Growing Aronia (Aronia melanocarpa) in Ohio |
ANR-0157 |
aronia, aronia berry, black chokeberry, fruit, production, health, food, insects, disease, and value-added products |
The Living Will |
SS-170 |
living will, family, health, directive, health care, power of attorney, agent, advanced directive, terminal condition, permanently unconscious state |
Osteoporosis: Risk Factors, Prevention, and Detection |
HYG-5808 |
bones, osteoporosis, seniors, health, low bone mass, prevention, hormones, diet, exercise, bad posture, loss in height, back pain |
Working with Large Round Bale Equipment |
AEX-591.2.7 |
safety, health, round bale equipment, large round bales, tractors, pto, trailers, agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, ag tailgate safety training |
Towing Anhydrous Ammonia Tanks |
AEX-591.4.10 |
safety, ag tailgate training, towing anhydrous ammonia tanks, towing tanks, health, towing, agricultural safety, agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors |
Silo Safety |
AEX-591.5.1 |
agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, silo safety, silo, safety, health, lung disease, gas, ag tailgate training |
Safety Means Slow Moving Vehicle (SMV) |
AEX-591.1.6 |
agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, ag tailgate training, safety, health, smv, slow moving vehicle, safety signs, farm machinery |
Safely Starting and Stopping a Tractor |
AEX-591.1.3 |
agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, tractors, starting and stopping, safety, health, ag tailgate training |
Safe Use of Tractors and Self-Propelled Farm Equipment |
AEX-591.1.1 |
agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, farm equipment, training, safety, health, tractors, safe use of tractors and self-propelled equipment |
Safe Use of Harvesting Equipment with Cutterbars |
AEX-591.2.9 |
agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, cutterbars and blades, safety, health, harvesting equipment |
The Benefits of Family Meals |
HYG-5246 |
family meals, eating together, family, meal, benefits, togetherness, health, self esteem, relationship building |
Safe Use Of Hand Pallet Trucks |
AEX-591.7.5 |
agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, health, safety, hand trucks, pallet movers, ag tailgate training |
Safe Use of Hand-Held Tools |
AEX-591.7.6 |
agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, shop tools, ag tailgate training, safety, health, hand-held tools, wrench, pliers, hammers |
Safe Use Of Flammable Liquids |
AEX-591.4.6 |
agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, flammable liquids, flammables, safety, health, ag tailgate training |
Safe Operation of Portable Circular Power Saws |
AEX-591.7.3 |
safe operation of portable circular power saws, agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, safety, health, ag tailgate training |
Rotary Agricultural Mower Safety |
AEX-591.2.11 |
agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, health, safety, rotary-mower, mower-safety, mower, pto |
Respiratory Diseases |
AEX-591.10.5 |
agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, safety, health, respiratory, disease, lung, lung disease, mold, silo gas, airways irritation |
Respirator Protection and Fit |
AEX-591.3.2 |
agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, health, safety, respirators, fit test, dual cartridge, dust respirators |
Repetitive Motion |
AEX-591.10.4 |
repetitive motion, safety, health, treatment, ergonomic tools, agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, injuries, prevention, repetitive motion injury |
Protective Gloves |
AEX-591.3.7 |
agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, neoprene, kevlar, health, safety, gloves, protection |
Protecting Hands and Fingers |
AEX-591.7.1 |
agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, health, safety, protecting-hands-and-fingers, pinch-hazard, crush-points, cut-points, preventing machine hazards |
Protecting Against Noise |
AEX-591.3.4 |
agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, health, safety, training, protecting-noise, noise, hearing-protection, noise-levels, ear-plugs |
Properly Cleaning and Storing Respirators |
AEX-591.3.3 |
agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, health, safety, respirators, cleaning-storing-respirators, dust mask, dust masks, cartridge respirator, dust filter mask |
Proper Use of Ladders |
AEX-591.7.9 |
safety, ladders, three-point contact rule, climbing-ladder, health, agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors |
Preventing Machine Hazards |
AEX-591.7.11 |
