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C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2006-03
manure with less than 50% moisture. • Liquid manure should not be applied at a rate higher than 5,000 ...
Club News from Around the County
Here is a fun fact about Mike. His last name is German for tree! So when you see a tree on the back of ... was so big that the rest of his studio seemed cramped. Despite the fact that his studio wasn't ...
Extension Publications
Fact Sheets and Bulletins (Published by OSU Extension at Ohioline) Zhao, L.Y., S. Wang, and H. ...
Francesca Peduto Hand
grower-oriented meetings, trade shows, open houses, field days and workshops. Ornamental Disease Facts Website ...
INNOVATION IN EXTENSION: University of Vermont
of it, if you don't want to that, it's wonderful as well. In fact, that's [a win?] ...
CD Wire- August 8, 2016
they are being led. Coping strategies to overcome the fact that applicants are writing for two ...
C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2013-30
in fact it has been a long time (> 10 years) since we have had fields with reports of high ...
C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2004-29
the fact that it is seldom observed during a growing season. There is always something occurring ...
INNOVATION IN EXTENSION: University of Vermont
of it, if you don't want to that, it's wonderful as well. In fact, that's [a win?] ...
CD Wire- October 21, 2019
" fact sheet (CDFS-1280). The document is now posted to Ohioline. Hold the Dates Next year, two CD ...