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Ohio State University Extension



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Forest Management F-34 forestry, management, forestry principles, forestry practices. forestry business techniques
Financial Maturity: A Guide to Increasing Financial Returns From Your Woodland F-48 forestry, maturity, harvesting, old growth forest, mature trees, tree value, landowners
Crop Tree Management: A Tool to Help You Achieve Your Woodland Goals F-50 forestry, woodland, trees, mast producing, timber, species, valuable trees, private, nonindustrial, forest, landowner, unmanaged woodland, crop trees, private woodland
Controlling Non-Native Invasive Plants in Ohio Forests: Ailanthus F-65 forestry, invasive species, ailanthus, tree-of-heaven, tree that smells like rotting peanuts or cat urine, foliar herbicide, basal treatment
Controlling Non-Native Invasive Plants in Ohio's Forests: Autumn Olive and Russian Olive F-69 forestry, invasive species, controlling autumn olive and russian olive, foliar spraying autumn olive and russian olive, basal spraying with herbicide, cut stump herbicide treatment
Controlling Non-Native Invasive Plants in Ohio Forests: Privet (Ligustrum spp.) F-103 forestry, invasive species, herbicides for controlling privets, controlling undesirable trees, cut stump herbicide treatment, foliar spraying, basal spraying, controlling undesirable shrubs, herbicides for invasive plants, controlling undesirable vines, controlling non-native plant species, non-native privets
Timber Sale Contracts F-38 forestry, timber, sale, contract
Measuring Standing Trees F-35 forestry, trees, measuring, measuring standing trees, merchantable board-foot content
Controlling Non-Native Invasive Plants in Ohio’s Forests: Garlic Mustard (Alliaria petiolata) F-66 control methods, mechanical, foliar herbicide, forestry, invasive species, basal rosette, garlic mustard, infestation, herbicides, successful control, labels, soil, controlling, garlic, mustard
Using the Tree Measuring Stick F-62 forestry, measuring tree diameter, tree measuring stick, tree measuring tool, estimating the merchantable height of a tree, estimating tree volume, log scale stick doyle rule, basal area factor, measuring tree height
Getting the Most Return From Your Timber Sale F-37 forestry, timber, selecting timber for sale, timber contracts, harvesting timber, selling stumpage, lump sum sale, sale by unit, getting the most return from your timber sale, selling timber, timber sales, timber marketing, increasing timber profits
Timber Theft in Ohio F-97 forestry
Using Local Woodlot Lumber F-9 forestry, lumber, woodlot
Controlling Non-Native Invasive Plants in Ohio Forests: Bush Honeysuckle F-68 forestry, invasive species, bush honeysuckle, controlling bush honeysuckle, controlling non-native shrubs, controlling invasive plants, basal application, herbicides, cut stump herbicide treatment, foliar spraying
Controlling Non-Native Invasive Plants in Ohio Forests: Japanese Stiltgrass F-70 forestry, invasive species, grass-specific herbicides, japanese, stiltgrass, residual herbicides, stiltgrass herbicide, napalese browntop, preventing japanese stiltgrass, controlling japanese stiltgrass
Fall Color Change in Ohio ANR-0145 forestry, fall color, trees, natural resources, chlorophyll, carotenoids, anthocyanins
Relative Effectiveness of Herbicides Commonly Used to Control Woody Vegetation in Forest Stands F-0051 herbicides, forestry, deadening, girdling, frilling, injection, basal spraying, cut stump
Woodlands Make Poor Pastures F-0015 woodlands, forestry, pasture, livestock, grazing, erosion
Forestry Terms for Ohio Forest Landowners F-0104 forests, forestry, terms, forest management, definitions
Ambrosia Coloration in Maple Trees ANR-0108 forestry, forest management, maple, tree, ambrosia, red maple, sugar maple, black maple, silver maple, boxelder
Calibrating Boom Sprayers for Forestry Herbicide Application FABE-529 calibration, sprayers, forestry, flow rate, nozzle, nozzle type, nozzle size, boom height, spray pressure, application, rate, travel speed, gallons per minute, herbicide application, spray volume, boom sprayers, hand can sprayer, backpack sprayer, calibrating sprayers
Fulton County’s Forest Economy F-102 forestry
Growing American Ginseng in Ohio: Maintenance, Disease Control, and Pest Management F-63 forestry, vegetable crops, disease treatment, ginseng, wild simulated ginseng, american ginseng, planting, fungus, root rot, disease, leaf blight
