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Ohio State University Extension



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for farm 0.55

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  1. PetPALS Stress in Animals

    others, as do some animals. It is essential for 4-H’ers to know their pets well enough to be aware of ...

  2. PetPALS SPP #3

    tested. The handler has placed the rabbit in a basket for the test. The rabbit does not mind being brushed ...

  3. Workshop: How to Grow Bigger, Better Strawberries and Get Them Earlier

    Road, in Piketon. Registration is $20, which includes a light meal and educational handouts. For ...

  4. Hops Tours

    University. The tours are part of the Hop Production to Enhance Economic Opportunities for Farmers and Brewers ...

  5. Deadly pig virus is now in Ohio: Key is strict biosecurity

    to prevent the spread of PEDv. Vaccines are still in development. “The best recommendation for ...

  6. 2 new ways to avoid latex allergies

    materials include a latex film made from guayule (pronounced “why-yoo-lee”) that is safe for both Type I and ...

  7. Organic matter in the soil on a farm: How to check it, why it matters

    corn. Instead of leaving corn stover on a field to provide organic matter, a farmer can sell it, for ...

  8. Online tool that helps protect water is now being made even better

    phosphorus runoff risk. The Tri-State Fertility Recommendations provide specific nutrient recommendations for ...

  9. A Water Luncheon Seminar

    collect water samples for Stone Lab each week and data is returned to the captains the following week. ...

  10. 2017 Ecuadorian Working Vacation Open to MGVs

    needed and were comfortable and happy." Plans are in process for the 2017 working vacation when 16 ...
