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Ohio State University Extension



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Sand Bioreactors for Onsite Wastewater Treatment AEX-754 wastewater treatment, sand bioreactors, wastewater pollutants, off-lot discharge permit, home, aerobic, treatment unit, ohio, leaching trench, mound system
Kindergarten: Caution—Is Your Home Safe? BB-K-8 backpack buddies, home, kindergarten aged children, poison safety
Preschool: Caution—Is Your Home Safe? BB-P-8 backpack buddies, children, preschool, home, kitchen, safety
Ohio Bee Identification Guide ENT-57 home, yard and garden, bee, bees, beekeeping, bee id, honey bees, ohio honeybees
Growing Strawberries in the Home Garden HYG-1424 home, yard and garden, health, home, strawberry, growing strawberries in the home garden, types of strawberries
Kiwifruit and Hardy Kiwi (Kiwiberries) HYG-1426 kiwi, hardy kiwi, kiwiberry, fruit, home, farm, kiwifruit, kiwi cultivars, trellising kiwi, fertilizing kiwi, growing kiwi in ohio, growing hardy kiwi, kiwi frost hardiness, dormant pruning
Growing Rhubarb in the Home Garden HYG-1631 rhubarb, gardening, home, yard and garden, backyard food, cultivation, vegetable
Collecting and Submitting a Turfgrass Sample to the Plant and Pest Diagnostic Clinic HYG-3087-10 home, yard and garden, plant disease, lawn, turf, turf grass sample, golf course turf, athletic turf, sod farms
Home Alone: Is My Child Old Enough? HYG-5321 is my child old enough to be home alone, home, rules, children, family science, leaving kids at home, child responsibilities
Preserving Uncooked Jams and Jellies HYG-5348 preserves, jams, jellies, canning, fruit, home, preparing, recipe, conserves, marmalades
Freezer Storage HYG-5402 freezer, home, food, storage, safety, packaging, thawing, refreezing, defrost
Food Preservation: Pasteurization of Raw Milk for Home Consumption HYG-5817 milk, pasteurization, raw, home, consumption, pasteurized, preserve, kill, bacteria
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