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On-Field Ohio: Rewriting Ohio’s Phosphorus Risk Index to Keep Nutrients and Water on Fields
U.S. Department of Agriculture-Natural Resources Conservation Service Ohio Phosphorus Risk Index to be ... experts say. Dayton’s goal is to make the P Index, used by farmers as part of nutrient management plans, ... input costs while protecting water quality. The Ohio P Index is an integral part of nutrient management ...
New Precision Agriculture Device Provides Clues to Crop Health
overall plant volume. The sensor, which measures the growth rate index, is calibrated to store normal ... plant may have a growth index of 50, but say a farmer has a particular area where the index of growth ...
Ohioians in favor of Energy Efficency ...
Agronomy Update
University Research Scientist, will discuss the Ohio Phosphorus Index Tool and water quality. ...
Northeast Ohio Grape Field Day- Kingsville, Ohio
Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) which uses digital imagery and data to help vineyard managers make harvest ...
Producers Still Need to Watch for Heat Stress Signs in Livestock
of Ohio, with heat index values reaching upwards of 109 in many areas, meteorologists said. For ... based on a temperature-humidity index, which increases as the temperature and humidity increase. The ... danger level is indicated by an index value of 79, which is reached in various combinations of ...
Cost of Nutrients and Benchmarks of Profitability for Ohio Dairy Farms
Nutrient costs 5.62 9.12 9.07 Income minus nutrient costs: The Cow-Jones Index 10.64 9.06 7.87 1 Costs and ... cover all other expenses- the income minus nutrient costs, an index that we have named the Cow-Jones ... Index- has fallen to $7.87/cwt, which is $1.69/cwt under the $9.56/cwt that the index has averaged since ...
The Costs of Nutrients, Comparison of Feedstuffs Prices, and the Current Dairy Situation
Current Dairy Situation We use the estimates of the nutrient costs to calculate the Cow-Jones Index (CJI), ... an index constructed here at Ohio State to measure the difference between milk revenues and the costs ... and 4.64 lb of MP per day from January 2005 through November 2011. The change in the Cow-Jones index ...
Forages/Grazing Agronomy Factsheet Series Index Cornell Forage-Livestock Systems Environmental ...
Hardin Co. Fair "Dish Days" Recipes
Cookbook Cover Page Recipe Booklet Index Broccoli Dish Recipes Pages 1 & 2 Broccoli Dish Recipes Pages ...