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Ohio State University Extension


Crop Protection Apps

Agriculture and Natural Resources
Ellie Logan, Jenna Lee, Elizabeth Landis, Sam Custer, Amanda Bennett, John Fulton, Elizabeth Hawkins, and Kaylee Port

Many farmers and consultants have a smartphone, iPad, tablet, or similar device. Mobile applications (Apps) have been developed for agriculture. These Apps can be used to support crop protection management by providing the ability to communicate information, assist with field scouting, collect and access data, and more. The following list of Apps are available to help with your crop protection practices. This list is not comprehensive but does provide commonly used Apps, with a majority being free. Different categories are used to organize this list and help one determine those Apps that might be useful for individual or farm use.

Weed, Disease, and Pest Identification

App Details
Ag PhD Corn Diseases
App icon for Ag PhD Corn Diseases
Available from: Ag PhD
Operating system: Android / iOS
Description: Disease identification and diagnostic guide for corn. Content includes disease description, symptoms, and similar diseases, conditions that favor a disease, and suggested management options. Save common diseases for a farm.
Cost: Free
Account needed? No
Ag PhD Soybean Disease
App icon for Ag PhD Soybean Diseases
Available from: Ag PhD
Operating system: Android / iOS
Description: A guide to soybean diseases and diagnosing the disease. Same features as the Corn Disease app.
Cost: Free
Account needed? No
Ag PHD Field Pest
App icon for Ag PhD Field Pest
Available from: Ag PhD
Operating system: Android / iOS
Description: A guide to assist identifying pests. Browse weeds by name or by image plus provides agronomic information and guidance. Save common pests for a farm.
Cost: Free
Account needed? No
ID Weeds
App icon for ID Weeds
Available from: University of Missouri Extension
Operating system: iOS
Description: Search weeds by their common or Latin name, view a list of weeds, or ID weeds based upon features.
Cost: Free
Account needed? No
IPM Toolkit
App icon for IPM Toolkit
Available from: University of Wisconsin Integrated Pest Management Tools
Operating system: Android / iOS
Description: This app allows you to read news articles, view videos, download publications, and access pictures which will aid you in adapting Integrated Pest Management (IPM) practices to your agricultural operation.
Cost: Free
Account needed? No
K Gallery
App icon for K Gallery
Available from: International Potash Institute Tools
Operating system: Android / iOS
Description: Dozens of high quality original photos showing typical response of various crops to the application of potash fertilizer, and potassium deficiency symptoms in leaves.
Cost: Free
Account needed? No
App icon for PestXpert
Available from: Bayer
Operating system: Android / iOS
Description: Provides professional pest controllers assistance in the identification and treatment of insect pests. Insect pests that are not easily identified can be photographed and uploaded for personalized identification within 2 working days.
Cost: Free
Account needed? No

Crop Protection Info

App Details
Ag PHD Modes of Action
App icon for Ag PhD Modes of Action
Available from: Ag PhD
Operating system: Android / iOS
Description: Browse herbicides, pesticides, and fungicides. View and read about active ingredients, labels, and safety information. Suggests pesticide plans.
Cost: Free
Account needed? No
Agrian Mobile App
App icon for Agrian Mobile
Available from: Agrian Inc.
Operating system: iOS
Description: Access an extensive and global database for crop protection products. Also provides 5-day weather forecast and Agrian news.
Cost: Free
Account needed? No

