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Equine Marketing
ANMLTEC 3101.01T Students will gain experience in sale prepping horses and develop an understanding of equine sales industry practices. Students will develop promotional materials including ads and videos. Prereq: 2201T and 2189.01T. Undergraduate 1.0 Aut ...
Floral Design and Marketing Internship
HORTTEC 2191.10T Employment in the floral industry, structured to provide varied occupational experiences, supervised by an industry employer, and coordinated by faculty. A grade of C or better is required to meet graduation requirements. Prereq: 1201T an ...
Crochet a Farmer’s Market Bag Class, Columbus
Sip some wine (included in the fee) with friends as you chain and double crochet your way to a reusable bag. Leave with the pattern, materials and knowledge to finish up at home. Led by Educator Suki Christy, for a fee of $35 nonmembers/$30 members, Class ...
Findlay Farmer’s Market Celebrates Local Foods
Testing of Dial Pressure Canner Gauges offered and OSU Extension Staff and informational materials available. ...
Easton Farmer's Market, Columbus
Purchase local foods from vendor's at the Easton Town Center in Columbus. ...
Pop-Up Farmer's Market, Latham
Shop among local vendors to purchase fresh, locally-grown products. ...
Pop-Up Farmer's Market, Beaver
Shop among local vendors to purchase fresh, locally-grown products. ...
Pop-Up Farmer's Market, Piketon
Shop among local vendors to purchase fresh, locally-grown products. ...
Pop-Up Farmer's Market, Waverly
Shop among local vendors to purchase fresh, locally-grown products. ...
Farmers Market Informational Speakers
Session One: Pros and Cons of raising Chickens Session Two: Tree of Heaven Session Three: African Violets Session Four: Master Gardener Volunteers ...