, mass
Controlling Non-Native Invasive Plants: Common and Japanese Barberry ANR-0106 barberry, japanese barberry, common barberry, berberis, berberis spp, invasive, invasive species, forest, ticks, lyme, lyme disease
Comparing Traditional Meat and Plant-Based Meat ANR-0103 meat, nutrition, fiber, vegetarian, beef, plant-based meat
Blackberry Production Systems in Ohio ANR-0104 blackberries, blackberry, rubus, hedge row, rotatable cross arm trellis, high tunnel, primocane, floricane, nutrition
Precision Agriculture Tools for On-Farm Research FABE-558 precision agriculture, on-farm research, agronomy, corn, soybeans
Effects of Lime and Gypsum Application on Vegetable Yields and Nutrient Availability in Muck Soil ANR-0102 muck soil, organic soil, lime, gypsum, vegetables
Direct Marketing of Fruit Crops to Ohio Wineries HYG-1433 fruits, fruit, berries, blackberries, blueberries, cherries, elderberries, peaches, raspberries, strawberries
The Role of Macronutrients in Equine Nutrition AS-1023 horses, nutrition, protein, carbohydrates, fats
Corn Yield Response to Damage from Strong Storms AC-1054 corn, weather, hail, root lodging, storms, stand losses, defoliation, yield production, hailstorms, damage, greensnap
African Swine Fever: A Severe Threat to Swine Herds Is on the United States’ Doorstep VME-1036 african swine fever, pig ebola, virus, swine disease, viral pathogen, peracute, acute, subacute, chronic
The Gastrointestinal Tract of the Horse AS-1022 horse, equine, nutrition, git, anatomy
Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza VME-1037 hpai, influenza, poultry, chickens
Asian Longhorned Ticks in Ohio VME-1035 asian longhorned tick, tick, ticks, tick-vectored
The Role of Micronutrients in Equine Nutrition AS-1021 horse, equine nutrition, fat soluble vitamins, water soluble vitamins, malnutrition, mineral toxicity, mineral deficiency, muscle, nerve, function, micronutrients, macrominerals, microminerals, vitamins, minerals, diet, forage, daily nutrient requirements
The Making of an Egg VME-0021 chicken, poultry, eggs, egg production, albumen, chalazae, egg yolk, oviduct, infundibulum, magnum, isthmus, shell, cloaca, oviposition, ovum, avian reproduction system, chicken eggs, poultry science, avian egg formation
Rabies Prevention in Livestock VME-0001 rabies, livestock, cattle, goats, sheep, swine, horses
The Parsley Family Identification Guide ANR-102 hemlock, hogweed, parsley, weeds that look like parsley, weed, species, wild carrot, poison, wild parsnip, cow parsnip, giant hogweed
Ever-Evolving Aspects of Cannabis Production ANR-99 cannabis, hemp, marijuana varieties, propagation, biocontrol, post-harvest
Mono-, Relay-, and Double-Crop Production Systems in Northwest Ohio ANR-100 wheat, soybean, clover, double crop, intercrop, crop diversity, red clover
Providing Livestock Comfort at the County Fair AEX-155-04 livestock comfort, county fair, chicken, ceiling fans, poultry, rabbits, ridge openings, fair buildings, ventilation, tunnel ventilation, mechanical ventilation, dry coolers, mist systems, negative pressure
The Cannabis Market and Its Impact on Hemp ANR-97 cannabis, hemp, marijuana, medical, recreational, adult-use, thc, concentrate, live rosin product
Improving Biomass Properties via Densification and Upgrading FABE-660.5 biomass, upgrading, densification, energy crops
Selecting, Storing, and Serving Ohio Sweet Corn HYG-5516 corn, sweet corn, ohio corn recipes, ohio sweet corn recipes, nutrition, corn and green chili salad
Selecting, Storing and Serving Ohio Carrots HYG-5514 carrots, ohio carrot recipes, nutrition, carrot noodles with peanut sauce
Selecting, Storing, and Serving Ohio Cabbage HYG-5513 cabbage, ohio cabbage recipes, nutrition, egg rolls, green cabbage, red cabbage, savoy cabbage, chinese
Selecting, Storing, and Serving Ohio Broccoli, Brussels Sprouts, and Cauliflower HYG-5512 broccoli, cauliflower, brussel sprouts, ohio broccoli, ohio cauliflower, ohio brussel sprouts, ohio cauliflower recipes, ohio broccoli recipes, ohio brussel sprout recipes
Selecting, Storing, and Serving Ohio Kohlrabi, Rutabagas, and Turnips HYG-5521 kohlrabi, rutabagas, turnips, ohio kohlrabi, ohio rutabagas, ohio turnips, kohlrabi recipes, rutabaga recipes, turnip recipes
Selecting, Storing, and Serving Ohio Peppers HYG-5528 peppers, ohio peppers, pepper recipes, stuffed pepper soup, pimiento, sweet banana, sweet cherry, hot pepper varieties, cayenne, chili, jalapeño, hungarian, serrano, cherry
Selecting, Storing, and Serving Ohio Apples HYG-5507 apples, apple salad, cameo, cortland, crispin, empire, fuji, winesap, golden delicious, honey crisp, law rome, lodi, macintosh, red delicious, granny smith, ohio apples, apple recipes, fruit, recipes, storing apples, serving apples
Forage as Vegetative Cover for Utility-Scale Solar in Ohio CDFS-4106 utility-scale solar, vegetation management, forage, renewable energy, cool-season pasture, vegetative cover, forage crops
Sour Rot Disorder of Grape PLPATH-FRU-50 grape, sour rot, fruit flies
Nutrient Removal for Field Crops in Ohio ANR-96 agronomy, nutrient removal of field crops
Tools for Estimating Winter Malting Barley Grain Yield ANR-95 barley, stand evaluation, tiller count
Short Season Corn vs. Commonly Grown Corn Hybrid Maturities for Planting in Ohio  ANR-94 corn, hybrid, return per acre, grain yield, harvest date, maturity rates, relative maturity, cover crop, corn belt, ultra-early corn, full-season corn hybrids, short-season corn hybrids
Equestrian Injury Statistics AS-19 horse, helmet, injury prevention, traumatic brain injury, equestrian, riding, sports, equestrian injuries, equestrian injury statistics, rodeo injuries, horse racing injuries
Recognizing Concussion or TBI in Horseback Riders AS-18 horse, helmet, injury prevention, traumatic brain injury, tbi, concussion, equestrian, riding, sports
RHDV2: What Rabbit Owners Need to Know 4H-54 rabbits, rhd, small animals, bio-security
Freeze Symptoms and Associated Yield Loss in Soft Red Winter Wheat ANR-93 wheat, freeze, cold, temperature, winter injury, freeze damage, feekes 10.5.1 growth stage, feekes 8 growth stage, feekes 6 growth stage
Best Practices for Effective and Efficient Pesticide Application FABE-532 sprayers, pesticide application, spray drift, nozzles, sprayer calibration
Developing a Farm Digital Strategy 3 – Data Management Considerations FABE-557 precision agriculture, corn, soybeans, farm management, digital agriculture
Developing a Farm Digital Strategy 2 – Precision Technology and Data Generation FABE-556 precision agriculture, corn, soybeans, farm management, digital agriculture
