Phytophthora Damping-off and Root Rot of Soybean |
soybeans, stem rot, disease cycle, mold, damping-off, seed treatment, phytophthora root rot, soybean, rps genes, single dominant resistance genes |
Sclerotinia Stem Rot (White Mold) of Soybean |
sclerotinia stem rot, soybeans, disease cycle, disease management, tillage, biological control, herbicides, fungicides, chemical control, crop rotation, white mold, fungus |
Spur Blight of Red Raspberries |
spur blight, red raspberries, lesions, raspberries, disease cycle, fungus, symptoms, control, treatment, fungicides |
Cane Blight of Raspberries |
raspberry, cane blight, fungus, disease cycle, brown cankered bark, black, red, purple, dewberries |
Frogeye Leaf Spot of Soybean |
AC-53 |
agronomic crops, frogeye leaf spot, soybeans, ohio, cercospora sojina, disease cycle, fungus, brown spots on leaves, holes in leaves, frogeye lesions |