Developing Phosphorus and Potassium Recommendations for Field Crops |
AGF-0515 |
phosphorus, potassium, soil test, recommendation, field crops, corn, soybean, wheat, alfalfa, healthy crops, nutrient dense soil, yield potentials, soil test value, forage crops, soil, acidity, liming |
Nutrients Removed with Harvested Corn, Soybean, and Wheat Grain in Ohio |
ANR-74 |
nutrient removal rates, corn, soybean, wheat, grain, fertilizer trials, field crops, grain nutrient concentrations, fertilizer rates, fertilizer application rates, tri state fertilizer recommendations |
Fall Strip Tillage Systems: An Introduction |
AEX-507 |
field crops, fall strip tillage, no till soybean production, no till corn production, soil conservation |
Cover Crop Fundamentals |
AGF-142 |
field crops, cover crops, best cover crops, when to plant cover crops, legume cover crops, non-legume cover crops |
Stink Bugs on Soybeans and Other Field Crops |
ENT-48 |
stink bugs, soybeans, field crops, squash bug, assassin bug, green stink bug, spined soldier bug, kudzu bug, brown stink bug, brown marmorated stink bug, red-shouldered stink bug |