Management Considerations for the Cribbing Horse ANR-89 horse, equine, cribbing, crib-biting, stereotype stable vice, cribbing collar, managing, cribs, cribbing due to stress, preventing cribbing
Double-Cropping Soybean Following Small Grains AGF-103 soybean, double crop, grain yield, wheat, vomitoxin, row spacing, seeding rate, winter barley, relative maturity
Post Corn, Going to Soybean: Use Cereal Rye ANR-84 soil health, soil, cover crop, agronomy, corn-soybean rotation, cereal rye
Post Soybean, Going to Corn: Use Oats/Radish   ANR-85 soil health, soil, cover crop, agronomy, corn after soybean, oats, radish, soybean-corn rotation
Growing Hardy Figs in Ohio HYG-1439 fig, hardy fig, fruit, farm, high tunnel, farm diversification, cultivars, varieties, hardy chicago, brown turkey, growing figs in ohio, ohio figs
Kiwifruit and Hardy Kiwi (Kiwiberries) HYG-1426 kiwi, hardy kiwi, kiwiberry, fruit, home, farm, kiwifruit, kiwi cultivars, trellising kiwi, fertilizing kiwi, growing kiwi in ohio, growing hardy kiwi, kiwi frost hardiness, dormant pruning
Herbicide Resistance in Waterhemp ANR-78 weeds, weed control, waterhemp, herbicide resistance, ohio, cover crops, midwest, glyphosate, site 14, herbicides
Equipment Needed for Planting and Maintaining Food Plots ANR-82 food plots, white-tail deer, wildlife, atv, seeders, planting, maintenance, frost seeding, lime, corn planter, fertilizer, fertilizer spreader, mower, tools, equipment safety
Working with Large Round Bale Equipment AEX-591.2.7 safety, health, round bale equipment, large round bales, tractors, pto, trailers, agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, ag tailgate safety training
Using Hay Harvesting Equipment Safely AEX-591.2.6 agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, safety, hay harvesting, harvesting equipment, hay crops, harvesting
Trenching and Excavation Safety AEX-591.9.1 ag tailgate safety training, safety, trenching, excavating, agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, trench
Tractors and Highway Safety AEX-591.1.5 ag safety tailgate, safety, tractors, highway safety, agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors
Towing Anhydrous Ammonia Tanks AEX-591.4.10 safety, ag tailgate training, towing anhydrous ammonia tanks, towing tanks, health, towing, agricultural safety, agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors
Struck-By Hazards AEX-591.10.1 agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, ag tailgate safety training, safety, struck-by hazards, on-farm hazards
Stress Management AEX-591.10.6 agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, ag safety training, safety, stress, stress management, mental health, workplace stress, farming, farm stress
Spraying Paint AEX-591.4.7 agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, safety, training, ag training, spraying paint, paint, solvents, thinners, paint vapors
Skin Irritants and Allergens AEX-591.4.5 agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, safety, skin irritants, allergens, exposure, dermatitis
Substance Abuse and Injuries AEX-591.10.9 agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, safety, substance, abuse, drugs, alcohol, job performance
Silo Safety AEX-591.5.1 agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, silo safety, silo, safety, health, lung disease, gas, ag tailgate training
Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) AEX-591.4.11 agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, training, safety, sds, safety data sheets, references, hazardous materials
Safety Means Slow Moving Vehicle (SMV) AEX-591.1.6 agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, ag tailgate training, safety, health, smv, slow moving vehicle, safety signs, farm machinery
Safely Starting and Stopping a Tractor AEX-591.1.3 agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, tractors, starting and stopping, safety, health, ag tailgate training
Safe Use of Tractors and Self-Propelled Farm Equipment AEX-591.1.1 agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, farm equipment, training, safety, health, tractors, safe use of tractors and self-propelled equipment
Safe Use of the Power Take-off (PTO) AEX-591.2.2 agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, safety, ag tailgate training, pto, power take-off
Safe Handling of Livestock Medications AEX-591.6.3 agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, animal health care, medicines, livestock medicines, ag tailgate training, safety, livestock vaccines, livestock syringes, livestock needles, disposal, infectious waste disposal
Safe Use of Jacks AEX-591.7.7 agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, safety, safe use of jacks
Safe Use of Hydraulic Systems AEX-591.2.5 agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, safety, hydraulics system
Safe Use of Harvesting Equipment with Cutterbars AEX-591.2.9 agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, cutterbars and blades, safety, health, harvesting equipment
Safe Use Of Hand Pallet Trucks AEX-591.7.5 agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, health, safety, hand trucks, pallet movers, ag tailgate training
Safe Use of Hand-Held Tools AEX-591.7.6 agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, shop tools, ag tailgate training, safety, health, hand-held tools, wrench, pliers, hammers
Safe Use Of Flammable Liquids AEX-591.4.6 agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, flammable liquids, flammables, safety, health, ag tailgate training
Safe Operation of Portable Circular Power Saws AEX-591.7.3 safe operation of portable circular power saws, agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, safety, health, ag tailgate training
Safe Handling of Anhydrous Ammonia AEX-591.4.9 agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, anhydrous ammonia, safety, ppe, flushing eyes
Calculating Cation Exchange Capacity, Base Saturation, and Calcium Saturation ANR-81 cation exchange capacity, soil fertility, calculating cation exchange capacity, base saturation, calcium saturation
Rotary Agricultural Mower Safety AEX-591.2.11 agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, health, safety, rotary-mower, mower-safety, mower, pto
Restricted-Entry Intervals (REI) AEX-591.4.2 agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, pesticides, restricted-entry, worker-protection-standard, wps, agricultural pesticides
Respiratory Diseases AEX-591.10.5 agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, safety, health, respiratory, disease, lung, lung disease, mold, silo gas, airways irritation
