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Ohio State University Extension



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  1. Food Preservation Methods

    Question:  Is it safe to process food in the oven? Based on information from the National Center for Home Food Preservation, the answer is No. “This can be dangerous because the temperature will vary according to the accuracy of oven regulators and circul ...

  2. Hands to Larger Service- Face Masks for Medical Personnel

    PLEDGE YOUR HANDS TO LARGER SERVICE AND SEW FACE MASKS FOR MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS. Due to the current COVID-19 outbreak, there is a shortage of face masks for Medical Professionals. During this time, some hospitals and other Medical Professionals are using ...

  3. Food Safety and COVID-19


  4. Your Financial Questions Answered

    Do you have a financial question? You’re not alone! OSU Extension Family and Consumer Sciences Healthy Finances professionals are sensitive to the economic challenges families and their communities are facing during the COVID-19 pandemic. For some, the lo ...

  5. KX COVID-19 HUB

    A new website with science-based information and research on COVID-19 from The Ohio State University College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences launched April 7th. The KX COVID-19 Hub is a collaboration between The Knowledge Exchange, Ohio ...

  6. Keeping your Food Fresh Longer during COVID-19

    With fewer shopping trips many people are concerned about keeping their food fresh. CFAES Chow Line has many articles and resources to help families keep their food safe and fresh during this time.  Please visit the website at CFAES Chow Line ...

  7. Live Smart Ohio

    I Should Have… Regrets Do Not Have to Be Forever by Dennis DeCamp   I should have read more to my kids… I should have spent less time at work… I should have had more courage… I should have spent less time worrying about what other think about me… I should ...

  8. Pressure Canner Testing

    Does your pressure canner need tested? Schedule an appointment with OSU Extension today to keep your family safe! It’s just about time to fetch canners out of the basement or garage.  Fresh summer produce is on its way.  When was the last time your dial g ...

  9. Food Preservation Office Hours

    Food Preservation Office Hours Tuesdays from 4 – 5PM Are you interested in learning about food preservation? Join us for these free webinars hosted by Ohio State University Extension. You are welcome to register for just one or all of them. TOPICS Prepari ...

  10. Tips for Teens

    Today’s Teen Tip video is called “Basic Banking”.  It can be found by clicking on this link.   This video offers teens tips on basic banking including savings accounts, checking accounts, and debit/credit cards. ...
