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Ohio State University Extension



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  1. Putting MyPlate on Your Table: Vegetables

    University Extension MyPlate, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) food guidance system, helps ... individuals use the 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans to make smart choices from every food group. MyPlate ... includes an interactive, online guide that provides individuals with recommended food amounts to eat, based ...

  2. How to Read the Nutrition Facts Label

    HYG-5586 09/30/2016 Jennifer Lobb, Extension Educator, Family and Consumer Sciences Food packages ... often contain words and phrases like “low fat,” “reduced sodium,” “contains whole grain,” and more to ... make consumers think a food is healthy. These words and phrases provide tidbits of information about ...

  3. Botulism: What You Don't See or Smell Can Still Hurt You

    LeJeune Botulism is the name of the food poisoning we get by consuming the toxin of bacteria Clostridium ... of botulism poisoning associated with foods—adult and infant botulism. Where Does Botulism Come From? ... places like home-canned products and in the intestines of animals and humans. The bacteria produce spores ...

  4. Application of High-Pressure-Based Technologies in the Food Industry

    ’ appearance, texture, and nutrition. What Type of Foods can be Processed by High Pressure? Like heat, ... Applications of High Pressure in Food Processing? Like heat, pressure treatment has a variety of applications ... food, improve food safety, and enhance food quality.  What is High-Pressure Processing? High-pressure processing ...

  5. Controlling Non-Native Invasive Plants in Ohio Forests: Ailanthus

    Forestry; College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences; Ohio State University Extension ... flowers), often described as smelling like rotting peanuts or cat urine. Control Methods Methods effective ... Because none of these methods remove the entire tree (including roots) they must be repeated until food ...

  6. A Consumer’s Guide to Pure Maple Syrup

    true when buying from large wholesale outlets. Just like any other wholesale food product, maple syrup ... many consumers like a thicker syrup, and will gladly put up with a few sugar crystals in the bottom of ... like maple-baked beans, barbecue sauce, or marinades, calls for a pronounced maple flavor, Dark Strong ...

  7. Electrochemical Disinfection in the Fresh-Cut Produce Industry

    Scientist, Food, Agricultural and Biological Engineering Karen Mancl, Professor, Food, Agricultural and ... Professor, Food, Agricultural and Biological Engineering; Food Engineer and Extension Food Safety Specialist, ... contaminated food. These illnesses rank among the most common forms of disease in the world and cause more than ...

  8. Making and Preserving BBQ and Hot Sauces

    HYG-5365 Family and Consumer Sciences 07/18/2018 Abigail Snyder, Food Safety Field Specialist, ... seafood, and even vegetables for cooking. They can also be added to cooked foods, casseroles, and slow ... Center for Home Food Preservation which have been evaluated for safety. While many other recipes for ...

  9. Marketing and Promotion of Nutrition Incentives

    retain customers. Just like cash and credit customers, SNAP customers want to purchase quality food ... State University Extension, Cuyahoga County Christie Welch, Direct Food & Agricultural Marketing ... working with SNAP-eligible clientele: county SNAP-Ed and Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program ...

  10. Ohio's Natural Enemies: Hover Flies

    hover flies worldwide and many in the state of Ohio. Some are small and shiny, like the common genus  ... Toxomerus  (Figure 1A), while others are robust and hairy like the genus  Merodon  (Figure 1B), which is ... predators of plant-sucking insects like aphids, scales or thrips and can be found on foliage (Figure 3). The ...
