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Ohio State University Extension


invasive species

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Controlling Non-Native Invasive Plants in Ohio Forests: Amur Corktree (Phellodendron amurense) F-0108 invasive species, forest management, non-native species, herbicides, forestry, urban forestry, wildlife, woodland management, controlling invasive plants
Controlling Non-Native Invasive Plants in Ohio Forests: Japanese Stiltgrass F-70 forestry, invasive species, grass-specific herbicides, japanese stiltgrass, residual herbicides, stiltgrass herbicide, napalese browntop, preventing japanese stiltgrass, controlling japanese stiltgrass
Controlling Non-native Invasive Plants in Ohio’s Forests: Kudzu (Pueraria lobata) ANR-0158 kudzu, invasive species, forest management, non-native species, herbicides, forestry, urban forestry, browse, wildlife
Monitoring and Managing Spotted Wing Drosophila in Fruit Crops ENT-0086 swd, spotted-wing-drosophila, fruit fly, vinegar fly, invasive, invasive species
Controlling Non-Native Invasive Plants in Ohio’s Forests: Garlic Mustard (Alliaria petiolata) F-66 control methods, mechanical, foliar herbicide, forestry, invasive species, basal rosette, garlic mustard, infestation, herbicides, successful control, labels, soil, controlling, garlic, mustard
Controlling Non-Native Invasive Plants in Ohio's Forests: Autumn Olive and Russian Olive F-69 forestry, invasive species, controlling autumn olive and russian olive, foliar spraying autumn olive and russian olive, basal spraying with herbicide, cut stump herbicide treatment
Controlling Non-Native Invasive Plants in Ohio Forests: Ailanthus F-65 forestry, invasive species, ailanthus, tree-of-heaven, tree that smells like rotting peanuts or cat urine, foliar herbicide, basal treatment
Controlling Non-Native Invasive Plants in Ohio Forests: Privet (Ligustrum spp.) F-103 forestry, invasive species, herbicides for controlling privets, controlling undesirable trees, cut stump herbicide treatment, foliar spraying, basal spraying, controlling undesirable shrubs, herbicides for invasive plants, controlling undesirable vines, controlling non-native plant species, non-native privets
Controlling Non-Native Invasive Plants in Ohio Forests: Bush Honeysuckle F-68 forestry, invasive species, bush honeysuckle, controlling bush honeysuckle, controlling non-native shrubs, controlling invasive plants, basal application, herbicides, cut stump herbicide treatment, foliar spraying
Controlling Non-Native Invasive Plants: Common and Japanese Barberry ANR-0106 barberry, japanese barberry, common barberry, berberis, berberis spp, invasive, invasive species, forest, ticks, lyme, lyme disease
Feral Swine in Ohio: Managing Damage and Conflicts W-26 wildlife, feral swine, invasive species, wild boar, disease, damage, ohio, destructive feral animals, razorbacks, eurasian wild boar, russian wild boar, wild pigs
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