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Ohio State University Extension



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  1. Growing Degree Day (GDD) Maturity Rating System

    The GDD maturity rating system is based on heat units. It is more accurate in determining hybrid maturity than the days to maturity system because growth of the corn plant is directly related to the accumulation of heat over time rather than the number of ...

  2. Grain Quality

    The protein and oil composition of corn grain is a major factor affecting grain feeding value. Although the grain market does not include this factor in price determination, growers who feed livestock may use this information to reduce feed costs and opti ...

  3. Date of Planting

    The recommended time for planting corn in northern Ohio is April 15 to May 10 and in southern Ohio, April 10 to May 10. Approximately 100 to 150 GDDs (heat units) are required for corn to emerge. In central Ohio, this number of GDDs usually accumulates by ...

  4. Making Replant Decisions

    Although it is not unusual that 5 to 10 percent of planted seeds fail to establish healthy plants, additional stand losses resulting from insects, frost, hail, flooding or poor seedbed conditions may call for a decision on whether or not to replant a fiel ...

  5. Crop Rotation

    Crop rotation is the most effective pest control practice available to crop producers. The sequence of crops grown in a field affects the productivity of each crop. Research from most Midwest states indicate that a soybean crop following a crop other than ...

  6. Planting Date

    The date of planting has more effect on soybean grain yield than any other production practice. The results of a two-year planting date study conducted in Clark County, Ohio are shown in Figure 5-2. Yield loss resulting from delayed planting ranges from 1 ...

  7. Late Planting

    Late planting reduces the cultural practice options for row spacing, seeding rate, and variety maturity. The row spacing for June planting should be no greater than 7.5 inches. Appropriate seeding rates for the first half of June are about 200,000 to 225, ...

  8. Replanting

    Sometimes, plant stands are reduced by disease, herbicide injury, hail, insects and flooding. If crop insurance covers the damage, consult the insurance agent before taking action. When all plants of a field are lost, it is realistic to replant if adequat ...

  9. Fertilization Recommendations

    For optimal yields on mineral soils with subsoil pH greater than 6.0 (generally western Ohio), the pH range should be maintained between 6.0 and 6.8. On mineral soils with subsoil pH less than 6.0 (generally Eastern Ohio), the range should be higher (6.5 ...

  10. Fertilization

    A successful soil fertility program for wheat requires knowledge of a field’s yield potential and a recent soil test. The soil test will provide current levels of phosphorus and potassium in the soil and the soil pH. Soil pH will assist in determining the ...
