Controlling Non-native Invasive Plants in Ohio’s Forests: Kudzu (Pueraria lobata) |
ANR-0158 |
kudzu, invasive species, forest management, non-native species, herbicides, forestry, urban forestry, browse, wildlife |
Choosing a Pesticide Product |
ANR-67 |
pesticide safety, labels, control pests, fungicides, rodenticides, molluscidides, repellents, miticides, acaricides, pest management, insecticides, herbicides |
Palmer Amaranth: What It Is and What to Do Now |
ANR-73 |
palmer amaranth, weeds, herbicides, herbicide resistance, pigweed |
Herbicide Resistance in Waterhemp |
ANR-78 |
weeds, weed control, waterhemp, herbicide resistance, ohio, cover crops, midwest, glyphosate, site 14, herbicides |
Relative Effectiveness of Herbicides Commonly Used to Control Woody Vegetation in Forest Stands |
F-0051 |
herbicides, forestry, deadening, girdling, frilling, injection, basal spraying, cut stump |
Controlling Non-Native Invasive Plants in Ohio Forests: Amur Corktree (Phellodendron amurense) |
F-0108 |
invasive species, forest management, non-native species, herbicides, forestry, urban forestry, wildlife, woodland management, controlling invasive plants |
Controlling Non-Native Invasive Plants in Ohio’s Forests: Garlic Mustard (Alliaria petiolata) |
F-66 |
control methods, mechanical, foliar herbicide, forestry, invasive species, basal rosette, garlic mustard, infestation, herbicides, successful control, labels, soil, controlling, garlic, mustard |
Controlling Non-Native Invasive Plants in Ohio Forests: Bush Honeysuckle |
F-68 |
forestry, invasive species, bush honeysuckle, controlling bush honeysuckle, controlling non-native shrubs, controlling invasive plants, basal application, herbicides, cut stump herbicide treatment, foliar spraying |
Reducing 2,4-D and Dicamba Drift Risk to Fruits, Vegetables and Landscape Plants |
HYG-6105 |
herbicides, 2, 4-d, dicamba, weed control, synthetic auxins, plant hormones, killing weeds |
Sclerotinia Stem Rot (White Mold) of Soybean |
sclerotinia stem rot, soybeans, disease cycle, disease management, tillage, biological control, herbicides, fungicides, chemical control, crop rotation, white mold, fungus |