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Ohio State University Extension



Title (Click to Sort) Fact Sheet Number Tags
Food Preservation: Making and Preserving Barbecue and Hot Sauces HYG-5365 barbecue, bbq, hot sauce, canning, food preservation, preserving sauces, hot sauce ingredients, bbq sauce ingredients
Food Preservation: Preserving Food With Less Sugar HYG-5359 home food preservation, canning, sweetener, sugar, preserving with less sugar, reduced sugar, low carbohydrate
Food Preservation: Basics for Canning Vegetables HYG-5344 food preservation, canning, vegetables, basics for canning vegetables
Food Preservation: Making and Preserving Sauerkraut HYG-5364 cabbage varieties, danish ballhead, stone head, early flat dutch, head start, hinova, red acre, sauerkraut ingredients, premium late dutch, fermentation, sauerkraut, pickled vegetables, cabbage, preserving food, canning, making and preserving sauerkraut
Food Preservation: Basics for Canning Fruit HYG-5343 food preservation, canning, fruit, basics for canning fruit, canning fruit juice, pressure canner, water bath canner
Selecting, Storing, and Serving Ohio Peas HYG-5527 peas, ohio pea recipes, nutrition, storage, cooking, sugar snap peas with toasted sesame seeds, canning, frozen, green garden peas, edible pod peas, snow peas, sugar snap peas
Freezing and Canning Venison HYG-5367 venison, wild, game, freezing venison, processing venison, deer meat, canning
Preserving Food With Less Sodium HYG-5358 home food preservation, freezing, fermentation, home canning, canning, pickling, pickle, salt, reducing sodium, brining
Home Preservation of Fish HYG-5351 home food preservation, freezing, canning, curing, fish, brine, smoking fish, thawing frozen fish, canning fish, smoking, quick freezing fish, freezing fish in water, fish brining, preserving fish, freezing fish
Canning Tomato Products HYG-5337 tomato, canning, products, processing, recipes, ketchup, tomatoes with okra or zucchini, spaghetti sauce without meat, preparation, juice, vegetable, tomato sauce
Preserving Uncooked Jams and Jellies HYG-5348 preserves, jams, jellies, canning, fruit, home, preparing, recipe, conserves, marmalades
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