Rusts of Apple |
apple, rust diseases, control, fungicide spray, cedar quince rust, cedar hawthorn rust, cedar apple rust, fungus, crabapple, defoliated |
Spur Blight of Red Raspberries |
spur blight, red raspberries, lesions, raspberries, disease cycle, fungus, symptoms, control, treatment, fungicides |
Eutypa Dieback of Grape |
eutypa dieback, grape, dead arm, fungus, dead-arm disease, symptoms, control, phomopsis, cane, leaf spot |
Farmers and West Nile Virus |
WNV-1001 |
west nile virus, mosquito, disease, encephalitis, meningitis, farmers, control, north america, united states |
Black Cutworm on Corn |
ENT-35 |
agronomic crops, cutworm, black, insecticide, pesticide, corn hybrids, bcw, control, corn, moths, crop, infestation, symptoms, management |
Aphids on Trees and Shrubs |
HYG-2031 |
aphids, trees, shrubs, plant lice, control, treatment, insecticide, pesticide, ant cows, wooly aphids, life cycle, black sooty mold, distorted leaves, single host plant, aphid reproduction. |
Angular Leaf Spot of Strawberry (Bacterial Blight) |
HYG-3212 |
plant disease, strawberry, angular leaf spot, symptoms, disease, control, copper fungicide, bactericide, allstar, annapolis, cavendish, honeoye, kent |
Eating Disorders Awareness: Eating Disorders Among Athletes |
ED-1006 |
eating disorders, ocd, obsessive compulsive disorder, athletes, anorexia, dieting, nervosa, bulimia, weight, loss, control, disorder, psychological, behavioral |
Choosing a Pest Management Company |
HYG-2178 |
pest, management, insect, rodent, bed bugs, control, pesticide, insecticide, pest problem, pest management professional |