Respirator Protection and Fit AEX-591.3.2 agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, health, safety, respirators, fit test, dual cartridge, dust respirators
Repetitive Motion AEX-591.10.4 repetitive motion, safety, health, treatment, ergonomic tools, agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, injuries, prevention, repetitive motion injury
Reading Pesticide Labels AEX-591.4.3 agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, reading-labels, pesticide-labels, safe-use-of-pesticides, safety, training
Protective Gloves AEX-591.3.7 agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, neoprene, kevlar, health, safety, gloves, protection
Protecting Hands and Fingers AEX-591.7.1 agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, health, safety, protecting-hands-and-fingers, pinch-hazard, crush-points, cut-points, preventing machine hazards
Protecting Against Noise AEX-591.3.4 agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, health, safety, training, protecting-noise, noise, hearing-protection, noise-levels, ear-plugs
Properly Cleaning and Storing Respirators AEX-591.3.3 agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, health, safety, respirators, cleaning-storing-respirators, dust mask, dust masks, cartridge respirator, dust filter mask
Proper Use of Ladders AEX-591.7.9 safety, ladders, three-point contact rule, climbing-ladder, health, agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors
Preventing Machine Hazards AEX-591.7.11 agricultural safety and health program, safety, health, preventing-machine-hazards, machines, repairing-machines-safety
Pesticide Protective Equipment AEX-591.3.1 agricultural safety and health program, pesticides, protection, safety, health, ppe, pesticide-protective-equipment
First-aid Kits AEX-591.11.2 safety,  health, first-aid, kits, emergency, emergencies, red cross
Chock and Block AEX-591.2.12 chock, block, safety, health, equipment, pinning, pallets, farm shop, farm equipment
Palmer Amaranth and Waterhemp Management: It’s All About the Seed ANR-76 palmer, amaranth, waterhemp, seeds, weed management, weeds, dioecious species, weed
Preventing Falls AEX-591.10.2 agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, safety, ladders, preventing falls, falls, floor openings, training
Power Take-Off (PTO) Shielding AEX-591.2.3 agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, pto, power-take-off-shielding, pto hazards, tractor-pto, safety
Preventing Lifting and Overexertion Injuries AEX-591.10.3 agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, lifting, overexertion, preventing injuries, lifting-techniques
Power Lawn Mowers AEX-591.2.10 agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, power-take-off, walk-behind-mowers, riding-mowers, commercial-style-lawn-mowers, power-lawn-mowers
Portable Fire Extinguishers AEX-591.11.1 agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, fire extinguishers, fire safety, fire hazards, fire-extinguisher-classification, safety
Pesticide-contaminated Clothing Laundering AEX-591.4.4 agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, pesticide-contaminated clothing, laundering pesticide-protection clothing, agricultural safety
Nutrients Removed with Harvested Corn, Soybean, and Wheat Grain in Ohio ANR-74 nutrient removal rates, corn, soybean, wheat, grain, fertilizer trials, field crops, grain nutrient concentrations, fertilizer rates, fertilizer application rates, tri state fertilizer recommendations
Converting between Mehlich-3, Bray P, and Ammonium Acetate Soil Test Values ANR-75 mehlich-3, nutrients, phosphorus, converting-mehlich-3-bray-p, converting soil test extractants, tri-state region, fertilizer
Palmer Amaranth: What It Is and What to Do Now ANR-73 palmer amaranth, weeds, herbicides, herbicide resistance, pigweed
Pesticide Exposure AEX-591.4.1 agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, pesticides, exposure, pesticide-exposure, safety, toxic-materials, acute exposure, oral exposure, dermal exposure, ocular exposure, inhalation exposure, daily exposure, chronic exposure, allergic exposure
Overhead Electrical Hazards AEX-591.8.5 agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, overhead-hazards, electrical-hazards, power lines, safety, electrical equipment
Personal Eye Protection AEX-591.3.6 agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, personal-eye-protection, eye damage, prevention
Orchard Ladder Safety AEX-591.7.10 agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, safety, orchard, ladder-safety, orchard-ladders
Managing Marestail in No-till Soybeans ANR-72 marestail, managing marestail, no-till soybeans, fall herbicides, spring burndown, postemergence options, residual herbicides
Lockout and Tagout AEX-591.8.1 agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, lockout, tagout, safety, locking-device, maintenance, servicing-machinery, equipment-servicing
Material Handling Devices AEX-591.7.4 agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, material handling devices, two-wheeled trucks, dolly trucks, wheelbarrows, hand-trucks
Loading Docks and Warehouses AEX-591.9.4 agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, loading docks, warehouses, safety, docks
Liquid Manure AEX-591.9.3 agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, liquid manure, safety, gasses, precaution, gas hazard, manure gases
Introduction To Agricultural Safety AEX-591.0 agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, safety, training, injuries, agricultural injury prevention
Heat Stress AEX-591.10.8 agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, heat, heat stroke, heat-safety, heat-exhaustion, heat-stress first aid
Hand Signals for Agricultural Safety AEX-591.9.5 agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, hand signals, safety, communication-tools, noisy-working-conditions
Grounding Electricity AEX-591.8.3 agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, grounding-electricity, safety, electricity, grounding, gfci
Grain Bin Hazards AEX-591.5.5 agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, grain bins, safety, training, grain-bin-hazards, respiratory hazard, fire and explosion hazard, sop, standard operating procedure
Gas Welding Safety AEX-591.7.8 agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, gas-welding, welding, safety, safety-precautions, cutting-metals, oxygen, gas welding safety
First on the Scene AEX-591.11.3 agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, farm hazards, first aid, emergency preparedness, rescue
