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Soil microbial functional capacity and diversity in a millet-shrub intercropping system of semi-arid Senegal
Diakhate, S., M. Gueye, T. Chevallier, N.H. Diallo, K. Assigbetse, J. Abadie, M. Diouf, D. Masse ...
Spotted Lanternfly Update, 07.08.2024, News To Know
Spotted Lanternfly is becoming evident across the county as 2nd, 3rd and 4th instar nymphs. As of ... Host Plant Information The spotted lanternfly has been reported feeding on over 103 species of ... which the insect feeds, but also those that it will lay egg masses on, this number rises to 172. ...
Faculty Member Quoted in National Geographic
recent National Geographic article, "Extreme heat triggers mass die-offs and stress for wildlife in ...
Biological Control of Arthropod Pests
mass-production, formulation, and application of various parasites, predators, and pathogens of pests will be ...
Ohio Legislative Update
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Camden M. Dezse
Dr. Sarah Short has sought to improve the mass-rearing process of sterile insect technique, a method ... of biological insect control, with a specific aim to make more sexually competitive mass-reared male ... continue his research of mosquito mass-release programs before finally returning to the U.S. for medical ...
Passive Solar Heating
Mass Tile covered floors, masonry walls, and water filled containers are used to store heat ... glass windows connected directly to living spaces with thermal mass in the form of concrete or masonry walls or floors to ... the thermal mass is reduced. They work by ventilating the warm air in the space connected to the south facing glass ...
Passive Solar Heating
Mass tile covered floors, masonry walls, and water filled containers are used to store heat ... glass windows connected directly to living spaces with thermal mass in the form of concrete or masonry walls or floors to ... though they generally cost less since the thermal mass is reduced. They work by ventilating the warm air ...
Lep Monitoring Network – Fall Armyworm and Corn Earworm Update
armyworm (FAW) reports remain sporadic with some counties reporting 0, and others with 200+ moths in one ... trap. Van Wert County continues to report the highest number of FAW with a total of 826 moths- with one ... week in a number of counties. Growers with corn, sorghum, small grains, pasture grasses, and forage ...
Western Bean Cutworm Monitoring
24 th. Overall, 22 counties monitored 62 traps across Ohio; which resulted in 12 WBC adults captured ... by total number of traps in the county in parentheses for week ending June 29, 2019. The adults are ... egg masses as well as track peak flight across the state. While it is too early to tell what kind of ...