Controlling Undesirable Trees, Shrubs, and Vines in Your Woodland |
F-45 |
woodland, forest, controlling, undesirable, vines, trees, shrubs |
Crop Tree Management: A Tool to Help You Achieve Your Woodland Goals |
F-50 |
forestry, woodland, trees, mast producing, timber, species, valuable trees, private, nonindustrial, forest, landowner, unmanaged woodland, crop trees, private woodland |
Measuring Standing Trees |
F-35 |
forestry, trees, measuring, measuring standing trees, merchantable board-foot content |
Fall Color Change in Ohio |
ANR-0145 |
forestry, fall color, trees, natural resources, chlorophyll, carotenoids, anthocyanins |
Native Trees: Creating Living Landscapes for Birds, Butterflies, Bees, and Other Beneficials |
HYG-5815 |
wildlife, trees, pollinators, bees, birds, butterflies, moths, caterpillars, landscapes |
How to Hire an Arborist |
HYG-1032 |
trees, arborist, pruning, tree care, urban forestry |
Soil Testing for Ohio Lawns, Landscapes, Fruit Crops, and Vegetable Gardens |
HYG-1132 |
soil, soil testing, garden, lawn, vegetable, fruit, turfgrass, fertilizer, trees, soil testing for ohio lawns, landscapes, fruit crops, and vegetable gardens |
Viburnum Leaf Beetle |
ANR-39 |
insects, shrubs, trees, yard, forest, viburnum |
European Elm Flea Weevil |
ANR-38 |
insects, trees, yard, forest, elm, flea weevil, reddish-brown beetle, european flea weevil, leafminers, chinese elm, homestead elm, smoothleaf elm, siberian elm |
Mycorrhizae in Urban Landscapes |
trees, mycorrhizae |
Asian Longhorned Beetle |
ENT-75 |
trees, forests, asian longhorned beetle, how to kill longhorned beetles, holes in tree trunk, wood borer, invasive beetle, trees killed by longhorned beetles |
Ohio Trees for Bees |
ENT-71 |
bees, pollinators, trees, honey bees, native bees, ohio bees, carolina silverbell, seven-son flower, goldenrain tree, japanese pagoda tree, maple, boxelder, buckeye, horsechestnut, alder, serviceberry, catalpa, common hackberry |
Cottony Maple Scale and Its Management |
ENT-62 |
trees, cottony maple scale, silver and red maple disease, cottony maple scale pesticides, cottony maple scale insecticides |
Galls of Maple Trees in Ohio |
ENT-60 |
trees, ohio maple tree galls, sugar maple leaf galls, maple velvet erineum gall, gouty vein gall, gall insecticides and miticides |
Pruning and Care of Tree Wounds |
trees, pruning, wounds, caring for tree wounds, preventing tree wounds, maintaining tree health, pruning tree branches, callus formation, how to prune |
Aphids on Trees and Shrubs |
HYG-2031 |
aphids, trees, shrubs, plant lice, control, treatment, insecticide, pesticide, ant cows, wooly aphids, life cycle, black sooty mold, distorted leaves, single host plant, aphid reproduction. |