Electrical Shock  AEX-591.8.2 agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, electricity, shock, hazard, safety, electrical-shock, resistance, volt, electrical-fire, fatal-shock, electrical grounding
Combine Fires AEX-591.5.3 agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, safety, health, combine, combine-fires, training, modules
Color Coding AEX-591.9.6 agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, caution, safety-signs, color-coding, preventing machine hazards
Cold Weather Exposure AEX-591.10.7 agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, cold, hypothermia, frostnip, cold-weather-safety, safety, exposure, prevention
Chain Saw Safety AEX-591.7.2 agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, chain saw, safety, chainsaw, injury-prevention, proper use
Caught-in or Caught-between Objects AEX-591.2.1 agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, caught-in, caught-between objects, safety, training, supervisors, injuries, prevention
Arc Welding Safety AEX-591.8.6 agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, arc-welding, welding, safety
Modified Relay Intercropping AGF-504 intercropping, mri, soybeans, wheat, crops, wide-row planting, modified-relay-intercropping
Performing a Physical Exam on a Chicken VME-20 chickens, exam, physical, chicken health, chicken-symptoms, chicken-illness, disease, chicken-disease, performing a physical exam on a chicken
Phytophthora Damping-off and Root Rot of Soybean PLPATH-SOY-04 soybeans, stem rot, disease cycle, mold, damping-off, seed treatment, phytophthora root rot, soybean, rps genes, single dominant resistance genes
Understanding Pesticides in Organic and Conventional Crop Production Systems ANR-69 pesticide safety, labels, pest management, organic crop production, pesticide regulations, biopesticides, organic compounds, natural pesticides, conventional pesticides, synthetic pesticides, conventional crop production, crops, production systems, understanding pesticides in organic and conventional crop production
Choosing a Pesticide Product ANR-67 pesticide safety, labels, control pests, fungicides, rodenticides, molluscidides, repellents, miticides, acaricides, pest management, insecticides, herbicides
Bushels, Test Weights, and Calculations AGF-503 agronomy, grain, test weights, bushel, bushels, calculations, grain test weight
Useful Tables: Adjustments and Conversions on Corn and Soybean Parameters AGF-502 agronomy, corn, soybean, planting date, micronutrient sources, seed spacing, atomic weight of nutrients, soybean moisture conversions, usda grade requirements for shelled corn, moisture, corn moisture corrections, expected corn yields based on planting dates
Winter and Your Backyard Chickens ANR-66 backyard chickens, poultry, small farm, heating chicken coops, cold tolerant chicken breeds, treating frostbite on chickens, raising chickens during the winter, hardy chicken breeds
Low-Cost Crop-Management Considerations AGF-110 farm management, ag crops, agronomy
Estimated Return-to-Seed of Variable vs. Uniform Corn Seeding Rates AGF-520 corn, variable rate seeding, seeding rate, yield, ohio, illinois, field trials, u.s. corn belt, economic return, corn seeding rate
Fundamentals of Energy Analysis for Crop Production Agriculture FABE-662.1 energy analysis, agriculture, food production, agricultural energy consumption, production agriculture inputs, energy analysis in production agriculture
Crop Protection Apps FABE-552.03 precision agriculture, agronomy, corn, soybeans, wheat, nutrient management
Crop Nutrition Apps FABE 552.02 precision agriculture, agronomy, corn, soybeans, wheat, ios apps for farming, android apps for farming, apps for crops, nutrient management, smart phone apps for farming, crop nutrient calculators
Correcting Irregular Spread Patterns FABE-562 precision fertilizing, single spinner-disc spreader, uniform fertilizer application rates, spinner-disc spreader applications, correcting irregular spread patterns, corn, soybeans, wheat, nutrient management, agronomy
Spinner-Disc Spreader Set Up and Calibration FABE-561 precision ag, fertilizer, ground drive spreaders, hydraulic spreaders, spinner disc spreader, accurate fertilizer application, corn, soybeans, wheat, nutrient management, agronomy
Proper Spinner-Disc Spreader Operation, Terms and Definitions FABE-563 precision ag, fertilizer, corn, soybeans, wheat, nutrient management, agronomy
Free, Online Data and Tools for the Agricultural Community FABE-552.04 agriculture, free data, decision tools, digital elevation model, soil survey geographic database, climate, vegetation indices, cropland data layer
Salmonella in Fresh Produce ANR-62 salmonella, fresh produce, tomatoes, open field production, greenhouse production, management, practices, contaminated fruit, foodborne, pathogen, gastroenteritis, contaminated food, foodborne illness, bacterium, stomachache, fever, diarrhea, dehydration
Preparing for Animal Welfare Audits and Assessments VME-33 animal welfare, assessment, humane, standards, farm animal treatment, sheep, goats, poultry, swine, dairy cattle, dairy beef
Calibrating Boom Sprayers for Forestry Herbicide Application FABE-529 calibration, sprayers, forestry, flow rate, nozzle, nozzle type, nozzle size, boom height, spray pressure, application, rate, travel speed, gallons per minute, herbicide application, spray volume, boom sprayers, hand can sprayer, backpack sprayer, calibrating sprayers
How Much Chemical Product Do I Need to Add to My Sprayer Tank? FABE-530 calibration, sprayers, tank mixing pesticides, applying herbicides, weed control, measuring and mixing herbicides
Safety Practices for a Tractor Mounted Post-Hole Digger AEX-593.1 agricultural safety, farm, safety, post-hole digger
Safe Handling of Anhydrous Ammonia AEX-594 agricultural safety, farm, safety, legal requirements, anhydrous ammonia, roadway transport safety, safe field practices, care and maintenance of anhydrous ammonia equipment, personal protection, first aid, safe handling, incidental release hazard, safe handling of anhydrous ammonia
Chicken Breed Selection ANR-60 chickens, eggs, poultry, backyard flock, chicken breed selection, chicken breeds
Wheat Growth Stages and Associated Management AGF-126 wheat, growth stages, management, stages of wheat development, growing wheat
Selling Eggs in Ohio: Marketing and Regulations ANR-59 direct marketing, eggs, chickens, regulations, food safety, selling eggs in ohio, choosing chicken breeds, poultry breeds