Tank Mix and Equipment Setup

App Details
Tank Mix Calculator
App icon for Tank Mix Calculator​​​
Available from: TapLogic, LLC 
Operating system: Android / iOS
Description: Quickly generate tank mixes based on product and spray characteristics. Contains over 14,000 chemicals along with the ability to input your own.
Cost: Free
Account needed? No
Mix Tank
App icon for Mix Tank Precision Laboratories
Available from: Precision Laboratories, Inc.
Operating system: Android / iOS
Description: Calculates the ratio and amount of crop protection product(s) for a tank mix. Includes weather information that can be used for documentation and compliance.
Cost: Free
Account needed? No
Mix My Sprayer
App icon for Mix My Sprayer
Available from: Clemson University
Operating system: Android / iOS
Description: Tank mix calculator for specific spray applications. Search by category, products, or codes. Calculated mix and user settings can be saved.
Cost: Free
Account needed? No
TankMix Calculator
App icon for Tank Mix Calculator DuPont
Available from: DuPont
Operating system: iOS
Description: Calculates the ratio and amount of product needed to treat a field specifying product amount based on tank size and amount of carrier required.
Cost: Free
Account needed? No
Spray Guide
App icon for Spray Guide Precision Laboratories
Available from: Precision Laboratories Inc.
Operating system: Android
Description: Provides mix guide feature to plan tank mixture based on products. Maintain field and spray logs. Provides a database of over 1,300 crop protection products.
Cost: Free
Account needed? Yes
App icon for Apply Plus John Deere
Available from: John Deere
Operating system: iOS
Description: Quick-reference overview of key adjustments, maintenance, and operation of R4023, R4030, R4038, and R4045 sprayers.
Cost: Free
Account needed? No
AgLogic Mobile
App icon for Ag Logic Mobile John Deere
Available from: John Deere
Operating system: Android / iOS
Description: Syncs with the AgLogic web application to provide a complete logistics solution for custom application industry. Requires license to activate account. *License sold separately.
Cost: Free
Account needed? Yes

Nozzle Selection

App Details
TeeJet SpraySelect
App icon for Tee Jet Spray Select
Available from: TeeJet Technologies
Operating system: iOS
Description: Provides a listing of suggested tips for a specific spray operation including drop size information.
Cost: Free
Account needed? No
Spray It
App icon for Spray It Pentair
Available from: Pentair Flow Technologies LLC
Operating system: Android / iOS
Description: Tip suggestions based on product label. Search by chemical name or company.
Cost: Free
Account needed? No
Kuhn-Nozzle Configurator
App icon for Kuhn Nozzle Configurator
Available from: KUHN SA
Operating system: Android / iOS
Description: Helps select correct spray tip for product and application requirements (working speed, flow rate, etc.)
Cost: Free
Account needed? No
John Deere Nozzle Select
App icon for John Deere Nozzle Select
Available from: John Deere
Operating system: Android / iOS
Description: Helps select the correct spray tip based on product and spray application requirements.
Cost: Free
Account needed? No
Sprayer Calibration Calculator
App icon for Sprayer Calibration Calculator
Available from: by University of Illinois
Operating system: iOS
Description: Helps calibrate a sprayer (aerial and ground-based including turf and boomless setups). Determines flow rate, how to split rate among various orifices, and computes pressure. Calculates max and min ground speeds.
Cost: Free
Account needed? No
Spray Tips Guide
App icon for Ag PhD Spray Tip Guide
Available from: Ag PhD
Operating system: Android / iOS
Description: Tip selection tool based on equipment and spray operation. Select by chemical company or product name to obtain suggestions based on product label.
Cost: Free
Account needed? No


