Pulsed Electric Field Processing Applications in the Food Industry |
FST-FABE-1002 |
nonthermal process, pulsed electric field, pasteurization, food, processing, liquid food, high voltage pulses |
Food Preservation: Salsa—From Garden to Table |
HYG-5339 |
food preservation, salsa, ingredients, recipes, home canning, processing, peach apple salsa, chile salsa, tomatillo green salsa |
Canning Tomato Products |
HYG-5337 |
tomato, canning, products, processing, recipes, ketchup, tomatoes with okra or zucchini, spaghetti sauce without meat, preparation, juice, vegetable, tomato sauce |
Storing Lignocellulosic Biomass for Bio-Refining Industry |
AEX-651.1 |
farm management, biomass, biorefining, storing, lignocellulosic, ensilage fermentation, enzymatic hydrolysis, dry storage, wet storage, corn stover, harvesting, processing |
Algae for Biofuels |
AEX-651 |
alternative energy, algae, microalgae, growing, harvesting, conversion, fuel, biodiesel, ultrasonic-assistant extraction, osmotic shock, enzymatic extraction, processing, supercritical fluid extraction, oil extraction, press extraction, hexane solvent extraction, biomass recovery |