Wheat Growth Stages and Associated Management |
AGF-126 |
wheat, growth stages, management, stages of wheat development, growing wheat |
Managing Corn in Response to Severe Storms and Short-Term Weather Stressors |
ANR-0151 |
corn, environmental stress, strong storms, weather damage, management, cold temperatures, lodging, hail, flood, waterlogging |
Narrow Row Spacing in Corn: Management Considerations for Ohio |
ANR-0152 |
corn, environmental stress, strong storms, weather damage, management, cold temperatures, hybrids, forage, yield, narrow row, production, seeding, rates, drought tolerance, growing degree days, grain |
Giving New Life to Tired Pastures |
ANR-0159 |
forage, forages, pastures, planting, replanting, management |
Determining the Grazing Intensity and Move Frequency for Your Rotational Grazing System |
ANR-0160 |
forage, forages, pastures, planting, replanting, management |
Salmonella in Fresh Produce |
ANR-62 |
salmonella, fresh produce, tomatoes, open field production, greenhouse production, management, practices, contaminated fruit, foodborne, pathogen, gastroenteritis, contaminated food, foodborne illness, bacterium, stomachache, fever, diarrhea, dehydration |
European Corn Borer |
ENT-15 |
european corn borer, corn, pest, symptoms, management, infestation, larvae, corn stubble, yield losses, stalk disease, stalk breakage, ear drop, reduced corn yield |
Black Cutworm on Corn |
ENT-35 |
agronomic crops, cutworm, black, insecticide, pesticide, corn hybrids, bcw, control, corn, moths, crop, infestation, symptoms, management |
Forest Management |
F-34 |
forestry, management, forestry principles, forestry practices. forestry business techniques |
Choosing a Pest Management Company |
HYG-2178 |
pest, management, insect, rodent, bed bugs, control, pesticide, insecticide, pest problem, pest management professional |
Soybean Rust |
soybeans, rust, plant disease, kudzu, symptoms, management, disease, fungicide |
Sudden Oak Death (aka Ramorum blight) |
oak, sudden oak death, ramorum blight, symptoms, pathogen, prevention, management, stem cankers, twig dieback, leaf blight |