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Ohio State University Extension



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Search results

  1. Ohio 4-H Conference

    The 2018 Ohio 4-H Conference is designed to bring together 4-H volunteers and teens (age 13 and older) from across the State of Ohio. The objective of this event is to learn together and from each other in order to improve our abilities to deliver the Ohi ...

  2. Livestock Predator Workshop

    The USDA-Wildlife Services, the Scioto County Soil and Water Conservation District, and The Ohio State University Extension will be hosting a Livestock Predator Workshop on February 17, 2018 at The Ohio State University South Centers in Piketon, OH. Inten ...

  3. Cooking 101

    The Cooking Clinic is an opportunity for children to explore My Plate, their personal calorie intake, family food budgeting, serving size, serving cost and food preparation. Participants will work on skills and requirements needed to complete a successful ...

  4. Maker Festival

    The event will feature fun hands-on activities for kids of all ages that encourage Science, Technology, Engineering and Math learning.  There will be stations where kids can create art using an ArtBot, make a mini lava lamp in a test tube, construct and l ...

  5. ServSafe Level 2 Manager Training & Certification

    Se r vS a f e ® F ood S a fe ty T r a i n i ng is being offered by OSU Extension, Scioto County.  Food safety training is encouraged and in some cases required by your local health department and Ohio Department of Health as per the Ohio Food Code. A regi ...

  6. Canning Fruits & Vegetables


  7. Trophy Sponsors

    We encourage 4-H Youth who won a trophy to use the list below to send a Thank You card to your trophy sponsor.  Scioto County 4-H would like to THANK all of our trophy sponsors for your continued support of our program.    ...

  8. Leadership

    Purpose and Mission The Leadership SPRIG provides a mechanism to collaboratively identify priorities and strategically guide the department’s focus on leadership research, outreach, and teaching.  Such a focus will promote faculty engagement in interdisci ...

  9. Shopping Online During the Holidays?

    Protect Your Money From Scams During the holdiay season, we tend to make a lot of more purchases online for travel and gifts, so it's especially important to be vigilant about protecting your money. Consumer News offers some helpful tips to protect y ...

  10. Small Business Loans Available to Scioto County Farmers

    Scioto County farmers are eligible to apply for Small Business Administration Economic Injury Disaster Loans due to the weather events we experienced in the County this season.  More information can be found in this  U.S. Small Business Administration Pre ...