Growing American Ginseng in Ohio: Harvesting, Washing, and Drying F-64 forestry, vegetable crops, drying ginseng roots, ginseng legal harvest season, federal ginseng regulations, growing american ginseng in ohio, harvesting american ginseng, ginseng production
Growing American Ginseng in Ohio: Selecting a Site F-58 forestry, vegetable crops, growing american ginseng, ideal ginseng sites, best soil for ginseng production, what plants grow around ginseng, where ginseng is located in american forests, trees associated with ginseng, where to find ginseng, best sites for american ginseng
Growing American Ginseng in Ohio: Site Preparation and Planting Using the Wild-Simulated Approach F-57 forestry, vegetable crops, life cycle of ginseng, growing ginseng in ohio, selecting a site for ginseng, ohio ginseng, american ginseng, wild-simulated ginseng, wild ginseng pricing
Growing American Ginseng in Ohio: An Introduction F-56 forestry, vegetable crops, ohio ginseng, american ginseng, growing american ginseng in ohio, shade grown ginseng root, wild grown ginseng root
Athens County’s Forest Economy F-99 forestry, athens county, forest resources, economy, saw timber, timber, woodland management, industries
Trumbull County’s Forest Economy F-101 forestry
Ashtabula County’s Forest Economy F-98 forestry
Meigs County’s Forest Economy F-100 forestry
Geauga County’s Forest Economy F-93 forestry
Tuscarawas County’s Forest Economy F-96 forestry
Licking County’s Forest Economy F-94 forestry
Muskingum County’s Forest Economy F-95 forestry
Brown County’s Forest Economy F-90 forestry, woodland management, forest industries, property tax credits, sawtimber, harvesting operation
Highland County’s Forest Economy F-91 forestry
Adams County’s Forest Economy F-89 forestry
Hocking County’s Forest Economy F-92 forestry
Defiance County’s Forest Economy F-88 forestry
Crawford County’s Forest Economy F-87 forestry
Coshocton County’s Forest Economy F-86 forestry
Forest Products Terminology F-85 forestry, forest products, industry, dry kiln operation, manufacturers, retailers, wood preservative application
Ross County’s Forest Economy F-84 forestry, forest industry, farmland, forestland, economic impact, yellow poplar, beech hickory, federal state taxes, land usage, woodland, ohio division of forestry, labor income
Pike County’s Forest Economy F-83 forestry, forest industry, farmland, forestland, economic impact, yellow poplar, beech hickory, federal state taxes, land usage, woodland, ohio division of forestry, labor income
Belmont County’s Forest Economy F-81 forestry, belmont county, forest industry, farmland, forestland, economic impact, yellow poplar, beech, hickory, federal, state taxes, land usage, woodland, ohio division of forestry, labor income
Morgan County’s Forest Economy F-82 forestry, sawtimber, woodland management, morgan county, forest industries, yellow poplar, red oak, beech, farmland production, woodland production, manufacturing, labor income, industrial output, value added, state taxes, federal, natural resources
Ohio’s Forest Economy F-80 forestry, sawtimber, timber prices, ohio timber volume, managing woodlands, selling timber, stumpage prices, pulp and paper producers, commercial logging in ohio, wood dealers, mills, commercial hardwood species, forest products industry, logging industry
Monroe County’s Forest Economy F-78 local, forestry, resources, monroe county, ohio, oak, hickory, managing timber, commercial logging, woodlands, industrial production values, economic impact, sawtimber
Holmes County’s Forest Economy F-75 forestry, holmes county, land usage, inventory, taxes on income, standing timber, sawtimber, stock volume, woodland management, forest industry, forestry resources
An Overview of Drying Hardwood Lumber F-73 wet bulb depression, casehardening, forestry, lumber, wood, dry end storage, moisture content, oven dry weight, fiber saturation point, equilibrium moisture content, dry bulb temperature, wet bulb temperature
Hardwood Log and Tree Quality F-74 forestry, veneer logs, grading factors, factory logs, form class, fas boards, tree grades, construction logs, local use logs, sawmills, log grading, timber buyers, hardwood logs, log classes, nhla lumber grades
Understanding Dimensional Changes In Wood Products F-72 forestry, wood structure, dimensional changes, composites, juvenile wood, reaction wood, compression wood, tension wood, seasoning, earlywood, cross grain, shrinkage, moisture content, lumber, latewood, softwood, hardwood
Preservative-Treated Wood: A Sustainable Consumer Choice F-71 forestry, ecological sustainability, environment friendly processing, treated wood products, manufactured treated wood plastic composites, wood preservatives
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