App Details
Ag PHD Scout
App icon for Ag PhD Scout
Available from: Ag PhD
Operating system: Android / iOS
Description: Record pests, diseases, and weeds when scouting. Able to collect images, create GPS boundaries, and diagnose field issues while geotagging problem areas. Syncs with desktop application.
Cost: $299+
Account needed? Yes
Trimble Ag Mobile
App icon for Trimble Ag
Available from: Trimble Navigation Limited
Operating system: Android / iOS
Description: Field record keeping, crop scouting, mapping, grid sampling and management of crop inputs.
Cost: Free
Account needed? No
App icon for Agralogics
Available from: Agralogics Inc
Operating system: iOS
Description: Record field observations and share with consultants. Upload images and geotag field observations. Includes weather information.
Cost: Free (*fees after trial period)
Account needed? Yes
App icon for AgraScout
Available from: Neucadia
Operating system: Android / iOS
Description: Supports crop scouting. Geo-tagged pins for tracking weeds, pests, and crop diseases. Capture images and record comments that can be shared with others.
Cost: Free
Account needed? Yes
AgriSite IPM
App icon for AgriSite IPM
Available from: AgSync Inc.
Operating system: iOS
Description: An IPM (Integrated Pest Management) app allowing users to log geo-reference field observations plus share reports between scouts, agronomists and farmers. Features a wireless report synchronization and customized crop lists. (*Annual fee to access features.)
Cost: Free
Account needed? Yes
App icon for FarmLogs
Available from: AgriSight Inc.
Operating system: Android / iOS
Description: Provides precipitation reports for individual fields, record field operations and access crop history for all fields. Record scouting observations and images. 
Cost: Free
Account needed? No
App icon for FARMserver
Available from: Beck’s Hybrids
Operating system: iOS
Description: Requires use of web tool. View and edit field data on-the-go. Includes weather information. (*yearly fee)
Cost: Free
Account needed? Yes
Purdue Extension Corn & Soybean Field Guide
App icon for Purdue Extension Corn and Soybean Field Guide
Available from: Purdue University
Operating system: iOS
Description: Provides a range of tools and information to support corn and soybean management.
Cost: $12.99
Account needed? No
App icon for ScoutDoc
Available from: AgNition Inc.
Operating system: Android / iOS
Description: Field scouting tool providing GPS mapping features, document field information and saves all captured information.
Cost: $50.07
Account needed? Yes
Landscout 2
App icon for Landscout 2
Available from: Satshot
Operating system: iOS
Description: Viewing tool for Satshot purchased imagery. Can collect images during scouting and geotag.
Cost: Free
Account needed? Yes
Ag Leader AgFiniti Mobile
App icon for Ag Leader AgFiniti
Available from: Ag Leader Technology
Operating system: iOS
Description: View and report data within the Ag Leader cloud environment. Capabilities include mapping, detailed summaries, and ability to query specific locations or drawn areas on maps. (*Requires license to access account.)
Cost: Free
Account needed? Yes
App icon for CropRecords
Available from: Croptimistic Technology Inc.
Operating system: Android / iOS
Description: Crop record keeping software for consultants and farmers.
Cost: Free
Account needed? Yes
Agworld Scout
App icon for Agworld Scout
Available from: Agworld
Operating system: iOS
Description: Create and complete in-field scouting of crop health, pest pressure and more. Requires use of web tool. (*Premium versions are available at additional costs.)
Cost: Free
Account needed? Yes
App icon for Plantix
Available from: PEAT GmbH
Operating system: Android
Description: Diagnostic tool for fruits, vegetable and field crops. Capture images of damaged crops and receive instant diagnosis on plant problems. Regional treatment suggestions provided.
Cost: Free
Account needed? Yes
Soil Test Pro
App icon for Soil Test Pro
Available from: TapLogic, LLC
Operating system: Android / iOS
Description: Soil Test Pro makes soil sampling easier for you as a grower or service provider. Get lab results, fertilizer recommendations and controller files for all leading monitors, tractors, and implements.
Cost: Free
Account needed? Yes
App icon for FarmPad
Available from: TapLogic, LLC
Operating system: Android
Description: Enter farm records, equipment service logs, spray records and take notes or pictures. Draw your field boundaries with GPS or by hand. Sync to your web account where you can print reports, review history and draw and print field maps. All your precision ag needs in one tool. (*FarmLogic customers only)
Cost: Free
Account needed? Yes
MapShots AgStudio Map
App icon for MapShots AgStudio Map
Available from: MapShots Inc.
Operating system: iOS
Description: Synchronization with AgStudio PRO and AgStudio FARM Advanced Agronomy module provides a means of recording boundaries and soil sampling locations without having to move files to and from AgStudio, making your operation more efficient.
Cost: Free
Account needed? Yes
E4 Field Notes
App icon for E4 Field Notes
Available from: E4 Crop Intelligence, LLC
Operating system: iOS
Description: Easily record field inspection data about invasive grasses, insects, diseases, weather damage, crop deficiencies, and more. Consistently recorded inspection details allow users to precisely measure the advancement or suppression of problems.
Cost: Free
Account needed? Yes
Soybean Field Scout
App icon for Soybean Field Scout Purdue University
Available from: Purdue University
Operating system: Android / iOS
Description: Provides built-in calculators for determining plant populations, making replant decisions, estimating yields, limestone recommendations, phosphorus recommendations, and potassium recommendations. There’s even a section to add field notes.
Cost: $5.99
Account needed? No
Corn Field Scout
App icon for Corn Field Scout Purdue University
Available from: Purdue University
Operating system: Android / iOS
Description: The Purdue Extension Corn Field Scout provides built-in calculators for determining plant populations, making replant decisions, estimating yields, limestone recommendations, phosphorus recommendations, and potassium recommendations. There’s even a section to add field notes.
Cost: $5.99
Account needed? No
NDSU Pest Management
App icon for NDSU Pest Management
Available from: NDSU Pest Management
Operating system: Android / iOS
Description: Combines information from the North Dakota State University Weed Guide, Disease Management Guide, and Insect Management Guide that is grouped by crop and pest. Provides users with control options to select additional information for further review.
Cost: Free
Account needed? No
LiveFarmer Pro
App icon for Live Farmer Pro
Available from: Lily Esperance Pty Ltd
Operating system: Android / iOS
Description: A complete online farm management and quality assurance application that records and provides real time information on all aspects of a farmer’s everyday business and farming requirements. Suitable for broad acre farms, vegetable and fruit growers, and orchard growers.
Cost: Free
Account needed? Yes
Pesticide and Field Records
App icon for Pesticide and Field Records
Available from: Iowa State University
Operating system: Android / iOS
Description: Record and maintain pesticide applications, link to specific field locations using satellite mapping, and keep other important crop production information with. Use the convenient product search option to quickly identify EPA product registration numbers and restricted use products.
Cost: Free
Account needed? No

