Soil Evaluation for Home Septic Systems |
AEX- 742 |
septic tank, septic tanks, leach field, sewage treatment, soil, soil depth, soil saturation, soil permeability, soil evaluation for home septic systems |
Septic Tank: Soil Treatment System |
AEX-743 |
leach field, septic system, septic tank, household sewage system, soil, absorption, system, treatment, wastewater |
Using Soil to Remove Pollutants From Wastewater |
AEX-745 |
wastewater, sewage, effluent, soil, pollutants, removing wastewater pollution with soil, wastewater treatment, sewage treatment, treating wastewater with soil |
Wastewater Management in Rural Communities |
AEX-750 |
wastewater, water pollution, pollutants, irrigation, treatment system, soil |
Developing Phosphorus and Potassium Recommendations for Field Crops |
AGF-0515 |
phosphorus, potassium, soil test, recommendation, field crops, corn, soybean, wheat, alfalfa, healthy crops, nutrient dense soil, yield potentials, soil test value, forage crops, soil, acidity, liming |
Ohio Data That Shaped the Tri-State Fertilizer Recommendations |
AGF-518 |
soil fertility, corn, soybeans, wheat, alfalfa, michigan, ohio, indiana, fertilizer recommendations, soil, nutrient management, tri-state fertilizer recommendations |
Corn, Soybean, and Alfalfa Yield Responses to Micronutrient Fertilization in Ohio |
AGF-519 |
soil fertility, corn, soybean, alfalfa, wheat, fertilizer trials, fertilizer recommendations, soil, nutrient management, micronutrients, soil conditions |
Soils and Soil Health |
ANR-0136 |
soil, soil health, soil management, minerals, microbes, liebig's law of the minimum, macronutrients |
Manure and Compost: Nitrogen Availability in Organic Production |
ANR-34 |
organic, manure, compost, nitrogen, soil, nutrient management plan, plant-available nitrogen, volatilization losses, ammonia nitrogen losses, bedding, additives |
Role of Soil Bacteria |
ANR-36 |
bacteria, soil, microbes, nutrients, role of soil bacteria, microbes in the soil, soil microbes |
Role of Soil Fungus |
ANR-37 |
fungus, soil, microbes, nutrients, mycorrhizae, role of soil fungus, microbial ecology |
Fertility Management of Meadows |
ANR-5 |
forages, fertilizer, hay, pastures, tall grass, urea fertilizer, legume, rhizobia, iron, manganese, zinc, copper, sulfur, soil ph, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, soil, nitrogen |
Post Corn, Going to Soybean: Use Cereal Rye |
ANR-84 |
soil health, soil, cover crop, agronomy, corn-soybean rotation, cereal rye |
Post Soybean, Going to Corn: Use Oats/Radish |
ANR-85 |
soil health, soil, cover crop, agronomy, corn after soybean, oats, radish, soybean-corn rotation |
Understanding Value in Lime |
ANR-9 |
soil, lime, dolometic limestone pellets, pulverized dolomitic limestone, pulverized industrial by-product, calacitic lime, dolometic lime, n hydrated lime dolomitic, pulverized dolometic lime, correcting soil ph, lime recommendations, lime comparisons, determining application rate of lime, cost of lime, effective neutralizing power |
Controlling Non-Native Invasive Plants in Ohio’s Forests: Garlic Mustard (Alliaria petiolata) |
F-66 |
control methods, mechanical, foliar herbicide, forestry, invasive species, basal rosette, garlic mustard, infestation, herbicides, successful control, labels, soil, controlling, garlic, mustard |
On-Farm Agrichemical Mixing/Loading Pad |
FABE-522 |
agrichemicals, pesticides, contamination, worker safety, chemical storage. concrete joint cracks, concrete specification, site selection, soil, water, containment, mixing area, loading area |
Soil Testing for Ohio Lawns, Landscapes, Fruit Crops, and Vegetable Gardens |
HYG-1132 |
soil, soil testing, garden, lawn, vegetable, fruit, turfgrass, fertilizer, trees, soil testing for ohio lawns, landscapes, fruit crops, and vegetable gardens |
Composting at Home |
HYG-1189-99 |
composting, environment, soil, mulching, lawns |