Choosing a Pesticide Product |
ANR-67 |
pesticide safety, labels, control pests, fungicides, rodenticides, molluscidides, repellents, miticides, acaricides, pest management, insecticides, herbicides |
Silverfish and Firebrats |
ENT-64 |
silverfish, firebrat, insects, pests, insecticides |
Bean Leaf Beetle on Soybean |
ENT-23 |
agronomic crops, bean leaf beetle, soybeans, bean pod mottle virus, insecticides, defoliation, moldy beans, pod injury |
Soybean Aphid |
ENT-37 |
agronomic crops, soybean aphid, sooty mold, insecticides, pesticides |
Defoliators on Soybean |
ENT-39 |
agronomic crops, pests, bean leaf beetle, treatment, insecticides, pesticides, yellow woollybear caterpillars, silver spotted skipper, defoliation, painted lady, thistle caterpillar, soybeans, grasshoppers, green cloverworm, japanese beetle, mexican bean beetle, slugs |
Drain Flies (Moth Flies) |
ENT-41 |
home, yard and garden, drain, fly, flies in the bathroom, restroom flies, sewer flies, insecticides, pesticides |
Lace Bugs |
HYG-2150 |
lace bug, walnut lace bugs, sycamore, lace, bug, pesticides, insecticides, life cycles, habits, leaf damage, rhododendron, andromeda, azalea, basswood, hawthorn, hackberry, oak |
Earwigs |
HYG-2068 |
flowers, european earwig, forficula auricularia l., euborellia annulipes (lucas), insects, nests, ringlegged earwig, lifecycle, nymphs, insecticides, trapping, prevention |