Disinfection in On-Farm Biosecurity Procedures VME-8 biosecurity, veterinary medicine, disinfection, sanitation, farm, farm biosecurity, farm disinfectants, quaternary ammonium, phenol-based compounds, hypochlorites, iodophors
On-Farm Biosecurity: Traffic Control and Sanitation VME-6 biosecurity, veterinary medicine, sanitation, farm, traffic control, disease introduction, infectious disease
Biosecurity Fundamentals for Extension Personnel VME-5 biosecurity, veterinary medicine, extension personnel, livestock, production, fmd, mastitis, brucellosis, tuberculosis, pseudorabies, bovine, viral. diarrhea, bovine progressive pneumonia, swine dysentery
Biosecurity for Youth Livestock Exhibitors VME-7 biosecurity, veterinary medicine, 4-h, ffa, fairs, exhibitions, brucellosis, streptococcus agalactiae mastitis, bovine, viral, diarrhea, bovine progressive pneumonia, swine dysentery, tuberculosis, pseudorabies livestock disease, avian influenza, foot-and-mouth-disease
Soybean Rust PLPATH-SOY-2 soybeans, rust, plant disease, kudzu, symptoms, management, disease, fungicide
Sclerotinia Stem Rot (White Mold) of Soybean PLPATH-SOY-3 sclerotinia stem rot, soybeans, disease cycle, disease management, tillage, biological control, herbicides, fungicides, chemical control, crop rotation, white mold, fungus
Using Cover Crops to Improve Soil and Water Quality ANR-57 cover crops, soil health, agronomy, using cover crops to improve water quality, advantages and disadvantages of cover crops
Storing Corn Stover for Biobased Industries FABE 660.1 biofuels, corn, stover, lignocellulosic biomass, biobased energy, indoor permanent structure storage, outdoor tube-wrapped storage, outdoor open storage, outdoor tarped storage, storage
Interpreting Manure Sample Test Results ANR-55 manure management, soil test, nitrogen, manure test, potassium, phosphorus
Remote Sensing in Precision Agriculture FABE-554.1 precision agriculture, agronomy, corn, soybeans, wheat, improved farming techniques, nutrient management
Scoring Cows Can Improve Profits ANR-54 beef, cattle, reproduction, body condition, scoring, cows, evaluate, thin, moderate, fat
Corn Growing Degree Days: A Method of Maturity Rating for Hybrids AGF-0101 corn, agronomy, corn hybrids, growing degree days, heat units, length of growing season, maturity rating
Sanitation and Phytosanitation (SPS) PLPATH-GEN-10 home, yard and garden, plant disease, quarantine pathogens, u.s. national plant diagnostic network, national plant protection organization, international standards for phytosanitary measures, international plant protection, world animal health organization, codex alimentarius commission, epizoonotics, sanitary and phytosanitary measures, world trade organization agreement
Ohio Data That Shaped the Tri-State Fertilizer Recommendations AGF-518 soil fertility, corn, soybeans, wheat, alfalfa, michigan, ohio, indiana, fertilizer recommendations, soil, nutrient management, tri-state fertilizer recommendations
Guidelines for Choosing a Soil Analytical Laboratory HYG-1133 soil analysis, laboratory, soil types, sample collection kit, analysis, fertilizer recommendations, nutrient concentrations, regional soil testing, cation exchange capacity, north american proficiency testing, north central regional research committee, ncr-13, soil test
Growing Apples in the Home Orchard HYG-1401 apple, fruit, garden, health, home, yard and garden, growing apples in the home orchard, apple cultivars
Corn Stover Feedstock for Biofuels Production: Costs of Feedstock Supply FABE-660 biofuels, corn, corn stover, cellulosic, biorefinery, ethanol, conversion of biomass
Using Soil Electrical Conductivity (EC) to Delineate Field Variation FABE-565 precision agriculture, agronomy, corn, soybeans, wheat, using soil electrical conductivity (ec) to delineate field variation, collecting soil electrical conductivity data in the field, soil electrical conductivity mapping
Soil Acidification: How to Lower Soil pH AGF-507 lime, soil ph, acidification, soil sampling, soil acidification, how to lower soil ph
Soil Acidity and Liming for Agronomic Production AGF-505 lime, lime recommendations, lime selection, water content, fineness of grind, total neutralizing power, effective neutralizing power, soil acidity, soil sampling, lime ph, causes, soil acidity and liming for agronomic production
The Beef Showman: Will You Be an Asset or a Liability? ANR-18 showmanship, beef cattle, 4-h, livestock, showing, show ring, show halter, lead strap
Statistics and Agricultural Research ANR-40 research, crop, pest, plots, yield
Physical Properties of Granular Fertilizers and Impact on Spreading FABE-550.1 precision agriculture, fertilizer, physical properties, granular fertilizers, spreading
Purchasing Nutrients for Hay and Forage Crops ANR-7 forages, fertilizer, hay, purchasing nutrients for hay or forage crops, cost of fertilizer for hay and forage crops
Fertility Management of Meadows ANR-5 forages, fertilizer, hay, pastures, tall grass, urea fertilizer, legume, rhizobia, iron, manganese, zinc, copper, sulfur, soil ph, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, soil, nitrogen
Role of Soil Fungus ANR-37 fungus, soil, microbes, nutrients, mycorrhizae, role of soil fungus, microbial ecology
Role of Soil Bacteria ANR-36 bacteria, soil, microbes, nutrients, role of soil bacteria, microbes in the soil, soil microbes
Feeding Horses ANR-6
Manure and Compost: Nitrogen Availability in Organic Production ANR-34 organic, manure, compost, nitrogen, soil, nutrient management plan, plant-available nitrogen, volatilization losses, ammonia nitrogen losses, bedding, additives
Grain Quality Attributes of TopCross® High Oil, High Lysine, Waxy, and Conventional Yellow Dent Corns AGF-137-99 corn, grain quality, specialty corn, hybrid, high oil, high lysine, grain yield, threonine, phenylalanine, glycine, waxy corn, yellow dent corn, stearic acid, oleic acid, linoleic acid
Testing Protocols for Diseases Surveillance in Poultry VME-32 poultry, disease, surveillance program, laboratory testing, mycoplasma, influenza
Barley Yellow Dwarf of Wheat, Oats, and Barley PLPATH-CER-01 wheat, oats, barley, barley yellow dwarf
Effectiveness of Turbodrop® and Turbo Teejet® Nozzles in Drift Reduction FABE-524 spray nozzles, spray drift, turbodrop, turbo teejet, nozzles, flow rate, psi pressure, droplet size, crop spraying
Identifying Vegetative Growth Stages in Corn AGF-127 corn, growth stages, leaf collar system, hail adjustor's horizontal leaf method
Assessing Effects of Uneven Emergence on Corn Yields AGF-122 corn, yields, uneven emergence
Energy Conservation in Corn Production AGF-102 corn, energy conservation
