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Ohio State University Extension



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  1. CD Wire- October 29, 2012

    2. This $1,000 cash award recognizes a CD Extension professional for significant programmatic ...

  2. February Newsletter

    financial literacy workshops, Amber will receive $1,000 in matching funds to invest in her future! She plans ...

  3. Determining Forage Moisture Content

    price tag. For the most advanced systems that can mark hi-moisture bales, the cost can be over $1000, or ...

  4. Ohio 4-H Conference Volunteer Award Winners – Part 2

    Over 1000 children have benefitted from the nature area programs. Country Kids & Kritters 4-H Club  ...

  5. The World Is the Classroom: CFAES Study Abroad Provides Unique Educational Experiences

    the Ohio Corn and Wheat Growers Association (OCWGA) started offering $1,000 scholarships to students ...

  6. What is 4-H?

    environmental sciences! In Mahoning County over 1,000 youth participate in 50 clubs, which are run by 200 ...

  7. Learning Gardens

    choose either to grow flowers or vegetables. We charged the kids $10.00 which covered all supplies, and ...

  8. Racial Healing Book Discussion Group

    spent the past twenty-five years speaking to audiences in all fifty US states, at more than 1000 college ...

  9. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2012-11

    equals 1/1000 of an acre and multiply by 1000. Make several counts in different rows in different parts ... Guide (on-line at shows row lengths required to equal 1/1000 ...

  10. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2004-32

    one headlight visible to the front at a distance of 1000 ft or more * Two red taillights visible to ... the rear at a distance of 1000 ft or more. As an alternative, one red taillight may be used visible to ... the rear at a distance of 1000 ft or more with the addition of two red reflectors visible to the rear ...