agricultural safety and health program, safety, health, preventing-machine-hazards, machines, repairing-machines-safety |
Pesticide Protective Equipment |
AEX-591.3.1 |
agricultural safety and health program, pesticides, protection, safety, health, ppe, pesticide-protective-equipment |
Chock and Block |
AEX-591.2.12 |
chock, block, safety, health, equipment, pinning, pallets, farm shop, farm equipment |
Combine Fires |
AEX-591.5.3 |
agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors, safety, health, combine, combine-fires, training, modules |
Gluten-Free Eating: Important Considerations |
HYG-5589 |
health, gluten, celiac, wheat allergy, gluten free, celiac disease, non-celiac gluten sensitivity |
Growing Strawberries in the Home Garden |
HYG-1424 |
home, yard and garden, health, home, strawberry, growing strawberries in the home garden, types of strawberries |
Growing Apples in the Home Orchard |
HYG-1401 |
apple, fruit, garden, health, home, yard and garden, growing apples in the home orchard, apple cultivars |
Pruning Erect Blackberries in the Home Garden |
HYG-1431 |
blackberry, pruning, thornless, fruit, garden, health, home, yard and garden, pruning blackberry plants in the home garden |
Eating Healthy During Stressful Times |
HYG-5244 |
nutrition, health, stress |
Introduction to Mindfulness |
HYG-5243 |
health, stress |
Stress Coping Methods |
HYG-5242 |
health, stress |
Calcium |
HYG-5506 |
nutrition, health, absorption, calcium, bone health, lactose intolerance, dairy, bone density, postmenopausal women, osteoporosis, bone fracture |
Fiber Fills You Up, Fills your Wallet, and Fuels Your Health |
HYG-5583 |
fiber, diet, health |
Proper Use of Ladders |
AEX-790.39 |
small farm, gardening, safety, health, ladder, small farm and garden safety series |
Nonpower Hand Tools |
AEX-790.38 |
small farm, gardening, safety, health, non-power hand tool, small farm and garden safety series |
Handheld Trimmers and Brush Cutters |
AEX-790.37 |
small farm, gardening, safety, health, hand-held trimmer, brush cutter, small farm and garden safety series |
Rototillers and Two-Wheeled Tractors |
AEX-790.36 |
small farm, gardening, safety, health, rototiller, two-wheel tractor, small farm and garden safety series |
Front-End Loader Safety |
AEX-790.35 |
small farm, gardening, safety, health, front-end loader, small farm and garden safety series |
Wood Chippers and Shredders |
AEX-790.34 |
small farm, gardening, safety, health, wood chipper, wood shredder, small farm and garden safety series |
Chain Saws |
AEX-790.33 |
small farm, gardening, safety, health, chain saw, small farm and garden safety series |
Compact Utility Tractor Safety |
AEX-790.32 |
small farm, gardening, safety, health, compact utility tractor, small farm and garden safety series, small tractor |
Three-Point Rotary Lawn and Brush Mower Safety |
AEX-790.31 |
small farm, gardening, safety, health, three-point rotary lawn mower, brush mower, small farm and garden safety series |
Power Lawn Mowers |
AEX-790.30 |
small farm, gardening, safety, health, power lawn mower, small farm and garden safety series |
Nonvented Portable Heaters |
AEX-790.29 |
small farm, gardening, safety, health, portable heater, small farm and garden safety series |
Safety Data Sheets |
AEX-790.28 |
small farm, gardening, safety, health, safety data sheet, sds, small farm and garden safety series |
Portable Sprayers |
AEX-790.27 |
small farm, gardening, safety, health, pesticide application, small farm and garden safety series, portable sprayer |
Reading Pesticide Labels |
AEX-790.26 |
small farm, gardening, safety, health, pesticide label, small farm and garden safety series, pesticide disposal, pesticide, exposure, register, environmental risks |
Fire Extinguishers |
AEX-790.25 |
small farm, gardening, safety, health, fire extinguisher, small farm and garden safety series |
Emergency Preparedness |
AEX-790.24 |
small farm, gardening, safety, health, emergency preparedness, small farm and garden safety series |
First-Aid Kits |
AEX-790.23 |
small farm, gardening, safety, health, first aid, small farm and garden safety series |
Lockout/Tagout |
AEX-790.22 |
small farm, gardening, safety, health, lockout, tagout, small farm and garden safety series |
Grounding and GFCI Protection |
AEX-790.21 |
small farm, gardening, safety, health, electrical grounding, small farm and garden safety series |
Electrical Shock |
AEX-790.20 |
small farm, gardening, safety, health, electrical shock, small farm and garden safety series |
Avoiding Skin Irritations and Injuries Caused by Plants |
AEX-790.19 |
small farm, gardening, safety, health, skin irritation, skin injuries, plants, stinging plants, thorny plants, small farm and garden safety series, allergenic plants, skin-irritant plants, poisonous plants |
