Bed Bugs |
HYG-2105 |
bed bug, bedbug, pests, bites |
Defoliators on Soybean |
ENT-39 |
agronomic crops, pests, bean leaf beetle, treatment, insecticides, pesticides, yellow woollybear caterpillars, silver spotted skipper, defoliation, painted lady, thistle caterpillar, soybeans, grasshoppers, green cloverworm, japanese beetle, mexican bean beetle, slugs |
Monitoring Carrot Weevils Using Wooden Boivin Traps |
ENT-83 |
carrot weevil, parsley, carrots, celery, monitoring weevils, boivin trap, wooden trap, pests |
Silverfish and Firebrats |
ENT-64 |
silverfish, firebrat, insects, pests, insecticides |
Slugs and Their Management in Landscapes |
HYG-2010 |
slug, slugs, pests, mollusks, controlling slugs, slug bait, slug pesticides |