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Ohio State University Extension



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  1. The Good, The Bad and the Hungry: Dealing with Wildlife in the Garden part of the Gardening for Conservation webinar series with The Nature Conservancy and OSU Extension

    Eaten plants, dug up bulbs and holes in the lawn…if you spend time in the garden or landscape, no doubt you have encountered these issues. Many species of wildlife are living among us, in our communities and in our backyards. Viewing these species can be ...

  2. Apr 9, 2024- When Things Don't Go as Planned: Saving for the Unexpected

    [View Navigating Financial Alphabet Soup text transcript] ...

  3. Livestock Tagging / ID Day for Large Animals & Poultry Orders


  4. Extension Office Closed for Programming

    The Guernsey County Extension Office will be closed from 8:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. while staff present the Real Money Real World program simulation at Cambridge Middle School.  The office will re-open at 12:30 p.m. and will be open until 4:30 p.m. ...

  5. Agritourism operators: now is the time for liability risk management

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  6. Teamwork: It's What's For Dinner (Breakfast & Lunch)


  7. Hardin Hackers Special Interest 4-H Club- Registration meeting scheduled for May 15th, 5-6pm

    Hardin Hackers computer science club will meet from 5:00 to 6:00 at the OSU Extension Office. This club focuses on robotics, 3-D printing, computer science, and technology. Any Hardin County youth finishing 3rd grade and up can join. Projects will be comp ...

  8. Buckeye Shooters Special Interest 4-H Club- Registration and safety meeting set for May 15th, 6-7pm

    Buckeye Sharpshooters shooting sports club will meet from 6:00 to 7:00 at the OSU Extension Office. This club teaches gun safety under the supervision of certified 4-H shooting sports instructors. Youth will shoot rifle, shotgun, pistol, and archery. All ...

  9. Farm Transition Planning Conference Planned for August

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  10. Cultivating Connections: A Conference for Farm Transition Planners

