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Ohio State University Extension



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  1. Events Calendar

    There is a wide variety of upcoming events to take part in.  Whether you like football or bees, we ... share successes, challenges, and failures that the brewery has faced in its first year of pursuing ... dispel the myths surrounding bats, discuss how they help us, and how we can help them as they face a very ...

  2. Ohio Hops & Malting Barley Conference and Trade Show, Wooster

    face-to-face interaction.  Hops & Barley Conference. ...

  3. Extra Care Can Prevent Silage Pileups, Preserve Quality Animal Feed

    where silage will break off the face of the pile that you are drawing feed from, burying anyone beneath ... bunker so that the face of the silage remains fresh and silage quality is maintained, Lewandowski said. ... “Producers should use equipment that allows for the silage pile to maintain a smooth face to try to minimize ...

  4. Summer Childcare on the Farm

    remember it flies in the face of recommended safety practice. Often it is nostalgic to think of the time ... farm protocol for key storage to equipment? Don’t forget to think about the small equipment like ATVs, ... UTVs, or lawn tractors the little ones are likely to think they can handle. Are equipment travel paths ...

  5. The Ohio Cooperative Development Center and OSU Department of Agricultural, Environmental, and Developmental Economics prepare the next generation of cooperative leaders

    a cooperative topic of interest on which to focus their project. Students may choose topics like the unique ... understanding of agricultural cooperatives from coursework, lectures, and face-to-face discussions with ... the major challenges OCDC faces when providing education and technical assistance to the public and ...

  6. Club Advisor Resources

    With face-to-face meetings cancelled until July 6, 4-H club advisors can find resources for ...

  7. Dealing With Stress

    purpose, in the moment and without judgment.  What does the sunshine feel like against your face?  How does ... ready to face another day along with my post-it notes and my to-do list. How do you manage the stress in ... (  Read through them and see which ones you might like to try: Take a walk outdoors.  The fresh air ...

  8. Visit the (virtual) Farm Science Review!

    A robot milking a cow might conjure up an image that’s nothing like it actually is. If you’re ... picturing a pair of metal arms and legs and a rectangular face with flashing lights, you would be way off. ... Albright Jerseys. During Farm Science Review, you can also see what farming is like in Hawaii from ...

  9. Your Plan for Health Offers University Wellness Calendar

    The Your Plan for Health events calendar features classes (virtual and face-to-face) for nearly ...

  10. Reliable Health and Nutrition Information Online

    activity. Two issues you might find yourself facing when searching for ways to start or continue your ... learning new skills that improve your health, like meal prepping or choosing whole grain foods. Cuts out ... entire food groups. Removing an entire food group (like dairy, grains, or legumes) without a medical ...
