Objective: To know the dangers associated with riders on farm equipment and mowers.
Trainer’s NoteRiders on any power equipment are a safety hazard and should not be allowed. Address the reasons why people have riders. Stress the hazards involved with riders and how these hazards outweigh the perceived benefits of having one of more riders. (Note: OSHA gives an exemption to an extra rider on tractors and other equipment for the purpose of training). Review the true or false quiz. |
Despite the fact that most farm equipment does not have an extra seat provision, some people allow riders. Any rider for any reason is a safety hazard. An extra rider may block the driver’s view or movement. The rider may fall from the tractor, be run over, or become entangled in equipment, which could result in injury or death.
Some ways to reduce the perceptive need to carry a rider are: advanced planning of work tasks, using safety management techniques to reduce hazards, alternative forms of transportation and changing job assignments. The majority of riders are young children and account for the largest number of fatalities.
- Only one person is allowed on each piece of farm equipment.
- No riders should be enforced for lawn equipment also. Allowing children to ride on lawn equipment results in the interest in riding on bigger equipment.
- Do not let farm or lawn equipment serve as a baby-sitting service. Many children are injured each year in machinery-related incidents.
- Conduct new employee training on the ground or in a “classroom setting.”
- When additional help is needed at a work site, arrange additional transportation.
Extra passengers are problematic because they:
- interfere with the operator’s vision and ability to use the control levers.
- distract the operator.
- increase the rider’s exposure to noise, dust, and chemicals.
- increase the risk of a multiple injury incident.
Review the Following Points
- Riders on any power equipment is a safety hazard and should not be allowed.
- Many children are injured each year in machinery-related incidents.
- All drivers of farm equipment need training in a classroom setting.
- Planning transportation needs ahead reduces the temptation to carry passengers on farm machinery.
About These Modules
The Ag Tailgate Training Series was developed by members of the Agricultural Safety and Health Program in the Department of Food, Agricultural and Biological Engineering. Revised by Dee Jepsen, State Agricultural Safety Leader, with editing assistance by Lisa Pfeifer and Cody McClain.
True or False Answer Key
- T
- T
- F
- F
- F
Quiz: No Riders on Farm and Lawn Equipment
True or False?
1. Advance planning of all transportation needs is one way to keep riders off of farm and lawn equipment. | T | F |
2. Extra riders can be a distraction to the operator. | T | F |
3. Letting children ride on farm and lawn equipment is a good way to provide child care. | T | F |
4. Most farm equipment provides extra seating for riders. | T | F |
5. Two heads are better than one when it comes to making quick decisions on farm equipment. | T | F |