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Ohio State University Extension



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  1. Market Chick Orders Due

    Market Chick Order and Payment deadline. Forms must be mailed to address on order form. DO NOT bring/send form or money to the Scioto Office. ...

  2. STEM Camp Registration Due

    STEM Camp Registrations due to the Adams County Extension Office by 4:30 pm. ...

  3. Hog ID Forms Due

    Hog ID Forms due to Extension Office by 4:30pm. We are NOT tagging Hogs again for 2016.  We will follow the same procedure as 2015. If you have questions regarding this process, please contact the Extension Office. ...

  4. Candy & Snack Stick Money Due

    ALL CANDY and BEEF STICK MONEY IS DUE to the Scioto County 4-H Committee Treasurer, Carolyn Garrett by the end of the day.  Please mail payments to the address on the invoice that was provided.  We cannot accept payment at the OSU Extension Office. ...

  5. Re Screening of Volunteers

    All 4-H Volunteers must submit a BCI check every four years to remain eligible to work in activities and programs with minors.  Existing volunteers who need to have their background check renewed simply take this form to any location listed to have their ...

  6. Subscribe

    The Scioto County Agriculture and Natural Resources Email List is a local source of information on Agriculture, Natural Resources, Gardening and Landscaping for Scioto County Farmers, Landowners, Gardeners and Community Members. This email list will provi ...

  7. Bob Evans Community Fundraiser

    Dine to make a difference Bob Evans hosts a community fundraiser today (5/17) to increase awareness of the importance of agriculture education programs supported by Ohio Farm Bureau, Ohio 4-H and Ohio FFA.  To fulfill this goal, simply present this flyer ...

  8. Market Chick Pickup

    Youth who are enrolled in the Market Chicken project can pick up their chicks on Thursday, June 23rd, 2016.  Chicks will be available for pick up between 2:00 pm and 4:30 pm ONLY!  Please call Josi at (740) 354-7879 if you have any questions. ...

  9. Power Outage Safety Tips

    Summer time often means severe storms with high winds in Ohio. It is important to know how to be prepared if there is a power outage. The Office of the Ohio Consumers’ Counsel offers a fact sheet that provides safety tips and consumer rights if a power ou ...

  10. Steer Weigh In & Tagging

    All projects must be weighed and/or identified at an official county tagging (for that project) during the current 4-H project year. 4-H’ers must all appropriate enrollment and identification forms on file in the Extension Office for the current year. Onl ...
