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Ohio State University Extension



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  1. Local Food Council Formation Planning Guide

    – The local food movement has grown significantly across the nation during the past 10 years. ... 2011). Amid all this activity around local food, many groups have undertaken activities to further ... planning and collaboration around food systems and community food issues? A local food council can help. ...

  2. Foodborne Illness: Guess Who Came to Dinner

    Specialist-Food Safety, Family and Consumer Sciences, Ohio State University Extension Have you ever had food ... poisoning? Food poisoning is the common term many people use to refer to foodborne illness. The exact number ... misdiagnosis, and the number of cases that are not caused by contaminated food. The CDC estimates 9.4 million ...

  3. Making and Preserving BBQ and Hot Sauces

    HYG-5365 Family and Consumer Sciences 07/18/2018 Abigail Snyder, Food Safety Field Specialist, ... seafood, and even vegetables for cooking. They can also be added to cooked foods, casseroles, and slow ... Center for Home Food Preservation which have been evaluated for safety. While many other recipes for ...

  4. Application of High-Pressure-Based Technologies in the Food Industry

    food, improve food safety, and enhance food quality.  What is High-Pressure Processing? High-pressure processing ... (HPP) is a food pasteurization method where food is subjected to elevated pressures (up to 87,000 pounds ... food’s attributes to achieve consumer-desired qualities. HPP  also inactivates harmful and spoilage ...

  5. The Ag Law Roundup: leases, zoning, line fences, milk insurance, and popcorn

    Blog Subscriptions ...

  6. Accepting SNAP Benefits at Ohio Farmers Markets

    Education Specialist; College of Food, Agriculture, and Environmental Sciences, Ohio State University ... access to fresh, locally produced foods for many, those individuals and families receiving Supplemental ... Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits (formerly known as the Federal Food Stamp program) do not have ...

  7. All Things Sweet: Sugar and Other Sweeteners Filipic, M. (2015). Sugar alcohols aren’t sugar or alcohol. Chow Line: News from the College of ... human nature to crave the sweet taste of sugar. Sugar is naturally found in many foods including milk ... and red blood cells. Sugar and other sweeteners are also added to many foods, including yogurt, ...

  8. Food Preservation: Freezing Basics

    easiest, most convenient, and least time-consuming method of preserving foods. Most foods freeze well—with ... the exception of produce with a high water content, cream-based items, and cooked starchy foods such ... foods at temperatures higher than 0 degrees Fahrenheit increases the rate of deterioration and shortens ...

  9. Keeping up with state cottage food laws

    Cottage food production is a hot industry, so we've compiled all of the state "cottage ... food" laws that allow people to make certain low-risk foods in their homes with minimal regulatory ... The National Agriculture Library at USDA funded this research. cottage food food law ...

  10. Food Preservation: Making Jerky

    environments of a food dehydrator or oven drying process. An added step of heating the meat either before or ... after drying is needed to destroy these bacteria. Food Safety Safe handling and preparation of meat ... Avoid cross contamination from raw meat juices and marinades used with raw meat. Dry meats in a food ...