Corn Growth and Development: Does Tillering Affect Hybrid Performance? AGF-121 corn hybrids, tillering, soil fertility, early season growing conditions, genetic background
Corn Hybrid Reactions to Gray Leaf Spot In Ohio, 1995-1996 AGF-130 corn hybrids, gray leaf spot
Rust Diseases of Wheat PLPATH-CER-12 wheat, rust diseases, rust diseases of wheat, rust fungi, leaf stripe, stem rust
Powdery Mildew of Wheat PLPATH-CER-11 wheat, powdery mildew, powdery mildew of wheat, wheat disease
Northern Corn Leaf Blight PLPATH-CER-10 corn, northern corn leaf blight
Maize Dwarf Mosaic of Maize PLPATH-CER-09 corn, mdmv, maize dwarf mosaic, virus, sugarcane mosaic, disease, chlorosis, chlorotic spots, infected, root rot
Maize Chlorotic Dwarf of Maize PLPATH-CER-08 corn, maize, maize chlorotic dwarf, mcdv, plant stunting, field corn, johnsongrass
Leaf Blotch Diseases of Wheat—Septoria tritici Blotch, Stagonospora nodorum Blotch and Tan Spot PLPATH-CER-07 wheat, leaf blotch, septoria blotch, tab spot, speckled leaf spot, wheat disease, fungicide application
Fusarium Head Blight or Head Scab of Wheat, Barley and other Small Grain Crops PLPATH-CER-06 wheat, barley, small grains, diseased wheat, wheat fungus, fusarium head blight, head scab, fusarium head blight or head scab of wheat, barley and other small grain crops
Gray Leaf Spot of Corn PLPATH-CER-05 corn, gray leaf spot, disease, fungus, stalk rot, lodging, conidia, epidemiology, infection
Best Management Practices for Boom Spraying FABE-527 boom spraying, pesticide spraying, reduce spray drift, calibrate the sprayer, spray application rates, hydraulic agitation flow rates, pump flow rate, boom height range, spray pressure range, nozzle flow rate, adjuvants, droplet sizes, product agitation, spray drift
Gibberella Ear Rot and Mycotoxins in Corn: Sampling, Testing, and Storage PLPATH-CER-04 corn, gibberella ear rot, mycotoxins, vomitoxin, fungus, stalk rot, pink white mold
Fusarium Head Blight Forecasting System PLPATH-CER-03 wheat, fusarium head blight, scab, fungicide, wheat scab, vomitoxin, head scab, corn, soybean, disease
Common Rust of Corn PLPATH-CER-02 corn, common rust of corn, common corn rust, corn fungus, corn disease, ohio corn rust disease cycle
On-Farm Agrichemical Mixing/Loading Pad FABE-522 agrichemicals, pesticides, contamination, worker safety, chemical storage. concrete joint cracks, concrete specification, site selection, soil, water, containment, mixing area, loading area
New Nozzles for Spray Drift Reduction FABE-523 nozzle, spray drift, spray nozzles, low drift nozzles, reduce spray drift, spraying pesticide, fungicide, insecticide
Effect of Major Variables on Drift Distances of Spray Droplets FABE-525 pesticide application, spray drift
Boom Sprayer Calibration FABE-520 boom sprayer, calibration, calibrating for broadcast application, calibrating a boom sprayer, application rate of sprayer
Spraying Recommendations for Soybean Rust FABE-526 soybean rust, spraying, asian, disease, infection, aerial application, ground application, fungicides, herbicide, pesticides, sprayer treatment, canopy coverage
Optimizing Field Traffic Patterns to Improve Machinery Efficiency: Path Planning Using Guidance Lines FABE-553.1 gps, precision agriculture, guidance technology, farm management information software, precision agricultural technology, path planning, field efficiency
Managing “Pollen Drift” to Minimize Contamination of Non-GMO Corn AGF-153 corn, pollen drift, gmo, managing pollen drift to minimize contamination of non-gmo corn, corn cross-pollination, minimizing gmo pollen contamination, genetic pollen blockers
The Organic Certification Process for Crops SAG-3 organic, crops, certification, non-gmo certification, global organic alliance, organic farm certification, 100% organic, national organic program, organic foods production act, organic farmers, producers, handlers, certifiers
Fall Strip Tillage Systems: An Introduction AEX-507 field crops, fall strip tillage, no till soybean production, no till corn production, soil conservation
Cover Crop Fundamentals AGF-142 field crops, cover crops, best cover crops, when to plant cover crops, legume cover crops, non-legume cover crops
Reducing 2,4-D and Dicamba Drift Risk to Fruits, Vegetables and Landscape Plants HYG-6105 herbicides, 2, 4-d, dicamba, weed control, synthetic auxins, plant hormones, killing weeds
Selecting the Best Nozzle for the Job FABE-528 spraying, nozzles, nozzle selection, sprayer operation, selecting the best nozzle
Nonpower Hand Tools AEX-790.38 small farm, gardening, safety, health, non-power hand tool, small farm and garden safety series
Front-End Loader Safety AEX-790.35 small farm, gardening, safety, health, front-end loader, small farm and garden safety series
Compact Utility Tractor Safety AEX-790.32 small farm, gardening, safety, health, compact utility tractor, small farm and garden safety series, small tractor
Safety Data Sheets AEX-790.28 small farm, gardening, safety, health, safety data sheet, sds, small farm and garden safety series
Reading Pesticide Labels AEX-790.26 small farm, gardening, safety, health, pesticide label, small farm and garden safety series, pesticide disposal, pesticide, exposure, register, environmental risks
Fire Extinguishers AEX-790.25 small farm, gardening, safety, health, fire extinguisher, small farm and garden safety series
Emergency Preparedness AEX-790.24 small farm, gardening, safety, health, emergency preparedness, small farm and garden safety series
First-Aid Kits AEX-790.23 small farm, gardening, safety, health, first aid, small farm and garden safety series
Lockout/Tagout AEX-790.22 small farm, gardening, safety, health, lockout, tagout, small farm and garden safety series
Grounding and GFCI Protection AEX-790.21 small farm, gardening, safety, health, electrical grounding, small farm and garden safety series
Electrical Shock AEX-790.20 small farm, gardening, safety, health, electrical shock, small farm and garden safety series
Protecting Hands and Fingers AEX-790.14 small farm, gardening, safety, health, hand protection, finger protection, small farm and garden safety series, identifying hazards, pinch, crush, cut
Hypothermia and Frostbite AEX-790.12 small farm, gardening, safety, health, hypothermia, frostbite, small farm and garden safety series
Be Aware of Heat Stress AEX-790.11 small farm, gardening, safety, health, heat, stress, small farm and garden safety series
Dust and Mold AEX-790.10 small farm, gardening, safety, health, dust, mold, small farm and garden safety series
