Downy Mildew of Blackberry |
blackberry, downy mildew, disease, symptoms, infection, fungicides |
Soybean Rust |
soybeans, rust, plant disease, kudzu, symptoms, management, disease, fungicide |
Sudden Oak Death (aka Ramorum blight) |
oak, sudden oak death, ramorum blight, symptoms, pathogen, prevention, management, stem cankers, twig dieback, leaf blight |
Scab of Peach, Nectarine, Plum, and Apricot |
scab, fungus, peach, nectarine, plum, apricot, symptoms, blotches, infected fruit, fungicide |
Spur Blight of Red Raspberries |
spur blight, red raspberries, lesions, raspberries, disease cycle, fungus, symptoms, control, treatment, fungicides |
Eutypa Dieback of Grape |
eutypa dieback, grape, dead arm, fungus, dead-arm disease, symptoms, control, phomopsis, cane, leaf spot |
Thousand Cankers Disease |
walnut trees, symptoms, causal agents, disease management, conidia, cankers, thousand cankers disease, invasives, mortality, walnut twig beetle, fungus |
White Rot and Botryosphaeria Canker of Apple |
white rot, botryosphaeria canker, infection, fungicides, apple tree fungus, apple tree blisters, apple, bot rot, fruit rot, symptoms, apple disease |
Cork Spot and Bitter Pit of Apples |
apples, cork, spot, bitter pit, jonathan, symptoms, jonathan spot treatment, treating bitter pit, treating cork spot, bitter pit symptoms, york imperial cork spot, delicious cork spot, golden delicious cork spot |
Black Cutworm on Corn |
ENT-35 |
agronomic crops, cutworm, black, insecticide, pesticide, corn hybrids, bcw, control, corn, moths, crop, infestation, symptoms, management |
European Corn Borer |
ENT-15 |
european corn borer, corn, pest, symptoms, management, infestation, larvae, corn stubble, yield losses, stalk disease, stalk breakage, ear drop, reduced corn yield |
Summer Patch on Turfgrass |
HYG-3082 |
plant disease, lawn and turf, turfgrass, prevention, fungicides, symptoms, patch disease, necrotic ring spot, take-all patch, bentgrass dead spot, bermudagrass decline, summer patch, take all patch, spring dead spot, fungi, eri |
Injury Prevention: Types of Cold Stress |
AEX-981.13 |
farm, safety, ohio agrability series, symptoms, first aid, cold stress, wind chill, frostbite, hypothermia, trench foot, chilblains, freezing prevention, cold weather precautions, high wind, cold water effects |
Vibrio Species: Foodborne Illness and Seafood |
HYG-5575 |
food safety, foodborne illness, undercooked, seafood, vibrio vulnificus, infection, vibrio cholera, contamination, symptoms, diarrhea, bacteria, cramps, nausea, vomiting, headache, fever, chills |
Angular Leaf Spot of Strawberry (Bacterial Blight) |
HYG-3212 |
plant disease, strawberry, angular leaf spot, symptoms, disease, control, copper fungicide, bactericide, allstar, annapolis, cavendish, honeoye, kent |
Dollar Spot on Turfgrass |
HYG-3075 |
kentucky bluegrass, infected grass, prolonged wet foliage, plant disease, lawn and turf, dollar spot, bluegrass, turfgrass, symptoms, chemical control, yellow spots on grass blades |
Gray Leaf Spot on Turfgrass |
HYG-3083 |
genetic host resistance, p. grisea, chemical control, gray spot, st. augustine grass, plant disease, lawn and turf, gray, leaf, spot, turf grass, grass fungus, symptoms, turf fungus |