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Ohio State University Extension



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  1. Ohio State FABE at ASABE Annual International Meeting 2022

    Ohio (Ajay Shah) Yield Monitor Data within On‐Farm Research ∙ Presenting Author: John Fulton, Ohio ...

  2. Tips, Tricks, and Tactics for a Terrific Thanksgiving Turkey

    Maleena advises getting a turkey “from a market or in the wild” and Max says it should come from “a farm ...

  3. Retired Ohio State Virologist 'A True Hero for Science, Agriculture'

    Saif's contributions go well beyond the world of academia. Tim Barman, longtime veterinarian at Cooper Farms, a large ...

  4. Most of Ohio’s 2014 Wine Grape Crop Lost Due to Polar Vortex, Ohio State Survey Finds

    grape crop loss to cold is not uncommon in Ohio and grape growers understand the risks of farming this crop-- ...

  5. 4-H Opioid Display Offers Prevention and Drug Education for Ohioans

    medicine cabinet will next be on display at the Farm Science Review, Sept. 19-21, at the Molly Caren ...

  6. New Ohio State center focuses on improving food safety, preventing foodborne illness

    will continue to be a strong voice in creating a positive food safety culture from farm to table and ...

  7. What are your Bedding Options; Is Keeping a Thin Wheat Stand Worth It?

    risky part of this option is potential for importing noxious weeds onto your farm that are chemical ...

  8. Japan Prize goes to CFAES soil scientist Rattan Lal

    issues of the 21st century.” He added that the honor “emphasizes the importance of the farming profession ...

  9. Secrest Arboretum to host plant sale, open house

    Operations farm shop at the  Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center  (OARDC), the ...

  10. Air and Water

    noteworthy water quality issues are caused by nitrogen and phosphorus, which can escape farm fields through ...