Preventing Lifting Injuries AEX-790.8 small farm, gardening, safety, health, lifting injuries, small farm and garden safety series, lower back injury, avoiding back injury, back pain
Respiratory Protection AEX-790.7 small farm, gardening, safety, health, respiratory health, small farm and garden safety series
Eye and Face Protection AEX-790.6 small farm, gardening, safety, health, eye protection, face protection, small farm and garden safety series
Foot and Leg Protection AEX-790.4 small farm, gardening, safety, health, foot protection, leg protection, small farm and garden safety series
Hand Protection AEX-790.3 small farm, gardening, safety, health, hand protection, small farm and garden safety series
Hearing Protection AEX-790.2 small farm, gardening, safety, health, hearing protection, small farm and garden safety series
Selecting and Using Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) AEX-790.1 small farm, gardening, safety, health, personal protective equipment, small farm and garden safety series
Drought-Tolerant Corn Hybrids: A Risk Management Tool for Ohio? Part 2 AGF-517 corn hybrids, conventional hybrids, yield advantage, drought, tolerant, resistant, ohio, eastern corn belt
Drought-Tolerant Corn Hybrids: A Risk Management Tool for Ohio? Part 1 AGF-516 corn hybrids, conventional hybrids, yield advantage, drought, tolerant, resistant, ohio, eastern corn belt
West Nile Virus Fact Sheet for Veterinarians WNV-1005 west nile virus, mosquitoes, disease, veterinarian, north america, united states, treatment
What Horse Owners Should Know About West Nile Virus WNV-1007 west nile virus, livestock, horses, encephalitis, meningitis, north america, united states
Stink Bugs on Soybeans and Other Field Crops ENT-48 stink bugs, soybeans, field crops, squash bug, assassin bug, green stink bug, spined soldier bug, kudzu bug, brown stink bug, brown marmorated stink bug, red-shouldered stink bug
Monitoring Western Corn Rootworm Activity in Soybeans to Predict Rootworm Injury in First-Year Corn ENT-17 agronomic crops
Corn Rootworm Management ENT-16 agronomic crops
Slugs on Field Crops ENT-20 agronomic crops, slugs on field crops, slug defoliation, slug pesticides, molluscicides, strategies for managing slugs
Bean Leaf Beetle on Soybean ENT-23 agronomic crops, bean leaf beetle, soybeans, bean pod mottle virus, insecticides, defoliation, moldy beans, pod injury
Twospotted Spider Mite on Soybean ENT-24 agronomic crops
Alfalfa Weevil on Alfalfa ENT-32 agronomic crops
Potato Leafhopper on Alfalfa ENT-33 agronomic crops, potato leafhopper, nymph, leafhopper, infestation, alfalfa pest, alfalfa insect, alfalfa
Black Cutworm on Corn ENT-35 agronomic crops, cutworm, black, insecticide, pesticide, corn hybrids, bcw, control, corn, moths, crop, infestation, symptoms, management
Armyworm on Wheat ENT-36 agronomic crops
Soybean Aphid ENT-37 agronomic crops, soybean aphid, sooty mold, insecticides, pesticides
Cereal Leaf Beetle ENT-38 agronomic crops
Defoliators on Soybean ENT-39 agronomic crops, pests, bean leaf beetle, treatment, insecticides, pesticides, yellow woollybear caterpillars, silver spotted skipper, defoliation, painted lady, thistle caterpillar, soybeans, grasshoppers, green cloverworm, japanese beetle, mexican bean beetle, slugs
Western Bean Cutworm ENT-40 agronomic crops
European Corn Borer ENT-15 european corn borer, corn, pest, symptoms, management, infestation, larvae, corn stubble, yield losses, stalk disease, stalk breakage, ear drop, reduced corn yield
Estimate Ammonia (NH3) Emissions from Manure-Belt Layer Houses: An Effective Modeling Tool AEX-723.5 farm management, farm safety
Ammonia Emission from Animal Feeding Operations and Its Impacts AEX-723.1 farm management, ammonia emissions, animal feeding operations, health impacts, environmental impacts
Abate Animal Heat Stress in Hot Weather AEX-151 farm management, economic loss, cooling systems, fans, heat, abatement, stress, animals, air quality meters, livestock, poultry, ventilation, temperature, humidity, index, evaporative cooling abatement systems
Biogas Cleaning and Upgrading Technologies AEX-653.1-14 anaerobic digestion, biogas cleaning and upgrading technologies, methane and carbon dioxide, biogas composition, biogas applications, biogas cleaning methods
Converting Spent Wheat Straw from Horse Stalls into Methane AEX-653-14 alternative energy
Farming with a Visual Impairment AEX-981.16 farm, safety, glaucoma, cataracts, macular degeneration, retinopathy, retinitis pigmentosa, legal blindness, ohio agrability series, visual impairment, blind farming, vision loss
Impairment Related Work Expenses (IRWEs) for Farmers and Farm Workers AEX-983.4 farm management, safety, ohio agrability series, impairment related work expenses, disability, attendant care, spatial adaptations, adaptive technologies, assistive devices, equipment adaptations
Respiratory Impairment in Agriculture AEX-981.17 farm management, farm, safety, ohio agrability series
Farming with Alzheimer’s Disease AEX-982.9 farm, safety, ohio agrability series, wandering, disability, long-term health condition, alzheimer's disease, alzheimer's, dementia
Secondary Injury Prevention: Using Braces to Reduce Joint Injuries AEX-982.8 farm, safety, ohio agrability series, ankle, sprain, strain, joint brace, muscle pain, loss of function
Farming with Chronic Back Pain AEX-982.7 farm, safety, ohio agrability series, ergonomics, managing chronic back pain, preventing back pain, injuries, spinal, muscle, tendon
Recovery from Hip or Knee Replacement for Farmers AEX-981.15 farm, safety, ohio agrability series
Use of Forage Chicory in a Small Ruminant Parasite Control Program VME-31 veterinary preventive medicine, dewormer, chicory for lambs, parasite control, grazing strategy for reducing parasites, barber pole worms, forage chicory
Developing Phosphorus and Potassium Recommendations for Field Crops AGF-515 agronomy
Soil Sampling to Develop Nutrient Recommendations AGF-513 agronomy, soil cores, samples, systematic grid sizing, zone management, algae growth, fertile soil, no-till systems, composite sample, crop debris
Calving Management in Dairy Herds: Timing of Intervention and Stillbirth VME-29 veterinary preventive medicine, calving management, difficult heifer, heifer labor, normal eutocic births, dystocia, cow labor positioning, still birth, metritis, assisted calf birth
Use of a Brown Mid-Rib Sorghum x Sudangrass Hybrid in a Small Ruminant Parasite Control Program VME-30 warm-season annual forage, brown mid-rib sorghum, veterinary preventive medicine, sheep, goat, tillage, parasite control, barber pole worm, small ruminant production system, reduce lamb parasites