Field Data Management

App Details
Ohio State PLOTS
App icon for Ohio State PLOTS
Available from: OCV, LLC
Operating system: Android / iOS
Description: Create replicated on-farm trials to compare hybrids, fertilizer rates, stand counts, and more. Provides statistical comparisons and summary reports.
Cost: Free
Account needed? No
Climate FieldView
App icon for Climate Field View
Available from: The Climate Corporation
Operating system: iOS
Description: Connected suite of digital ag tools. Tracks rainfall, field health, nitrogen status, yield analysis, and recent activities. Includes delivery of weather information. Paid subscription required to access some functionality.
Cost: Free
Account needed? Yes
FieldView Cab
App icon for Field View Cab
Available from: The Climate Corporation - US
Operating system: iOS
Description: Digital tool for visualizing planter harvest field data while supporting field scouting, imagery, and soil data layers.
Cost: Free
Account needed? Yes
Encirca View
App icon for Encirca View
Available from: Dupont Pioneer
Operating system: Android / iOS
Description: GPS powered field documentation tool used for recording notes or photos on the spot. Share notes with local experts to help inform management decisions. Displays field boundaries, and instantly maps and organizes data with notes and photos.
Cost: Free
Account needed? Yes; Use existing account or create new
Farm at Hand
App icon for Farm At Hand
Available from: Farm At Hand Inc.
Operating system: Android / iOS
Description: Complete farm management app that allows you to manage your entire farming operation from seed to sale, anytime, anywhere via your computer, tablet, or smartphone.
Cost: Free
Account needed? Yes


App Details
The Weather Channel (Weather)
App icon for The Weather Channel
Available from: 
Operating system: Android / iOS
Description: View local and national forecasts, current weather conditions, and weather maps.
Cost: Free
Account needed? No
AccuWeather with Superior Accuracy
App icon for Accu Weather
Available from: 
Operating system: Android / iOS
Description: View minute-by-minute precipitation forecast, hyper-localized to your farm and field.
Cost: Free
Account needed? No
Weather Underground: Forecasts
App icon for Weather Underground Forecasts
Available from: 
Operating system: Android / iOS
Description: View hyper-local weather forecasts in addition to interactive radar, satellite maps and severe weather alerts.
Cost: Free
Account needed? No


App icon for Weather Bug

Available from: 
Operating system: Android / iOS
Description: Provides fast weather alerts while viewing real-time weather conditions and hourly forecasts.
Cost: Free
Account needed? No
App icon for Mesonet
Available from: Oklahoma Mesonet
Operating system: Android / iOS
Description: Get Oklahoma weather information right to your phone, including data from the award-winning Oklahoma Mesonet, forecasts, radar and severe weather advisories.
Cost: Free
Account needed? No

