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  1. Close up of text on a page above a typewriter ribbon, reading, "Your hard work will pay off."

    Tackle the Big, Hard Stuff, Not the Easy Little Stuff—Your Farm or Agribusiness Will Be Better For It!

    Feb 11, 2025

    It is human nature to gravitate toward the path of least resistance. While many of us work hard, sustained focus on significant challenges often feels daunting. These are the "big, hard things" that require stepping out of the familiar into uncharted territory.
  2. View down from the ceiling of a temporary chicken housing unit that has a metal cage frame covered with plastic tarping.

    Raising Meat Chickens

    Feb 10, 2025

    What are your goals for raising meat chickens? Whether you are raising chickens for your own consumption or to sell, you should consider your end goals and budget. Producers living in city limits should contact their local government before purchasing chicks to understand the ordinances for owning chickens.
  3. View of a field with a fence running through its middle, with the right side showing grass that is shorter than the grass on the left side where livestock are grazing.

    Determining the Grazing Intensity and Move Frequency for Your Rotational Grazing System

    Feb 10, 2025

    In livestock production, grazing is an excellent tool but is highly specific to the conditions and goal of each operation. This variability in production systems has led to a discussion on what is the best way to graze for different situations. A description of the basics of continuous grazing and rotational grazing is a starting point for this conversation.