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Endowed Chairs and Distinguished Professors
America Food Processors Association; Bob Evans Farms, Inc.; Heinz USA; L.K. Baker & Company; Rudolph ...
Food Safety Graduate Courses
overview of food safety challenges and solutions as experienced through the food chain from farm to ...
MPHM Monday Night Webinar Series
On-farm research to improve soil fertility in Ohio. November 1: Dr. Greg LaBarge, Professor, Field Specialist, ...
Mitchell Publications
Fungal and Fungal-Like Diseases of Plants. Ohio State University, Agriculture and Natural Resources, ...
Speaker Bios
understanding of what a more sustainable world might look like and how we can get there. To that end, Jeremy is ...
C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2010-41
there were several fields where this did not happen. The higher the SCN numbers, the less likely that ...
C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2010-21
Septoria leaf blotch; if it is wet and humid during flowering we will more than likely see head scab. The ...
C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2010-09
suggests that planting a hybrid at suboptimal seeding rates is usually more likely to cause yield loss than ...
CD Wire- December 3, 2018
Appreciation Celebration I know Columbus (or Wooster) can seem like a long way away for many of you, especially given our ...
Communiqué August 6, 2014
collaborations are not likely to be the sole or main funding sources. To make the right connections, you have to ...