Additional Apps

App Details
App icon for OnMRK
Available from: KCFB &KSWCD
Operating system: Android / iOS
Description: Enter the fertilizer type, rate, amount applied, total acres, soil conditions, application method, weather conditions when applied, using a tablet or smartphone. Desktop version is needed and must have a “certified applicator id” to register.
Cost: Free
Account needed? Yes
App icon for Photomath
Available from: Photomath, Inc.
Operating system: Android / iOS
Description: “Camera” calculator that recognizes mathematical patterns and calculates a solution.
Cost: Free
Account needed? No
GPS Fields Area Measure
App icon for GPS Fields Area Measure
Available from: Studio Noframe
Operating system: Android / iOS
Description: Provides area, distance, and perimeter measurement and management. Easily share maps and acreage information.
Cost: Free
Account needed? No
Planimeter Pro for map measure
App icon for Planimeter Pro
Available from: zhong zhang
Operating system: Android / iOS
Description: Measures distance and area.
Cost: $2.99
Account needed? Yes
Ag Index
App icon for Ag Index
Available from: Monsanto Company
Operating system: iOS
Description: Get all the markets, weather, news, and exclusive agronomic advice, in one quick-to-read dashboard.
Cost: Free
Account needed? No
App icon for Ag Web
Available from: Farm Journal Apps
Operating system: Android / iOS
Description: Get the latest agribusiness news and advice. Read ag management news, farm business blogs and articles from one trusted source |
Cost: Free
Account needed? No
Real Agriculture
App icon for Real Agriculture
Available from: Real Agriculture
Operating system: Android / iOS
Description: Allows you to pick interests that are important to your operation and only see articles related to your interests.
Cost: Free
Account needed? Yes
App icon for Ag Mobile
Available from: Barchart
Operating system: Android / iOS
Description: Most complete app for accessing commodity markets, news, and weather on-the-go from the convenience of your mobile device.
Cost: Free
Account needed? No
Argus Alerts
App icon for Argus Alerts
Available from: Argus Media
Operating system: Android / iOS
Description: Provides immediate access to market moving news, intelligent analysis, and robust price assessments. Assesses spot and forward prices in the oil, petroleum products, LPG, petrochemicals, bioenergy, electricity, natural gas, coal, emissions, transportation, and fertilizer markets.
Cost: Free
Account needed? Yes
Gavilon Grain
App icon for Gavilon Grain
Available from: iNet Solutions Group
Operating system: Android / iOS
Description: Up-to-date weather, cash bids, news and market information provided by your local Gavilon facility.
Cost: Free
Account needed? No
Growers Edge
App icon for Growers Edge
Available from: iNet Solutions Group
Operating system: Android / iOS
Description: Provides local, personalized information like local cash bids, corn prices, best cash bid, soybean prices, markets, market commentary, pinpointed weather, profit manager, ag news, and more.
Cost: Free
Account needed? Yes
Farm Progress
App icon for Farm Progress
Available from: iNet Solutions Group
Operating system: Android / iOS
Description: Get local ag news, grain and livestock markets, enhanced weather, and blogs. The app directs you to the right local Farm Progress website, or you can choose your favorite.
Cost: Free
Account needed? No
App icon for Ag Wired
Available from: ZimmComm New Media, LLC
Operating system: Android / iOS
Description: Online community for farmers, ranchers, agribusiness, farm groups, ag media, freelancers, and advertising and public relations agencies. A comprehensive source of agrimarketing news.
Cost: Free
Account needed? No
App icon for AgMarket
Available from: iNet Solutions Group
Operating system: iOS
Description: Futures and options quotes, 3x per day fundamental news, domestic and international weather, key government reports and futures price charts using actual candlestick and bar chart.
Cost: Free
Account needed? Yes
App icon for Farm Week Now
Available from: iNet Solutions Group
Operating system: Android / iOS
Description: Receive the latest news, weather and price information tailored for Illinois farmers from staffs of FarmWeek, RFD Radio Network and Illinois Farm Bureau’s News and Communications division.
Cost: Free
Account needed? No
MySci Pubs
App icon for MySci Pubs Soil Crop Agron Pubs
Available from: Bravura Technologies LLC.
Operating system: Android / iOS
Description: Get the best knowledge in the agronomy, crop, and soil sciences from thousands of peer-reviewed journal articles.
Cost: Free
Account needed? Yes


Thank you to the reviewers (Dr. Bruce Erickson–Purdue University, Dr. Brian Arnall–Oklahoma State University, Jason Hartschuh, Mike Estadt, Andrew Klopfenstein–The Ohio State University, David Scheiderer and J.D. Bethel–Integrated Ag Services) that have provided constructive feedback on this publication.

Visit The Ohio State University’s Precision Agriculture website and Agronomic Crops Network for additional information on nutrient management and stewardship.

Originally posted May 25, 2018.