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Chow Line: Use marinades for flavor, tenderizing (for 7/20/08)
July 11, 2008 How long should beef and poultry be marinated? That's a question that has no firm answer. For one thing, marinades are used both for flavor and for tenderizing, so it depends on what your goal is. For another, different experts will giv ...
Chow Line: Eggs make frozen custard smoother (for 7/27/08)
July 21, 2008 What's the difference between frozen custard and soft-serve ice cream? The official difference is egg: By law, frozen custard must have at least 1.4 percent egg yolk solids, while "ice cream" contains less than that (typically ...
Chow Line: Choose carefully at Chinese restaurants (for 8/10/08)
August 1, 2008 I used to love going out for Chinese food, but I stopped eating it years ago when I heard how unhealthy it was. Are there healthy options? Absolutely. By limiting portions and making careful selections, you can eat a healthful meal practica ...
Chow Line: Expose children to more vegetables (for 8/17/08)
August 8, 2008 With school starting soon, I want to pack some fresh vegetables in my children's lunches, but I'm afraid they'll just throw them away. Any ideas? My advice: Try it. In fact, try a whole slew of vegetables-- carrot sticks, pea ...
Chow Line: Whichever salt you use, consume less (for 8/24/08)
August 15, 2008 Is sea salt more healthful than regular salt? While some foodies extol the virtues of their favorite gourmet salt (did you know there's Hawaiian sea salt, French sea salt, Italian sea salt, and even smoked sea salt?), nutritionists us ...
Chow Line: Cubing spuds saves time, cuts nutrients (for 12/7/08)
November 25, 2008 I have a recipe that calls for mashed potatoes. It suggests cubing the potatoes before boiling them, to save time. Wouldn't the potatoes lose a lot of nutrients that way? Yes, your instincts are right on the money. Potatoes are grea ...
Chow Line: Drinking water may help shed pounds (for 12/21/08)
December 5, 2008 A friend lost about 30 pounds by (she says) just drinking a lot of water. Can you really lose weight that way? Not quite. You lose weight by consuming fewer calories than you expend. But several studies indicate that drinking water just m ...
Chow Line: Gut reactions to candy canes vary (for 12/21/08)
December 12, 2008 I've heard contradictory views: Do candy canes cause indigestion or do they combat it? In this case, you've heard correctly in both cases. The trigger for either (as far as candy canes are concerned) is peppermint. First, the g ...
Chow Line: High-fructose corn syrup just like sugar (for 12/28/08)
December 19, 2008 I know people who refuse to eat anything that contains high-fructose corn syrup. Is it really so bad? It appears not. And you can blame the scientific method for undue concerns about the sweetener. In 2004, a paper published in the Ameri ...
Chow Line: Most of us need more produce, dairy (for 4/13/08)
April 4, 2008 Do most Americans meet the U.S. Dietary Guidelines? Boy, do we. And then some! At least in some categories. But we don't come close in others. As you might guess, this is not necessarily a good thing. The U.S. Department of Agriculture& ...