Families who effectively discuss money matters can avoid many financial problems. Good communication about money begins with understanding each other's values. This exercise helps you compare values about money. Complete it individually, then compare responses. For each pair of statements, choose the one you feel is more important. There are no right or wrong answers.
1. a. Paying off the credit card debts at the end of each month.
1. b. Keeping the minimum monthly payment within a reasonable limit.
Many parents feel discouraged when their children bicker or resist requests made of them. How do we teach children to cooperate and resolve conflict?
If we want children to stop fighting we must teach them new skills for resolving conflict. They need to learn problem-solving skills and develop avenues for generating socially acceptable alternatives for getting what they want.
Sudden death syndrome (SDS) of soybeans is quickly becoming more common in Ohio. Since first being reported in 1995, SDS has continually spread to new fields throughout the state. Yield losses associated with SDS have been highly variable depending on the timing and severity of the initial infection, subsequent weather conditions, the timing of defoliation, and the level of soybean cyst nematode (SCN) infestation in the field.
Frogeye leaf spot of soybeans has been occasionally diagnosed in Ohio but its occurrence and severity have increased in the last five years. On an annual basis, it is more prevalent in the southern United States in regions with warm, humid environments. Yield reductions from this disease have occurred in Ohio and this disease can also reduce seed quality in food grade varieties and seed production fields.
A Community Reinvestment Area (CRA) is an area of land designated by a local government on which property owners can receive tax incentives for constructing new or renovating existing buildings. The CRA Program permits municipalities, townships, or counties to designate areas where investment has been lagging to encourage revitalization of the existing housing stock and the development of new structures. Residential, commercial, and industrial projects are all eligible.
Microenterprise exists in every community in the United States. From downtown shops and restaurants to machine shops or construction businesses, microenterprise is there, providing an income for millions of families and creating greatly needed jobs in urban and rural communities. For many entrepreneurs, the idea is good, and the market exists, but capital is out of reach. Microenterprise loan funds can be established to help small businesses get started.
Because it is a virtually unlimited, clean, and renewable resource, the sun has the potential to provide an important source of energy to help power our way of life. Interest in solar energy is growing among generation scale electric producers in Ohio and throughout the United States. Solar energy systems are quiet, dependable, contain no moving parts, and produce no pollutant emissions, which is a tremendous advantage.
Have you ever found yourself frantically searching for your child's lost shoe five minutes before the bus is to come? Or forgotten your child's lunch money? If you answered "yes" to either of these questions, you may be experiencing a common family problem called "morning madness."
The rush to get everyone off to school and work is a challenge to every family. To help you manage morning madness, Ohio State University Extension offers these tips:
Every parent wants their child to do well in school and to learn as much as they possibly can. To be good students, children need to develop good study habits at home and at school. You can help develop good study habits at home by approaching homework with a positive attitude and by providing an atmosphere that encourages learning. Here are some ideas that can help.
Probably nothing upsets parents more from day to day than bickering and fighting between brothers and sisters. Some rivalry and conflict is to be expected among siblings and is actually considered a normal part of growing up. Children are learning to get along with others and this includes their brothers and sisters.
There are natural reasons for sibling rivalry: