Hot Water and Chlorine Treatments to Eradicate Bacterial Plant Pathogens from Vegetable Seeds |
HYG-5818 |
vegetables, vegetable, seed, seeds, treatment, treatments, bacterial diseases, diseases |
Septic Tank: Soil Treatment System |
AEX-743 |
leach field, septic system, septic tank, household sewage system, soil, absorption, system, treatment, wastewater |
Repetitive Motion |
AEX-591.10.4 |
repetitive motion, safety, health, treatment, ergonomic tools, agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, injuries, prevention, repetitive motion injury |
Repetitive Motion for Trainers and Supervisors |
AEX-892.2.54 |
safety, horticulture, landscape, repetitive motion, prevention, treatment, ergonomic tools, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services, injuries |
Hypothermia, Frostbite, and Trench Foot for Trainers and Supervisors |
AEX-892.2.23 |
safety, landscape, horticulture, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services, trench foot, hypothermia, frostbite, treatment |
Bee, Wasp, Hornet, and Yellow Jacket Stings for Trainers and Supervisors |
AEX-892.2.03 |
safety, landscaping, horticulture, bee, wasp, epinephrine auto injector, epipen, medical identification necklace or bracelet, hornet, treatment, stings, yellow jacket, reactions, anaphylaxis, allergic |
Blueberry Leaf Rust |
blueberry, blueberry rust, disease symptoms, treatment, blueberry leaf rust, yellow spots on blueberry leaves, fungus, pucciniastrum vaccinia, aeciospores |
Spur Blight of Red Raspberries |
spur blight, red raspberries, lesions, raspberries, disease cycle, fungus, symptoms, control, treatment, fungicides |
West Nile Virus Fact Sheet for Veterinarians |
WNV-1005 |
west nile virus, mosquitoes, disease, veterinarian, north america, united states, treatment |
Defoliators on Soybean |
ENT-39 |
agronomic crops, pests, bean leaf beetle, treatment, insecticides, pesticides, yellow woollybear caterpillars, silver spotted skipper, defoliation, painted lady, thistle caterpillar, soybeans, grasshoppers, green cloverworm, japanese beetle, mexican bean beetle, slugs |
Aphids on Trees and Shrubs |
HYG-2031 |
aphids, trees, shrubs, plant lice, control, treatment, insecticide, pesticide, ant cows, wooly aphids, life cycle, black sooty mold, distorted leaves, single host plant, aphid reproduction. |