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Ohio State University Extension



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  1. Battle for the Belt: Episode 28

    that you need for your farm, and what is important for the area of the state that you live in. As ...

  2. HCS Alumni Spotlight: Keith Bemerer

    a grower. When working in a greenhouse at a young age and basically working on a full production indoor farm ...

  3. CFAES Celebration of Students 2023

    & Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center (2201 Fred Taylor Drive Columbus, OH 43210) Calendar of Events The ...

  4. Stan and Sharon Joehlin

    farming operations in relation to corn yield. She also has been working with the college’s precision ...

  5. Yield Monitor Tips for 2015 Harvest

    yield results within fields.  Notes and pictures can be important for on-farm research projects during ...

  6. Highlighting Research: 7 Student, Faculty & Staff researchers and the questions they are answering

    across species. Dr. Kim Cole specializes in this area of study in horses, conducting applied, on-farm ...

  7. Risk of Corn Grain Contamination with Vomitoxin in Ohio in 2024: July 8 Projection

    data from publicly available weather stations located at OSU-CFAES research farms and airports around ...

  8. Ohio State continues to assist farmers as drought and rain create unprecedented challenges for soybean crops

    compromised pods, a phenomenon rarely seen at such a scale in Ohio’s farming history, said Laura Lindsey, ...

  9. Federal Order Addresses Livestock Influenza

    milk. This will require herd testing at all farms that contributed milk to the silo to identify the ...

  10. Rumen Acidosis in Dairy Cattle – A Cause for Concern?

    factors to consider when managing ruminal acidosis on your farm. Starch concentration Starch source Starch ...
