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Double Crop Soybean Recommendations
As small grains are harvested across the state, here are some management considerations for double-crop soybean production: Relative Maturity. Relative maturity (RM) has little effect on yield when soybeans are planted during the first three weeks of May. ...
Recommendations for Soybeans Planted in June
According to the USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service, 66% of soybean acreage in Ohio was planted by May 23. As soybean planting continues into June, consider row spacing, seeding rate, and relative maturity adjustments. Row spacing. The row spac ...
Double Crop Soybean Management Considerations for 2022
Wheat harvest is just around the corner, and it’s time to consider double-crop soybean production management. For double-crop soybean to be successful, you need adequate time and moisture for the production of the soybean crop. In southern Ohio, double-cr ...
2016 Ohio Wheat Performance Test Available Online
A pdf of the 2016 Ohio Wheat Performance Test can be found at the Soybean and Small Grain website at: A sortable version of the Ohio Wheat Performance Test can be found at: ...
Matthew Hankinson
Matthew Hankinson Research Associate, Wheat Performance Trials ...
Don’t Delay Wheat Harvest
Wheat harvest date could impact both grain yield and quality. Delaying wheat harvest puts the crop at risk for increased disease, lodging, sprouting, harvest loss, and grain contamination with mycotoxins. Even though head scab seems to be relatively low a ...
Supplemental Forages to Plant in July After Wheat
Some producers may be considering planting a supplemental forage crop after winter wheat grain harvest for various reasons. Some areas of the state are becoming very dry. In many areas, the wet weather this spring resulted in ample forage supply, but good ...
How Climate Affects Corn Production
Temperature Corn can survive brief exposures to adverse temperatures―low-end adverse temperatures being around 32 degrees Fahrenheit and high-end ones being around 112 degrees Fahrenheit. Growth decreases once temperatures dip to 41 degrees Fahrenheit or ...
Growing Degree Day (GDD) Maturity Rating System
The GDD maturity rating system is based on heat units. It is more accurate in determining hybrid maturity than the days to maturity system because growth of the corn plant is directly related to the accumulation of heat over time rather than the number of ...
Grain Quality
The protein and oil composition of corn grain is a major factor affecting grain feeding value. Although the grain market does not include this factor in price determination, growers who feed livestock may use this information to reduce feed costs and opti ...