Sun Exposure (Protect Your Skin) |
AEX-790.18 |
small farm, gardening, safety, health, sun exposure, sunblock, skin, small farm and garden safety series, uv rays, skin cancer |
Task Lighting |
AEX-790.17 |
small farm, gardening, safety, health, task lighting, outdoor lights, small farm and garden safety series |
Tree Work Safety |
AEX-790.16 |
small farm, gardening, safety, health, tree work, tree pruning, small farm and garden safety series, tree trimming |
Slips, Trips, and Falls |
AEX-790.15 |
small farm, gardening, safety, health, slip, trip, fall, small farm and garden safety series |
Protecting Hands and Fingers |
AEX-790.14 |
small farm, gardening, safety, health, hand protection, finger protection, small farm and garden safety series, identifying hazards, pinch, crush, cut |
Dangers of Substance Abuse |
AEX-790.13 |
small farm, gardening, safety, health, substance, abuse, small farm and garden safety series |
Hypothermia and Frostbite |
AEX-790.12 |
small farm, gardening, safety, health, hypothermia, frostbite, small farm and garden safety series |
Be Aware of Heat Stress |
AEX-790.11 |
small farm, gardening, safety, health, heat, stress, small farm and garden safety series |
Dust and Mold |
AEX-790.10 |
small farm, gardening, safety, health, dust, mold, small farm and garden safety series |
Repetitive Motion |
AEX-790.9 |
small farm, gardening, safety, health, repetitive motion, treating repetitive motion injury, small farm and garden safety series, repetitive motion injury |
Preventing Lifting Injuries |
AEX-790.8 |
small farm, gardening, safety, health, lifting injuries, small farm and garden safety series, lower back injury, avoiding back injury, back pain |
Respiratory Protection |
AEX-790.7 |
small farm, gardening, safety, health, respiratory health, small farm and garden safety series |
Eye and Face Protection |
AEX-790.6 |
small farm, gardening, safety, health, eye protection, face protection, small farm and garden safety series |
Head Protection |
AEX-790.5 |
small farm, gardening, safety, health, head protection, small farm and garden safety series |
Foot and Leg Protection |
AEX-790.4 |
small farm, gardening, safety, health, foot protection, leg protection, small farm and garden safety series |
Hand Protection |
AEX-790.3 |
small farm, gardening, safety, health, hand protection, small farm and garden safety series |
Hearing Protection |
AEX-790.2 |
small farm, gardening, safety, health, hearing protection, small farm and garden safety series |
Selecting and Using Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) |
AEX-790.1 |
small farm, gardening, safety, health, personal protective equipment, small farm and garden safety series |
Targeting a Healthier Diet |
SS-123 |
senior series, health, diet |
Strategies for Successful Health |
SS-125 |
senior series, health |
Kindergarten: Get Off to a Good Start |
BB-K-1 |
backpack buddies, breakfast, children, nutrition, kindergarten, diet, health |
Preschool: Get Off to a Good Start |
BB-P-1 |
backpack buddies, preschool, breakfast, health, nutrition, food |
Preschool: Nutrition and Fitness |
BB-P-6 |
backpack buddies, preschool, nutrition, fitness, food groups, health, good, habits, physical activity, healthy choices |
Increasing Coalition Effectiveness Through Community Mobilization |
CDFS-12 |
building coalitions, issue, health, social, environmental, community, coalition, mobilization, support, awareness, organizer |
Parasites: Cryptosporidium parvum, Cyclospora, and Giardia lamblia |
HYG-5577 |
home, yard and garden, health, pathogen control, avoiding parasitic infection, water parasites, parasite symptoms, parasite treatment, cyclosporiasis, cryptosporidiosis, bacterial infections, giardiasis |
Toxoplasma gondii: A Parasite that Causes Toxoplasmosis |
HYG-5578 |
health, illness, toxoplasma gondii, intermediate host, toxoplasmosis, preventing exposure, cat digestive tract, contaminated water, bad soil, immune system, unpasteurized milk |
Preventing Heart Disease |
AEX-982.3 |
health, safety, ohio agrability series, preventative heart disease tips, exercising benefits, heart disease diet, healthy heart advice, smoking with heart disease, heart screenings |
Managing Arthritis When Farming |
AEX-982.1 |
health, safety, ohio agrability series, arthritis, exercise, farming, farming with arthritis, range of motion exercises for arthritis, tips to relieve arthritis symptoms at work, arthritis accessible farming equipment |
Water Effects on Livestock Performance |
ANR-13 |
livestock, water, water effects on livestock performance, health, sick |