Soil Terminology and Definitions SAG-19 fungal hyphae, glomalin, fulvic acid, sustainable agriculture, soil terminology and definitions, soil biology, aerobic soil, primary soil particles
Strategies for Coping with Parasite Larvae on Pastures in the Springtime in Ohio VME-28 veterinary preventive medicine, sheep and goat parasites, managing parasite larvae in pastures, sheep and goat worms, managing parasites in the spring pasture, parasite control
Secondary Injury Prevention: Repetitive Motion AEX-981.12 farm, safety, ohio agrability series, ergonomic, rapid movement, injuries, forceful movement, static loading injuries, repetitive motion injuries, secondary injury
Secondary Injury Prevention: Understanding Concussions AEX-981.11 farm, safety, ohio agrability series, concussion, unconscious, traumatic brain injury, head injury, managing a concussion, concussion symptoms, traumatic brain injury from farming, preventing concussions
Farming with Lower Extremity Amputation AEX-981.9 farm, safety, ohio agrability series, amputation, agriculture-related injury, recovery, lower extremity, toe, foot, leg, above the knee, working with lower extremity amputation
What Do Fecal Worm Egg Counts Tell Us? VME-27 veterinary preventive medicine, sheep and goat worms, measuring worm counts in sheep and goat feces, roundworms in sheep and goats, goat and sheep dewormers, resistance testing
Using Pasture Measurement to Improve Your Management HCS-868 farm management, measuring forage, pasture stick, falling plate, meter, rising plate meter, electric capacitance pasture probe, pasture growth, grazing wedge, feed budget, feed consumption
Manure to Energy Through Anaerobic Digestion AEX-653.1 alternative energy, manure, anaerobic, biogas, methane, complete mix digesters, covered lagoons, digester, plug flow digesters
Brown Spot of Soybeans AC-18 agronomic crops, septoria leaf spot, brown spot, yellow spots, soybean fungus, infected soybean, septoria glycines
Sudden Death Syndrome of Soybean AC-44 agronomic crops, soybean sudden death, sds soybean symptoms, scn infestation, fusarium virguliforme, soybean in cold climate, crop disease
Frogeye Leaf Spot of Soybean AC-53 agronomic crops, frogeye leaf spot, soybeans, ohio, cercospora sojina, disease cycle, fungus, brown spots on leaves, holes in leaves, frogeye lesions
Understanding Soil Microbes and Nutrient Recycling SAG-16 sustainable agriculture, understanding soil microbes and nutrient recycling, soil microorganisms, decomposition, carbon supply, dead plant residues, carbon to nitrogen ratio
Inoculants and Soil Amendments for Organic Growers SAG-17 sustainable agriculture, organic, agriculture, biopesticides, biofertilizers, green manures, mycorrhizae, fertilizer, materials, review, institute, usda, national organic program, improving, crop, productivity, certified, foods production act
Biopesticide Controls of Plant Diseases: Resources and Products for Organic Farmers in Ohio SAG-18 sustainable agriculture, organic farming, biopesticides for plant diseases, foliar pathogens, controlling plant pathogens, soilborne pathogens, epa-registered biopesticides, biochemical pesticides, biopesticides, microbial pesticides
Gibberella Ear Rot and Mycotoxins in Corn: Sampling, Testing, and Storage AC-52 agronomic crops, corn, rotting corn, mycotoxin test, corn infection and colonization, optimal corn conditions, vomitoxin test, storage, harvesting corn, black light, test, gibberella ear rot
The Biology of Soil Compaction SAG-10 sustainable agriculture, subsoil tillage, fungus hyphae, active carbon, soil compaction, microaggregate, macroaggregate, decomposition, soil structure, polysaccharides, glomalin, clod
Using Cover Crops to Convert to No-till SAG-11 macropores, sustainable agriculture, cover crops, water infiltration, no-till, reducing soil erosion, phosphorus retention, no till versus tillage, nitrogen recycling, runoff water, healthy soil
Guidelines for Applying Liquid Animal Manure to Cropland with Subsurface and Surface Drains ANR-21 farm management, liquid animal manure, effluent, surface water contamination, cropland, subsurface, drained, crusted soil, clay soil, manure application
Sustainable Crop Rotations with Cover Crops SAG-9 sustainable agriculture, typical cover crop, rotations, crop rotations, cover crops, after corn silage, after early soybeans, after late soybeans, after late corn, after wheat, sustainable crop rotations with cover crops
Oilseed Radish Cover Crop SAG-5 sustainable agriculture, oilseed radish, cover crop, weeds, plant growth, harvest, herbicide, decomposition, nutrient cycling, seed source
Soil Quality Test Kit SAG-4 sustainable agriculture, soil quality, soil testing, soil quality test kit
Establishing a Fair Pasture Rental Rate FR-8 farm management, pasture, rental, grazing cost, stock, pasture rental, livestock facilities, landowner, sheep, meat goats, horses, cattle
Gypsum for Agricultural Use in Ohio—Sources and Quality of Available Products ANR-20 gypsum, soil amendment, cast gypsum, properties, drywall gypsum, natural gypsum deposits, synthetic gypsum, fertilizer
Meat Goat Production and Budgeting AS-14 livestock, meat goats, fencing, meat, goat, production, budgeting, breeding, goat milk, pasture, goat cheese
Ohio Soil Health Card SAG-1 sustainable agriculture, soil health, ohio soil health card, growing season, ph, nutrient levels, soil quality
Using Corn for Livestock Grazing ANR-11 livestock, grazing, corn, corn for livestock grazing, cost, dry matter yield, nitrate levels, animals
Horse Manure Management AGF-212 manure, horse manure fertilizer, disposing of horse manure, calculating manure application rates, storing horse manure
Livestock Water Development ANR-12 livestock, water, water sources for livestock, pressurized water systems for livestock, algae control in water troughs or tanks, water pipeline, water trough, catch basin, calculating water tank capacity, livestock water requirements, livestock watering, winter
Water Effects on Livestock Performance ANR-13 livestock, water, water effects on livestock performance, health, sick
Understanding Value in Lime ANR-9 soil, lime, dolometic limestone pellets, pulverized dolomitic limestone, pulverized industrial by-product, calacitic lime, dolometic lime, n hydrated lime dolomitic, pulverized dolometic lime, correcting soil ph, lime recommendations, lime comparisons, determining application rate of lime, cost of lime, effective neutralizing power
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